Fernando Alonso

403 2 0

word count: 338

It had been a few rough days for you before you had decided to meet with your fiancé. Not only having your period, you also got fired. After been on the plane for a few hours, you arrived in Spain. Waiting for your luggage, you turned on your phone and smiled when you recieved a message from Fernando.

Fernando<3: Hey beautiful, I am waiting outside for you. xxx

Getting to the arrivals, you walked out and smiled wide when you saw not only Fernando but also your best friend Carlos there. Tears got into your eyes while walking to them. Fernando walked to you and wrapped his arms around your waist "Ah Miel, don't cry. We will have so much fun." He kissed your cheek and wiped the tesars from your eyes. You shook your head and smiled "This is actually the best thing I had these last few days. Thank you, Nando." You replied. He smiled, knowing what you meant and let you greet Carlos. "Let's go for dinner, okay?" Carlos suggested. Both, Fernando and you nodded.

Ater dinner, you had dropped off Carlos at home before driving to Fernando's home. Fernando looked at you and smiled "I am so happy you're here. I have been thinking about the last few days and I think you are gonna like the idea." he told you while walking up to the house. You smiled "Now you made me curious." Walking inside, Fernando put your luggage in the hall before taking you to the livingroom. "Come live with me?" He asked you with a hopeful smile. You bit your lip, being a little overwhelmed. Fernando looked at you "I want to take care of you when you have your period, be there for you when you get fired and especially.. I will love you at any moment." He explained "Please say yes?" He wasn't that good with the puppy eyes but you smiled wide, knowing this was his best look what came close. Nodding, you kissed him "Yes. I will"

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