Jules Bianchi

883 14 0

word count: 321

Sitting onto his lap after getting some drinks for the both of you made you chuckle a little. Being pregnant didn't made it easier for you so Jules tried to make you feel better, every way he could. You could hear the soft sigh Jules made, when you sat down. Feeling his arms around you made you lean into his chest. "How is our little ange doing?" He asked you while he stroked your little bump. You smiled at him while laying your arms over his. "The little one is making mommy a little tired and cranky." You replied and got a kiss on the top of your head in a response. "It will be worth it, Sweet Cherie." Jules spoke soft. "Over a few months, we will be a family with the three of us." He told you.

Those words made you only worry even more. Jules was a Formula 1 driver and you always hoped he would come back without any bruises or cuts. Turning at him, you looked serious. "Don't you dare to say anything will happen in the next race." Now he not only got you to get back to but also your child. He kissed you again. "Not to worry. I promise you, Cherie." He told you with a soft but trusting voice. You sighed "What if something happens, Jules? I don't know if I can do this by myself." You admitted. Jules kept stroking over your bump and caressed his cheek against yours. "Don't think about that yet. It won't happen."

And yet, his promise was not true. A few laps into the race and Jules's car slid of the track and he crashed into the shovel. You started to cry, hoping he was okay although you knew it was not true. "You lied." you softly whispered into the empty drivers room. "You lied to me, Jules." You spoke soft before heading to the hospital.

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