Esteban Ocon

387 5 0

word count: 260

Sitting down with your favourite ice cream, you felt even worse than when you had your accident. Esteban looked at you. "You know you deserve better than him, right?" He spoke. "I don't want to sound like a jerk but I think you need to let him go." You sighed soft, shaking your head. "I don't think you are a jerk, Es. I actually told him, I deserved better. Actually someone better." You replied.

He looked surprised but curious. "But who?" Esteban asked a little unsure. "Y-you. You have been my best friend for so long and I started to get feelings for you, eventually." You blushed. Esteban nodded. "I feel the same way, Mamasita. I already have a crush on you for two years." He admitted.

You looked up at him. "Really? Why didn't you tell me?" You asked him. Now it was his turn to blush. "Because I was afraid to ruin our friendship. To ruin your relationship." He explained. You kissed him. Esteban smiled "So is that a yes?" Your cheeks turned crimson but you nodded. "Yes. I want to be your girlfriend."


Turning on the tv, you looked at him. "Which movie?" Esteban smiled "You choose, my sweet chicka." You chuckled and searched for a good movie to watch as first date. You looked at him with a smile before sitting against his chest. "I can't even imagine a better boyfriend than you, Esteban. You know me better than anyone else." You told him. Esteban kissed your cheek. "I agree but than about you, sweety."

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