I will go my own way.

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The western lands, it was my home, a land that was ruled by my father now is in the hands of my brother Sesshomaru. I leaned on the banister of the balcony I was on, watching as the people of land go about their day. I sighed as I pushed myself from the banister and went inside the palace that was home. I grew tire of the every day routine that was my life. Mother was being insufferable although I knew she meant the best in her own way. 

I went to the wardrobe and pulled out my armor and Hiaori, quickly changing into them I grabbed the sword my father had created and left my bedroom. I was tired of being stuck at home, tired of Sesshomaru thinking he knew was was best, tired of mother thinking the same. I just as strong as Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru caretaker of the palace hurried to me with nervousness. "Lady Milena! You are needed here!" he said and I turned to him with a growl.

"I will do as I please! " I say menacingly and walking out of the palace and quickly left. 

I got a good distance away from the western lands and smiled at the freedom I felt. I leaned against a tree and took a deep breath of the fresh air.   I stood there for ten minutes before leaping into the air again and continued my journey. 

Three days had passed and I stood at a spring of clear water looking into the reflection on the surface. 'Father is this what you had? Freedom when ruling the lands got to heavy for you?' I thought. The wind had picked up and I looked up to the tree covered sky in wonderment as one of my hands went to my hair. I turned quickly when I heard something come my way and came face to face with a wolf demon. 

My hand went the the hilt of my blade as the wolf stood there with his arms crossed. "You're close to my territory Mutt." he said.

I growled "Know your place Wolf." my eyes flashing red and my aura spiking.  I didn't hear him speak again, but he still had that look on his overly confident face. 

He sighed "Look just go, I have other things." 

"A wolf like you have no authority over me." I say seething at him "But I wasn't planning on sticking around anyways." I relaxed and removed my hand from the hilt of my sword. "Milena" 

"What?" he said I glowered at him "Oh! Your name, I'm Kouga." 

"A pleasure, Well I'm on my way now." I said walking away, I didn't hear him say anything not it the slightest and as I took to the air once more a smirk played on my lips. Two hours of traveling quickly I stopped and decided to just walk and take in the scenery, hearing birds flapping away into the air as I walked passed, the rustling of the trees as the wind blew by. Hearing the crunch of my feet on the ground and it brought a smile to my face. 

I stopped as I watched sun set the rays giving the sky a pinkish orange hue and it was beautiful, I stood there watching it letting the whip at my hair, not caring that it was tangling the strains. I heard something come my way from behind and I jumped out of the way turning in that direction as I landed. I saw that it was a polearm and I glared when I saw that it was demon slayer coming at me. 

"Die demon!" the human woman says, pulling the pole arm out of the ground as she ran towards me. 

"foolish Human, I've no quarrel with you! " I say using my poison whip to knock her pole arm to the side as she had thrown it again at me. She came at me with her sword and I moved away from her attack easily. "Why are you so angry?" I say and that made her stop. 

"You demons have ambushed my village and killed everyone!" she shouted throwing her poison powder at me. I jumped into the air and landed on a tree branch. 

"That is not of my doing! " I yell getting irritated. I did like her battle armor, black fashion with a bit of yellow. I knocked the pole arm aside again with my poison whip when she threw it at me for the third time. "I have no time for you." and I took off I was soon a good distance away and sighed ' what was the human problem? Her village was ambushed by demons? hmm I wonder.' 

As night settled I easily caught some food to eat and leaned against a tree to rest for the night. Two hours into sleeping something made me wake and before I could react something striked at my shoulder I growled out in pain and jumped away from the spot I had been resting. What ever that was bit into my skin and I could feel the poison seeping into my blood. In front of me was a horde of demons different in appearance, but what really got my attention was the demon in baboon skin in the branches. 

"You will die for that." I seethed pulling out my sword. 

I easily went to work on the demons surrounding this baboon creature, the pain in my arm searing as I did and when I finished them off I went for him and sliced the head clean off, only for the demon not be there. I landed on the branch he had been standing on. My breath heavy and my temper rising. I knew I had to leave this area lest he returns to try again. My mind reeling, wondering who the demon was. 'Maybe Sesshomaru knows, I must find him. ' I thought and was off once more the wound on my shoulder still throbbing with pain. 

It had been three days since I started my search for my elder brother and could not find him. I stumbled onto a small village tired and weak from whatever type of poison that was injected into me by that baboon. My body had been trying to eject it, but I needed rest to do that and at the moment could not til I found my brother. I was going to just pass through the village when I heard the tall tale sound of bear demons and I groaned. 

The bears where causing havoc on the village and I rushed into the village easily killing one bear as it grabbed the other three attention I smirked. I drew my sword and threw at the gather villagers the magic of the blade brought forth a shield protecting them from anymore harm. Bringing forth my whip I got the other two and was going for the last one, only for it to be sliced in two. I growled and quickly reacted and grabbed hold on the person neck and lifted him off the ground. 

He growled back and I glared up at him, only to notice my vision was getting blurry and the last thing I knew I was falling and I blacked out.  

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