Father's tomb

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I had been a week since I had shown Kaito our home and we were back on our journey to hunt down the last shard and during our journey we had happened upon a small town. I could tell they were trying to clean up a mess a demon had created and as I happened to see some men trying to lift a heavy pillar I went over there. "Here let me help." I said gripping one end. As soon as move pillar off the leg of another. 

"Thank you .....ah! Demon!" one of the men shouts. I backed away when one placed a pitch fork in front of me. 

"She didn't cause this grief upon your small town!" Miroku states coming to my defense.  

" A demon is always the cause and she's no different!" one said. I clenched my hands to my side, anger getting the better of me. 

"Maybe I should let your friend stay crushed under that pillar!" I sneered turning around and starting to leave. My nose caught a scent coming across the other side of the village and I didn't like it. I turned around and my eyes widen.  Coming at at run was a Tiger Daiyokai most likely coming back to finish the job. 

"Don't you dare!" Inuyasha whispers and I acted before he could and turned, meeting the cat half way and colliding with him. The villagers scurried back and stood behind Inuyasha and the group. 

Inuyasha's P.o.V 

I watched as she latched onto his neck and tearing at the fur and skin underneath it. All the while seething over the fact her scent was different. ' Damn it! She's with pup, I wonder if she knows!' I thought looking over in Kaito's direction who was trying make the villagers see reason. I turn my head back to the fight to see that Milena had taken care of the tiger demon and stood victorious over the body. 

I saw that she hadn't sustained too many injuries to cause harm to pup she carried. As she turned back to her human form and I stomped over there and gripped her shoulders staring her right in the eye. "Are you insane!" I said. 

"No. I'm just fine! I knew exactly what I was doing! Yes I KNOW!!!!" she snarled at me. "Also, I'm perfectly fine in going after Naraku for the time being. I'll know when bow out." 

"Are you going to tell him?" I said next. 

"I will, don't worry about that." she said and with that she walked away from me. She knew the whole time and still entered that fight! After that the villagers had treated us to some food and shelter for the night and as I watched Milena thank a villager of a plate of food with a gentle smile did I see that the villagers were proven wrong about her. 

By that next morning we were back on the road and I watched as Kaito was talking with Miroku about things and saw that Milena was talking with both Kagome and Sango. After an hour of walking and getting no where in finding the last shard. Until Kagura had showed up told us something and was gone. 

I could hear Milena growling from behind me, "The damn spider! Inuyasha! Come on!" she said and we were off. I watched as Milena finally told Kaito about her being pregnant when we had made camp later that evening. Could hear them argue when Kaito guided her a distance away from camp to discuss it. 

"What about the baby!" I could hear Kaito shout and then Milena growl. 

"The pup is fine! I know when to bow out when it's time to, trust me!" she had said and the two went silent. Eventually the two came back and I watched as Kaito paid a bit more attention to want she needed and her rolling her eyes. Nothing else was said by the next morning and I worried if the two were fighting and not speaking to each other. 

"Don't worry Inuyasha I'm sure they'll work it out, they always do." Kagome said coming to walk beside me. I stopped and groaned. 

"Damn it! We know where we need to go, but we can't enter it like we did last time!" I said aggravated. As we all stood there in thought I saw Milena didn't stop walking. "Damn it Kaito what the hell did you tell her last night! " I grumbled at him. 

"Never you mind." Kaito say and I groaned. 

"She......" I started to say, but closed my mouth. Instead I boinked him on the head and stalked forward. 

"Kaito, She didn't sustain a lot wounds with that Tiger demon." Sango said and Kaito sighed. I could hear them talking behind me. 

" MOVE IT SLOW POKES!" I shout and so they did and chased down Naraku scent and soon we were at my father's grave. 

Milena's P.o.V

I saw Naraku in the distance and I snarled as I saw him going towards my father and rushed forward bringing Banryuu down and using Dragon wave quickly. That gave the others time to move in and attack. I watched as Inuyasha used the attack to break Naraku barrier, but had done nothing. It continue this way for a bit til the demon of Naraku's reason of being here finally shown itself. 

We fought Naraku with everything we had and even the demon who had created the pearl that had gotten Inuyasha here the first time had been here all along. Protecting the last shard from all known existence. All I could hear was Naraku sneeringly laughing at Inuyasha. 

"I'd expect yo....." something had stopped him in mid sentence and I saw why. Sesshomaru had shown up, causing Naraku to show an inch of surprise on his face. Sesshomaru landed and punched Inuyasha and I could only raise a brow with confusion. His eyes turned to me and his nose picked it up and his eyes widen with slight surprise before he gave me a warning growl to stay put. 

He then went back to do battle with Naraku and growled myself. Both of them being overbearing to the point of annoyance. Eventually Sesshomaru had been encased with Miasma and even though it didn't bother me. I knew it would harm the pup growing inside and covered my nose and mouth. Inuyasha had set into motion of trying to crack Hosenki in half. 

I knew it wasn't working and kept my eyes on the fight in front of me. Naraku had set some of the miasma our way I growled, but only for Inuyasha to get in front of us forgetting the fact of trying to gain a new power for the Tetsaiga. He attacked Naraku and I widen my eyes when I saw him pierce through the barrier and hit Naraku with the diamond barrage. Kagome then quickly acted on using Kikyo's arrow, before Naraku disappeared completely. 

In the end it didn't work and I sighed, before anyone could say anything Sesshomaru came up to me lifted me over his shoulder and took off before I could make a complaint. The others had quickly followed. Once out of father's tomb and Inuyasha giving the last shard to Kagome, did Sesshomaru put me down. 

"Go home Milena. " he growled and I growled back. 

"I'll tell you, like I told Inuyasha! I'll bow out on my call not yours, not Inuyasha. Got it!" I said. He took hold of my arm and gently guided me away from the others. 

"I only say it because I am worried. " he says quietly making sure my back was to the others. I watched him place a hand on my stomach. "I wouldn't want you to lose the pup." 

"I'm not going to brother." I reply laying a hand gently on his. I had realized it had gotten late and I also knew we needed to distance ourselves from this place. Once we did Sesshomaru was going to leave, but I took hold of his fluff and he turned his head to me. "Stay...." I say and I heard him sigh. I knew he had silently said yes and once we had set up camp I saw that he sat down near by at the base of a tree. 

After we had ate I went over and plopped down beside him and laid my head onto his shoulder. "I've missed you big brother." I said cuddling into his fluff and immediately falling asleep. 

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