Duel to the death!

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(A few weeks later) 

After a few run ins with demons and another member of the band of seven only for him to retreat. That was two weeks ago, we came upon a small village when someone stopped us. "Excuse me! I have a letter for Lady Milena!" the man said. I raised a brow and took the scroll from the low Youkai hands and he took off. 

"Who would be asking for you?" Inuyasha said I shrugged and opened the scroll. 


My sweet sweet girl, I request your presence at home. There is an issue that is needed to be taken care of that of course you started. There's is also another thing I wish to discuss with you in person.       

                                    Love always, Kimiki. (your mother)

I groaned as I closed the scroll and clenched it in my right in anger. "I need to go, something has come up at home and as always mother won't handle it. " I seethed walking away to leave the village only for them to follow me. 

"Well we have your back, let's go." Inuyasha said. 

I sighed, "Very well. The quickest way is to travel in my true form. " I commented. We had gotten a fair distance from the village and I went into my true form and bent down to let them get on. I ran on the ground for a bit, knowing exactly where I needed to go. I then jumped into the air and traveled that way for a bit. 

We had reached the palace of where my mother resided in and once they were off my back did I transform back to my human form. "I need you guys to promise not to say a word when we go in." I said. Inuyasha looked ready to argue, but close his mouth when I gave him a deadly glare. The others nodded their promise. 

We walked into the palace and there sitting in her chair was my mother. My eyes widen when I saw the Inu's standing next to her. Lord Shisuke and his three kids were there with him. Joushiro the oldest of the three, next to him was Tatsuki the middle child of Shisuke and a hot head worse then Inuyasha. Next to him was youngest of the three Kayera the social climber. 

"Hello Mother." I greeted dryly as my companions stood a short distance behind me. I could see that Kayera was wearing a scar upon her shoulder and I smirked. 

"Milena my daughter. I'm sure you know them." she drawled her hand gliding over the four Inu's of the South. I nodded as I bowed to Shisuke, he gave one in return. He looked like he didn't want to be here, but was needed. 

"You caused some damage to my little sister, the last time you saw her!" shouted Tatsuki and I sighed. 

"That was because the bitch threw herself at me. Pup!" I growled. I heard Joushiro snigger behind a hand to kept himself from breaking into laughter. "I mean if you want the same treatment I can give it to you." I added smirking. 

"Enough!" Shisuke announced causing Tatsuki to silence. "We are here, because Tatsuki being arrogant. He has challenged you to a duel to the death." 

My friends behind gasped and Inuyasha could no longer keep quiet. " What!!! No! " he snarled coming to stand beside me. I saw Joushiro head bow, it looked like he had tried to talk Tatsuki out of it. 

"Inuyasha stand down...." I mutter quietly to him. He shook his head and growled deeply at Tatsuki for even mentioning and Tatsuki growled back. 

"If you want a fight, I'll fight you!" he said and that was when Kagome used her command of the necklace and Inuyasha fell face first. 

My mother huffed in disgust at Inuyasha, but sighed. "There's also another thing I must address." she said locking eyes with me. "There are terms to avoid this, considering Lord Shisuke and I don't want to see a child killed pointlessly. " 

"Name them, I'll decide for myself." I said coldly. 

"As you may know the terms are this, Apologize to Kayera." she states and I ended up laughing. 

"This is a joke! She provoked it in the first place! If anyone deserves an apology it's me!" I said. 

"Milena....please this is out of my father's hands! Mother was furious over this......If you don't......" Joushiro started, but Tatsuki elbowed him. 

"How sweet.....your mate is concerned." Mother said and I growled as my fingers twitched unexpectedly, baring my fangs as my aura came unleashed. 

"How.....dare....YOU! By proxy! " I snarled stepping forward. I saw her eyes widen in surprise as much as to Shisuke and Joushiro. While Tatsuki and Kayera expressed worried and terror. "I'll accept the duel! " was the last thing I said before I transformed. Shisuke sighed and went to Tatsuki and pushed him forward. 

"You have to fight my son, you caused this." he said. Tatsuki did what he was told and transformed as well. 

Inuyasha's P.O.V 

I had long ago gotten from the ground and growled annoyingly at Kagome, but what I saw before me had me concerned. "I think it best we moved off to the side. " I said knowing there was no way around this. They did so silently and turned to look at Kaito and saw his face express anger and fury.  "You alright there Kaito?" 

"No, This duel is to the death! If she doesn't win she'll be killed!" he said, I knew that. 

" Duh! I know that! That's why I tried to interfere! She is....." I was stopped from finishing that by Kaito. I growled, but close my mouth as he removed his hand. I looked onto the fight and saw that this Tatsuki fellow was bigger then Milena by a few inches and really wondered if she could win the duel. Her aura was at a dangerous high and it lashed out in waves. 

"I.....Inuyasha...." Kagome mumbled and I turned to her immediately as she collapsed into my arms. 

"Damn her aura is too strong for Kagome to resist!" I said gently putting Kagome down. I could hear the snapping, the snarling, and tearing of fur as the duel rage on. Next one to pass out from the auras of the two Inu's was Shippo and I placed him next to Kagome. " Kaito, Miroku you two think you can set up a barrier of some kind?" I added and they nodded. 

"We'll keep it up for as long as we can, but it is already trying." Miroku said. I went back to the fight that the two of them had collided against each other. Milena clawing at the other shoulders, before using her hind legs to push herself away. 

They continue to snap at each other using their respective poison when they rip into each other body

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They continue to snap at each other using their respective poison when they rip into each other body. Now I really wished Dad hadn't went away. They circle each other lunged and I saw that Milena had torn at the other's throat while he had taken a bite at her chest. She clawed him off and as she turn back around to face him growling. 

I felt her aura go down slightly and raised a brow until I saw the wound that bite had left. I turned to the other one he wasn't even standing, but still alive. "Don't you think they've had enough!" I yelled, but both of them ignored me. 

Milena stepped forward, but a voice ranged out through the whole room. "ENOUGH!" I turned my head and saw that it was some elderly fellow, but one not to mess with. I knew that by the look on Milena's mothers face.

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