Heading back to Kaede's village.

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Morning had arrived and before we packed up and headed out Sesshomaru had Kira put my hair up into a ponytail and Inuyasha made an 'oh' face. Kagome made me stay still long enough for her to check on the wound on my chest and sighed with relief. "It's healing up nicely. Although I would refrain from going into battle." she said. 

"I can try." I say, but couldn't promise anything. After that I helped Kira onto the back of Ah-un as well as Rin and off we went. We kept to the roads as much as possible keeping to ourselves. Sesshomaru had told that a human was stupid enough to think he'd get away from attacking Kira some time ago and I raised brow. I asked him if he knew what this human looked like or at least his from of attack. 

Sesshomaru went on to say the human had used poison and I hummed knowing that Sesshomaru's poison was more potent then the humans. "Please tell me you killed him." I asked. 

"I did." he said and I grinned letting him know I was happy that he did. I had ended up telling him of our encounter with a cross-dresser and how he was making googling eyes at Inuyasha. How pissed the guy was when I interfered, only to have pissed me off more. 

"The only thing is, was that he wasn't even afraid, just smug." I said lightly kicking a rock. I winced lightly and Sesshomaru stopped as I took hold of his shoulder. 

"Do we need to stop?" he asked, I shook my head and continued walking. 

"Don't fret over me I'm fine, Go check on that mate of yours." I say smiling. Pushing him towards Ah-un. He growled lightly, but did so anyways knowing I was right. I walked ahead wrapped my arms around Kaito neck from behind and slouched. My body was starting to ache and I needed a break, but I didn't want to slow the journey down. 

"Milena? Are you okay?" Kaito asked as his right hand came to lay on one of mine. I hummed as I straightened up and pulled myself away to walk beside him. "Do we need to stop a moment for you to rest?" 

"no, I'm fine." I said I stopped though when my nose caught something  in the air. "Something isn't right." 

"What ever it is, you're not getting into it." Inuyasha barked and I only growled, but knew he was right. Sesshomaru had Ah-un go into the forest to add coverage for Kira and Rin. Three lizard demons came out from brush from above them, before they could a thing Sesshomaru easily got rid of the three with his poison whip. 

Sesshomaru called Ah-un and they continued on our way. An hour into walking and I yawned no one was really talking and I was growing bored. I plopped down onto Kaito's back once more and asked for a piggy back. He obliged and hoisted me up using his staff to keep me in place. I sighed and placed my arms around his neck as I rested my head on his shoulder. 

I took in his scent and lulled me to a peaceful nap. I woke back up thirty minutes later with Miroku gently placing me down from Kaito's back. "huh? What's going on?" I say gripping Miroku robes as he placed me down. 

"We're taking a break to eat at this small restaurant. Kira is hungry and doesn't want over the fire fish." Kaito said as Miroku placed me on the bench. I let go of his robes and grip the edges of the bench. Yawning I nodded my head. "How are you feeling?" 

"Fine, though I could use a bite to eat myself." I said and Kaito nodded and went in with Inuyasha to get the food. I heard a slap and turned my head to see that Miroku had yet again groped Sango's behind. "Miroku I wouldn't cross that line if I where you." I add giggling as I thanked Kaito for the food he handed to me. 

I took a bite of the food and hummed in delight as Kira came to sit by me with her food in hand. She only smiled as she saw me kicking my feet like a small child. As I ate in peace with my sister beside me a family stopped to eat as well a man and his wife and three daughters, including one son who was no older then fourteen. The daughters all looked to be the same age of eighteen and one of them had their eyes on Kaito. 

I had just stuck the chopsticks in my mouth when the girl started flirting with him and I clenched my teeth snapping the ends off. I spat out the wood from my mouth and growled. I heard him speak, "I'm sorry, but not interested." he said trying to pull himself away from the girl. The girl urged on and I got to my feet placing the bowl down and came to stand behind the girl in question. 

"He said he wasn't interested!" I growled and she turned around in fright and stumbled into the restaurant where her family was inside. "What?" I added when I saw Kaito face. 

"You didn't have to scare the girl." he said. I shrugged and went back to my seat. After we all ate we were back on the road. After a long travel we finally reached Kaede's village and Kagome and Kira went into the hut the old priestess resided in. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to see Miroku. 

"You alright? How's that wound on your chest feeling?" he asked concerned. 

"I'm fine, and it's healing, although I wish it would go a little quicker." I say walking with him to a shady spot of a tree. Kaito walked over after getting the fresh bandages from Kagome. 

"I got it Miroku thank you." he said and Miroku nodded and left. He helped me taking the chest armor and removing the top part of the battle kimono so he could tend to the wound there. 

"Are you sure you don't want my to get Sango for this? You're blushing like mad." I say giggling and he shook his head. He took off the old bandage and saw the wound was indeed healing, but not the way I had liked. "It's going to scar, stop starring and put the new one on will you!" 

"Sorry!" he said and I laughed. 

"No need to apologize silly. I just don't like you starring at the wound it's not exactly comforting." I say as he finished. I put the top back on and moved to get up only for his arms to go around my waist and pull me back down onto his lap. I locked eyes with him and smiled "If you want...." I started to say. 

"Oh shush." he said and latched his lips with mine. I kissed him back and gripped onto the cloth of his robes as his hands latched onto my hips. I opened my mouth and battle his tongue for dominance. Eventually he won and I moaned when he left my lips to my jaw working to my neck. 

I moved my head to the side and whispered. " don't be afraid to rake those teeth of yours against my skin." He kissed the skin there and pulled away. 

"We shouldn't get carried away here." he said and I groaned, but knew he was right. I got to my feet and helped him to his and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"It's okay to be a man who knows what he wants." I say into his ear and then licking it to show my meaning. I walked away to let him think on it and went inside the hut to talk to Sango.   

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