I.....I don't understand?"

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I stood on wobbly legs as I stared at the elderly youkai at the base of the stairs. Tatsuki had long ago went back to his form as Shisuke went to him. He turned to look at me, "He's still alive thank you for sparing him!" he said. I went back to my human form myself and winced, the blows I had taken took me to knees. Inuyasha bounded over to me only for mother to lash her poison whip at him. 

I growled and forced myself to my feet. "Mother.....stop!" I snarled. 

"Kimiki! Don't you dare lay a hand on my Grandson!" the elderly shouted and I watched mother take a few steps back. I widen my eyes at the revelation and went to move forward only to fall. Inuyasha caught me before I hit the ground. 

"Milena? " he whispered his nose taking in all the blood that was around me. He lifted me into his arms and growled at my mother. She growled back, "You say you do this because you care! All she wanted was to be treated the same as Sesshomaru!" 

"Get your filthy hanyou paws off....." Kimiki started, but Sango stopped her. 

"It's clear you play favorites, you're acting like you care that this happened. You did this so Milena could be out of your way. She hasn't been home in quite some time and yet you throw your agenda on her!" Sango said and with that they had followed the old man to his place which was a good distance from the palace. 

As Inuyasha placed me down gently on a bed that the old man had told him to place me and once I was on the bed Kagome worked to see what the damage was. 

Kagome's P.O.V  

I was panicking Milena's wounds were extensive and as I removed her sword and fluff, as well as her chest armor to get to the injury that need the attention more my emotions were on high. Sango stayed with me helping me in any possible. I could feel her aura slipping away and knew the adrenaline that had been running through her was gone. 

We removed her Haori and undershirt and my fears came to realization. "Sango I don't know If I can heal this. I don't know if my medicine can help." I said tears finally falling down my cheeks. 

"Kagome Do what you can and go from there." Sango said taking my hands in hers. I nodded and we got to work and bandaging Milena up. Sango had pressed down on Milena chest to stop the bleeding there since it was the worst one of the bunch. We had finished and both of us stood over Milena and prayed. 

We left the room and rejoined the others, I was still silently crying and once I took a seat next to Inuyasha I collapsed into his arms and cried. 

"We've done all we could, the rest is up to her." Sango said holding her hands tightly in her lap. 

Kaito's P.O.V  

  I heard what Sango had said and stared into the fire. As the room fell silent with exception of Kagomes cries. "No more crying young one." The elder said coming back with tea for us to drink. "If I know my granddaughter, she'll be up and around in moments notice." 

I took the offered cup of tea, "How do you know?" I asked trying to keep my anger at bay. 

"She takes after her father. Sadly that young pup she fought with has always wanted to get his teeth on her. Although most of it is Kayera's fault to begin with. I've tried multiple times to tell Kimiki that and she simply doesn't listen to me. My name is Yokuto and it's nice to know that Milena has friends. " Yokuto says with a small smile. 

"Have you been here the whole time?" Miroku asked and the former lord laughed. 

"No, I reside mostly in the mountains further west of here. When I heard what was happening I hurried this way as fast as I could. This house here is mine that I had shared with my mate before her passing." he said 

"What can you tell us of the oldest son of Shisuke." I asked. 

"well he's the only one of three that I like. Milena and him are good friends and he's tried to get his siblings to leave her alone, but alas not even he can control the egos of his young siblings." Yokuto says taking a sip of his tea. "Granted he is the next lord of the south and is looking for mate to rule by his side, Milena and him mated would strengthen the alliance Toga created so long ago. " 

Inuyasha eyebrow twitched. " That isn't you or her mother to decide on that! " he said and Yokuto looked over at him. 

"Yes I know. I wish that I had let Toga decide, Kimiki and him were arranged to be mated and during a time they had loved each other, but something happened and Kimiki grew cold, distant, and pushed Toga away when he asked what was wrong." He says looking into his cup. I studied him and saw the look of regret on his face. "I wondered if all she wanted was the title Toga brought into the marriage, but if that was true she wouldn't have fallen for him. I'm guessing she was lonely most times from him having to leave most times to protect the lands. "

"Milena was conceived in a bout of their arguing and Kimiki does have a fault of playing favorites and sadly it's Sesshomaru. " he explained I knew it was more to himself, but said it aloud anyways. "You guys are welcomed to stay here for a long as you need their is plenty of beds and cots for you all to sleep comfortably. " he finished getting to his feet. He later said he needed to talk to Kimiki and left the house. 

I got up after finishing my tea and left the room and walked into the room Milena was in. Sweat coated her forehead as her body was extracting the poison the other Inu had caused. I picked up the cloth in the bowl of water next to bed and gently placed it on her forehead. I took in a shaky inhale of air as I sat down on the stool next to the bed. 

I sat there for I don't know how long, falling asleep laying my head on the mattress. I had woken up again when Miroku shook my shoulder. I looked up and saw his concerned face. "Kaito, she's going to pull through this." he said finding another stool and sitting down. 

"I know, it's just that she has helped us a lot since we've met her and Inuyasha has finally opened up to her. I'd......" I started, but Miroku stopped me. 

"Kaito, You love her, I get it. I could tell. " he said and continued after he saw my face of surprise. " Now most times I would have told the group, but you're my brother and at the time that I took notice she was with Kouga. You hated the fact that she chose him, of course you didn't start anything and their constant fighting had you upset. " 

"I guess there was no hiding it from my twin." I muttered and he chuckled. 

"She'll pull through she always does. Have faith." Miroku says with a brotherly smile and left the room. As night fell I hadn't moved from my spot and I could everyone moving about, sometimes coming in here to check on Milena. They made no comment on me being here and soon everyone was asleep. I leaned forward and brushed her bangs from her face and prayed that she'd make it through and laid my head back down and fell asleep. 

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