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Sesshomaru's P.O.V

I had reached the south lands ruled over by Lord Shisuke. Fury fueled me as I walked into the small, but grand town of the black Inu clan. "SHISUKE! SHOW YOURSELF!!" I shouted the people that was under him scurried away as I marched towards the holdings where Shisuke resided in. I had time to think before coming here. The treaty my father had put in place was simple and Shisuke betrayed it when his mate had tried to deliberately tried to have Milena killed. 

I threw the holding doors open and the sight before me had me rising an eyebrow. There was Rona standing over the corpse of her dead mate and two children Kayera and Tatsuki. Her body was covered head to toe in their blood. I then realized she had the special ability to send astral imagines of herself to anyone she had message to. 

"Lord Sesshomaru it is nice to see you again, under these circumstances. " she says alluringly and I snarled. 

"You will pay for acts you have done against Milena." I said and she cackled mercilessly. 

"A revenge killing gets you no where." she says stumbling over her feet slightly. I then saw the gaping wound on her shoulder. Joushiro's doing or was it Shisuke before his downfall? Though she had stumbled she lunged forward and I reacted using my hand I plunged it through her chest.

"Your people will die for what you have done." I sneered removing my hand from her chest. I knew she couldn't hear me for she was already dead. I looked around the huge room and my eyes fell on the huge whole in the roof. 'So Joushiro had stumbled upon this as well strike at his mother hoping the blood loss would kill her.' I thought walking out of the building. 

The soldiers of the clan surrounded me and I snarled and fought them, fought them all til none was standing. Not wanting to be someone who wiped out the clan left the mothers and children alive and left quickly. I tracked down Joushiro and our whips collided. He had traveled far from his home, with a deep wound to his side in the process. 

"Tell me why you didn't interfere when you could have." I snarled snapping my whip at him only for him to deflect it. 

"I....I wanted to! Believe me I did! That stupid spider......has something precious of mine and threatened that his minions would harm her if I did! " he said his voice raw with emotion. I raised a brow, but allowed him to continue. "She was taken from me when she was small pup, I had searched for her for a long time now. I had only gotten word that she had been given off to someone and I've been trying to find out who. " 

"Only for that who to hide in the shadows and allow his minions to do the work for him!" he growled " I had no idea my mother was working for the slimeball till it was too late, she killed them......and I attacked her without getting what I wanted from her." 

"This pup you're trying to find. Why?" I asked and he stared at me with disbelief. 

"It's not your concern Sesshomaru." he said and he took off and I sighed not in the mood to give chase went the opposite direction to where I left Jaken. My mind was in turmoil the eldest was trying to find a pup precious to him? Why? I wonder if the pup knew who he was if he were able to rescue her. He acted by what was told just so this pup could live? 

I growled in frustration. Something was bothering me. I knew Joushiro wouldn't have care if a pup had disappeared unless....it was his own! I widen my eyes in the realization and thought who the mother to his child could possibly be. I smelled the air and caught nothing except the smells of the earth around me. 

Joushiro's P.O.V

As soon as I got a good distance from the lands I used to call home, I stopped and leaned against at tree. 'Selira, I'm so sorry I failed to protect our pup like I had promised. I'll find them and tear them apart just to get to Hana. As for finding Menomaru.......there's no telling where he is, the stubborn boy!' I thought. Menomaru was just as stubborn as his mother, I wonder if he's out there looking for her? 

Of course at the time his mother had been ashamed and had someone block that memory and at the time I understood and took the pup to raise. When Selira came to be my mate she took in Menomaru as her own even though he wasn't. When Selira passed due to complications to Hana's birth I went to Melina and she gave me what I wanted, but couldn't give me what I craved. 

We argued and she left feeling defeated and at the time I blamed her. My heart ached and I knew then I had fallen for both Selira and Melina. Selira and Melina had been the best of friends and when Selira passed I took upon myself to try and keep an eye out for Melina, but raising two pups had taken much of my time. 

My focus was on Hana and I knew I couldn't do this alone and Hana just loved her 'Aunt Millie' and I pushed myself from the tree and headed off in direction keeping my nose out for Milena scent. I caught it after a few hours and followed it quickly. Staying to the trees I saw that it had led me to human village and I raised a brow. 'Why would she be here?' I wondered. 

I didn't have the time to pondered more of it as I dodged a sword coming my way. My eyes landed on the wielder and saw it to be the hanyou that had been traveling with Melina. "I'm not here as an enemy! " I say landing onto the ground and dropping down to one knee. The Hanyou didn't listen came at me again, only for Melina to stop him by shoving his face into the dirt by her own hand. 

"What are you doing here!" she snarled at me. 

"Hana....." I said getting back to my feet. "He....has her." I got out before losing consciousness. 

Milena's P.O.V 

With the ruckus Inuyasha caused had gotten the others attention, but my focus was on Joushiro when he mentioned Hana. I caught him as he lost consciousness making plop onto the ground with his head resting on my chest. "Joushiro? Jou! Wha...." I started and then I found it. The wound on his side. Did Sesshomaru get a hold of him? No it doesn't look like his doing. Something must've caught him off guard if they were able to get him there. 

I pulled myself to my feet hoisted Joushiro with me and dragged him into an empty hut. Kaito followed me. "You don't have to treat him." he said. I growled, as I placed Joushiro down. 

"He's not like his other siblings, and yes he didn't do anything to stop the duel, but I wonder if he had reason. " I said getting the top part of his kimono off to get to his wound on his side. 

"You should let the bastard die!" Inuyasha growled out and I sighed. As I took the bandages from Kagome. 

"I can't and I won't! " I yelled "Selira wouldn't want him gone, when Hana is expecting him to get her!" I added tears falling down my cheeks. "Hana needs him....." I mumble and got to work in cleaning his wound and bandaging it. 

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