Let it out! Fight me if you want!

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Bankotsu's P.O.V 

We were all set to face Inuyasha and group of allies, but something bothered me back on that island. The taiyoukai that had been traveling with them had shown up on the island on her own and during our fight she had me intrigued. She kept up against the island sapping at her energy. That was expected of a high class demon such as herself, I'll give her that. 

What really intrigued me was the fire in her eyes. As she stared me down, the way she joked with every swing of my blade. "Hey big brother what's the plan?" Jakotsu said pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"You already know. Inuyasha is mine, you can have the taiyoukai." I said and I heard him grumble. "Hey I'll be back I got to go do something." I add and I left. It took me a bit, but I returned to the island and found the body of the girl, the Taiyoukai was almost killed by. 

"hmm what to do with you?" I pondered aloud. I picked the body up and quickly left the island. I found a nice rose bush and dug up a hole and gently placed her inside. "I hope you find peace. for what ever that does us though." I added as I covered her grave. Why I did this I have no clue. I made it back to the others and smirked. 

"What the hell did you go do?" Renkotsu asked and I gave him a look. 

"None of your damn business." I said placing Banryuu onto my other shoulder. It was hard to see through this damn smog, but I saw her and she was in her true form. 

"Big brother you want me to fight that!" Jakotsu said incredulously and I laughed

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"Big brother you want me to fight that!" Jakotsu said incredulously and I laughed. 

"Scared?" I teased. He only puffed his cheeks. I turned back to her and was amused her aura was a lot stronger then last time and I could see why Jakotsu questioned fighting her. 'she could face Naraku pretty much on her own if she wanted.' I thought. "Alright I'll fight her for a bit, but I expect Inuyasha alive!" 

"Aww but I wanted to kill him, fine." Jakotsu says, but the Taiyoukai was on us before we could launch any type of attack her poison rolling from her mouth. She swatted Suikotsu away rather easily. ' so this is why Naraku wants her gone.' I thought as she jumped at us, only for a cloud a smoke to appear and the next thing I knew was blocking her blade with mine. 

"Where's the others?" I asked, but had gotten no response as she used poison whip on Jakotsu wrapping it around his ankles and pulling making him fall on his ass. Renkotsu used his fire making her jump away. I could tell she was pissed her aura was Red as blood and a part of me just wanted her to get to where she needed to go. 

I saw the glow of a mark on her arm and raised a brow. ' Is she doing this for someone?' then it hit me. That other demon who had died in front of her on the island. "You want to vent! Let it out! I'll fight you!" I said getting her attention. She only raised a brow before coming at me and I brought Banryuu down to slice her down only for her to grab it with her hand. 

"It's not you I'm after, human." she said swinging it to the side and making me side step. I blinked a few times in confusion. 

"Jakotsu she's all yours I see Inuyasha and I'm gonna have a bit of fun. Later." I say and I heard him groan. 

Jakotsu's P.O.V 

' Great.....I'm stuck fighting her AGAIN!' I thought as I moved away from her claws. I swung my sword at her only for her to knock to the side with her hand. ' I'm going to get big brother for this!' As I swung again towards her. Her body language was calm and collected even when she faced Bankotsu and wondered if she had something to do with Big brother being odd. 

I retracted my blade back and swung again at the same time she lunged with her poison whip. I ducked as she deflected and my eyes were wide. ' she almost got my neck!' I thought. I saw her comrades pass by us and Renkotsu immediately got into battle with one of the monks. I could hear one say something about dealing with barrier around the mountain and wonder if Ginkotsu could deal with them. 

The last time we had battled she had been smiling and teasing very much to my own way of fighting, but this time her eyes shone no merriment or jokes. " You women aren't really that much fun!" I teased and that made me dodged her whip to my face. ' Ok so she's not in a teasing mood. Got it.' I thought getting back to my feet quickly and swinging my sword at her. she batted it away once more and as I went for another attack her fingers where in my neck. 

"Even though you piss me off, I like you stay funny." she says as she took the jewel shard from my neck. 

"Glad to know someone enjoys my humor." I muttered as I died. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I went and helped Kouga with Ginkotsu  and the two of us got rid of him quickly. "Milena? " he said and I turned to him. "Don't lose yourself in the grief okay. It doesn't do any good." 

"Mind your own....." I start. 

"I'm not going to! He's dead! Get your vengeance, but move on once you do!" he shouts. I sigh and walk away. I looked over the battle field to see what else could be done and went to help Kaito with Renkotsu only for Kaito to get the job done. I turned back to the mountain and saw that Sango and Miroku had taken the barrier down, but something felt wrong and I rushed up there to where they had disappeared to. 

As I found them surrounded by demons, I quickly got rid of them. "Milena!" they said in unison happy that I was there. 

"Come on quickly!" I say and we quickly moved further in. As the events unfolded Inuyasha was able to finish off Bankotsu and as we hurried to him I saw the leader laying there. 

"Hey it's you again!" he says trying to sound cheerful. The others just raised eyebrows. "The girl on the island.....I buried her by a rose bush....." he said and he was gone. I widen my eyes at the revelation he admitted to and tears fell. 

"thank you." I say. I looked up when I heard his cackling laughter and snarled. He felt the aura rise and his eyes widen in shock. "Now that I got your attention." I say as I went to go after him only for Kouga to get in the way. Kouga being no match for Naraku had gotten absorbed. He had gotten his new body thanks to the saint of Mount Hakurei and as we were fleeing from the crumbling mountain. 

I stopped I saw Kagome plea with Inuyasha to save Kouga and I sighed. "I'll do it go!" I yell and I turn back around and went after the wolf. I soon reached him, picked him up and turned hurrying out of there quickly and as soon as we landed safely away we all watched the mountain crumble. Inuyasha had gotten word about Kikyo and had taken off and I only glared, but could not hold it against him. 

"Kaito.......I'm sorry.....I don't intended to hurt you.....Jou was......" I stuttered going to my knees. 

"Milena. I'm not holding it against you." he said.

"I can't let him go, it hurts too much. I'm sorry." I said getting back up. " I do know this! Naraku will fear my wrath!" After Inuyasha had returned feeling down trodden over the death of Kikyo and I rolled my eyes. ' she was already dead.' I thought. As we started to leave, I couldn't help, but turn my head back to the mountain. I stopped and turned my body that way, the others looking at me. 

"Milena?" Kagome asked and I did say anything as I rushed back that way. I grabbed the rocks that had fallen on top his body and pulled them away only to see his broken Banryuu. I tensed as I felt a presence in the area. 

"I leave my companion with you. " he whispered and I blinked my eyes. "Thank for trying to save my soul." I took hold of Banryuu and lifted from it's resting place, finding it easy to carry. ' will use it with great respect' I thought. I would use it strike down Naraku for making fool of a man who doesn't question anything and had put his trust in the wrong person. 

I left the ruins with Banryuu on my shoulder and as I got back to the others Inuyasha dead panned. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!!! You went back for his SWORD!!" he bellowed and I only laughed.

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