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We hurried to catch up to Inuyasha and the others, I sniffed out their scent while in my true form and went in the direction they where at. As night settled I landed and allowed Kaito to climb down before going back human form. I looked at the small village ahead and wondered what they were doing here of all places. I sniffed the air and frowned "something  is wrong Kaito." I said rushing forward with Kaito hurrying after me as best he could. 

I saw the three demons and I couldn't wait for Kaito anymore as I transformed again rage fueling my veins. As I got closer and was about to reach the demons in question they were  gone, Miroku had closed his wind tunnel before he had sucked me in and I roared my out rage. I sniffed the air trying to find the demon scent, but it eluded me. 

"Miroku!" I could hear Kaito yell for his brother and Miroku had turned to him. I roared once more in fury before returning back to my human form and falling to my knees. "Sorry we tried to hurry here!" 

"It's fine, I'm glad you're safe." he said patting Kaito's shoulder. 

Narrative P.O.V

In the far distance a father heard the cries of his child and rose to his feet to go aid the one that was in trouble. He didn't know why as he walked away from Izayoi grave the compelling need to help his child was so great, but it was. He flexed his fingers, could he be of any help in this form, he did not know. He sped off determined to find out. The pull to them overpowering his reasoning to keep away. 

As he traveled he realized that even though he was brought back spirit it felt like he was become more alive then inbetween and he sighed as the humans scurried away from him. At first they could not see him, but now, it seemed that they could. He arrived at the scene only to see that the villagers were the only ones about. He could see the marks of Milena landing here by her true form paw prints. 

He looked around frantically and sniffed the air getting her scent towards the east and rushed in that direction. 

Kaito's P.O.V 

I watched as Milena sat on the roof of the hut, Inuyasha was inside recuperating from the injuries he sustained from his own wind scar. Her rage was still on the surface and I could hear Shippo trying to cheer us up, but all of us was feeling down. I felt useless, this had happened while I was gone. ' I should have been there to help them!' I thought. Sango was recuperating from being hit by her own weapon and Miroku sat in the tree, lost in thought. 

Kagome walked out of the hut and I turned to her as well as Miroku. "He's fine, His wounds will heal, he asleep." 

"Good." Miroku said with relief. He jumped out of the tree then his eyes serious. "Something is coming." for Sango eyes had opened. I looked up on the roof and saw that Milena had disappeared from sight. Most likely to be left alone. 

"Where is she?" came a deep baritone voice and I turned in that direction to see a Daiyokai standing there. His amber eyes drawn into a serious glare. 

"I'm sorry who are you referring to?" I asked kindly, but on my guard. I noticed he didn't have a sword on him, but it didn't mean he wasn't dangerous. 

"Lad you should know who I'm referring to. I'm not going to hurt you or your comrades, I just need to see if she's alright I heard her cries." he had said. I blinked my eyes, 'I should know who he's referring to? What does he mean by that?' I thought. 

Milena's P.O.V  

I didn't want to poke my head up from the other side of the roof of the hut. I didn't want to see his face, in fear of breaking down. I had smelled him coming before he even made his presence known and it had me in disbelief. ' What is he doing alive? why is he here? ' I thought, well I knew why he was here, but it still got to me. I could hear Sango trying to get up, but Miroku telling to stay put, I could smell the nervousness coming off of Kagome as they faced my father. 

I sighed as I got to my feet and jumped down from roof. "Yes...Father?" I said as Kaito and the ones were standing turn their heads to stare at me. Tears were falling down my cheeks and I couldn't keep a straight face as I ran to my father and hugged tight to me. He returned the embrace soothing me as he did so. 

He smelled like he was alive, "What are you doing alive?" I asked pulling away finally. 

"I'm not really alive, although it looks like it. I heard your cries and it pulled me to help." he said cupping my cheek with a clawed hand. I took hold of his hand and guided him to the hut, I couldn't put what had happened into words. 

"Mil," Kagome started. 

"He needs to please understand" I say as I opened the flap that led inside the small hut. The two of us walked inside, I watched as my father eyes landed on Inuyasha and they went wide with concern. He left the hut and I followed, "Father?" he turned to me. 

"he will heal in time, I came because I heard your cries." he said his eyes soft.  

" My cries were of Inuyasha laying defeated in by his own wind scar! A demon by the name of Naraku had planned it to happen." I said aggravated turning away from father. 

"Inuyasha will be fine!" he growled " My  concern is you!" 

I whirled to face him with a look a confusion and anger. "What ever do you mean I'm fine!" 

"My daughter, how strong you hold yourself, yet not know everything that your sword can do." he said "I added something to power of your sword that your brothers do not have. It does protect like I had made it to, but I had your mother add something to it. It's not just my fang in that blade, your mother's fang is forged in there as well. Her power she gave into it..." he said and his face showed annoyance. "I don't even know why she bothered, but your sword has the ability to......" he blinked his eyes. "Damn the woman! I don't recall now. " 

Kagome's P.O.V

I watched Milena's father face as it went serious to annoyed and I couldn't help, but notice how Inuyasha looked so much like him. How Milena took after their father, not just in looks. Milena face showed annoyance just as much as her father and I giggled. They turned to me, "What's so funny?" he asked raising a brow as he sat down. 

"Nothing really, just amazed at how similar Inuyasha is to you." I replied smiling. 

"Oh! Do tell!" he said his voice light and curious. Genuinely curious of what his youngest child had been up to, who he had become friends with. I couldn't help, but tell him everything. Told him of the time Kouga had taken me and Inuyasha didn't stop til I was saved, how the many arguments we had. How stubborn he was. 

"Stubborn....yea he gets that from me." he said scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish chuckle. 

I giggled at that as he continued to listen to what I was saying.  "He's warming up to Milena, but I wish he would completely, I can tell she isn't like Sesshomaru." 

"ah, so you've had encounters with my oldest. He's just as stubborn and won't admit to anything." he said in length as he got to his feet after I was done. He turned to Milena. "Your mother bestow the power of being able to speak to love ones long passed whenever the living can't give you the answer." 

".......I've never been..." she started but he finished. 

"It's how you were able to summon me, and yet for some reason my soul won't return." he said " This Naraku seems like trouble, but I'm afraid I can't help you with him. I leave that Inuyasha and his new found friends, but if you ever require my advice, do not be afraid to call on me. " He explained, "Milena my daughter, you are just as strong as Sesshomaru, all you have to do is believe." 

I saw that his eyes were soft and filled with fatherly pride. He was proud of Milena and rightfully so, he said his good byes, transformed and was off. I turned to Milena and she had a smile on her face as well as joyful tears. 

"I believe his soul will return in time. I just don't want him to go just yet." she said clutching her sword close to her.   

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