You foolish spider!

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Kouga had walked me all the way to Kaede's village and told me to stay home. I watched him leave and headed back to the house Kaito and I shared. As soon as I walked into the house something felt wrong and before I could act something hit me over the head and I was out cold. When I woke back up I growled and my nose caught something in the distance and saw that it was Inuyasha and the others. Using my poison claws I slashed at him causing him to jump back taking me with him and I used that momentum to jab my hand into his chest. 

I could hear Inuyasha, Miroku and Kaito screaming my name as Naraku pressed me against him tightly. I struggled to get out of his grasp as my eyes landed on Sesshomaru, pleading for him to come save me. My other hand gripped my sword at my waist and tried to get it free, but couldn't. Naraku kept them all at bay while I remained in his grasp. 

I couldn't turn in fear of it doing something to the unborn pup growing inside my womb and my protectiveness to keep it safe kept me from giving up from the hold Naraku put me in. It had looked to me that Sesshomaru had gotten left arm back and just when I thought everything was going to end bad for me, Naraku let me go with a pained grunt escaping his lips. I landed into a pair arms and I opened my eyes to look and saw that it was Joushiro. 

I gasped and looked up seeing who was keeping Naraku at bay. "Selira!" I gasped in surprise her face contorted in fury as she relentlessly attacked the foolish spider. I turned back to Joushiro as he held me protectively in his arms. "I don't get it....How?" 

"You called for us Millie." he said tossing me onto his back as he turned into his true form.  I saw that Selira had done the same. "Hold tight Millie" I heard Joushiro say. 

"Alright. " I said and I did what I was told as he lunged forward towards Naraku, giving the others to do the same. Eventually Selira and Joushiro were pushed back and as they landed on their feet I moved and jumped onto Selira's back. I watched as Joushiro moved forward relentlessly not having to worry about my well being. 

She came to stand beside Kaito and leaned down for me to get down and I did so. "Kaito meet Selira, my best friend." I said and he only smiled letting me know he met her before and I raised a brow.  

"Keep her safe!" he said as he moved forward. I went to stand under Selira as she remained in a defensive stance. 

"I should be fighting." I say after a bit. 

"It wouldn't do you any good Millie. I also wanted to say thank you for saving Hana. " she said and I turned my head away. 

"I didn't, not really, she should be alive right now." I said as I watched Joushiro rip one of Naraku tentacles right off before it reached Kagome.  I watched in amazement as Sesshomaru gave aid to Kaito and the others as I felt Selira lift me up and jump away from an attack aimed at us. The fight went down to Kagome and Inuyasha and soon Naraku was defeated and when Selira and Joushiro went back to their human forms I hugged them to me. I felt each of their hands touch my stomach protectively. 

"We love you Millie and the little pup growing inside you. " they said and I felt a surge of aura enter me and realize it was Selira's. 

"My gift for your little one." she says  and I watched as the two of them each gave me kiss on the forehead and disappear. Tears welled up in my eyes and I turned to my little brother with a smile plastered to my face. It was short lived as something pulled Kagome into a dimensional plane of  existence and Inuyasha tried to reach Kagome, but it was too late. 

We stood there in baited breath waiting to see what would happen next and when it did I realized the jewel had been destroyed and when Kagome came into view her expression was a sad one. She talked to Inuyasha saying she had to leave saying that her destiny was done and I could see it, she was fading. I could hear her say she would find a way back and come back to Inuyasha and he believed her. 

Everyone did. I smiled lightly and sighed with exhaustion until I felt arms around me and knew it was Kira. She looked like hell, but wasn't too much hurt from the battle. "We'll see your sister again I promise. " I said. She already knew that as Sesshomaru scooped me into his arms and I could only bury my head onto his shoulder as sleep finally claimed me. 

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