Recover/ Reunion

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I ran didn't stop, couldn't stop until my leg demanded it so and I looked around quickly and found a cave to stay in. Once inside I sat down and exhale with relief. I clenched at my haori and laid back my head touching my fluff as I allowed my legs to stretch out. The wounds started to heal and I sighed with relief, but could not relax. The noise of the rain echoed into the cave and lulled me to uneasy sleep. I woke up two hours later with someone touching my shoulder and I opened my eyes and found brown orbs staring at me with concern. 

I growled as I moved to sit up, only to fall back down. " you shouldn't move sister, you'll only agitate the wound more." the man said and I looked at him. He smelled like a wolf, how did I not smell him before. I heard someone come in and took in the scent and saw that it was wolf again and growled. "Ginta you're back. Got the herbs?" the one who had stayed with me say. 

"yea Hakkaku I did." Ginta said handing the herbs to said Hakkaku. He moved to apply it to my chest, but stopped him, by grabbing his wrist. 

"No need they're healed I just need to rest leave me alone." I said shoving the wolf away from me and sitting up once more. 

"But sister!" Ginta said looking worried as I moved to stand. 

"you wolves need to mind your own. " I said going to the mouth of the cave. The rain had stopped and I sighed with relief. These wolves had the same scent as Kouga and wondered if the man was close by. 

"He doesn't know we stopped here to get out of the rain, we stumbled upon you." Hakkaku said as if reading my thoughts. So they were part of Kouga's pack. "he's busy trying to track down leads on Naraku." 

"Of course he is......" I started, but stopped when I started tearing up once more. "Look I got to go, if you guys see Kouga, don't tell him you saw me please." and I left hearing the young wolves shouted for me to come back. My body screamed for me rest to gather back my energy, but I had already done that for at least two hours and I knew that. I traveled a ways and saw the distant sign of the fire that was Kiara in her big form and wanted to avoid that at least for now. 

I would have if I hadn't been knocked out of the air, by another Inu and I growled. 'Inu from the south just my luck.' I thought as I caught a branch of a tree to keep me from hitting the forest floor below. "Just my luck, hello Kayera. " I say as I saw her eyes glare at me. She didn't say anything as she transformed and went at me and I growled and transformed myself meeting her in the middle. 

Sango P.O.V 

Kaito and I had decided to track down Milena on the back of Kiara. Kaito had her sword in his hands as he scanned the sea of trees below us, I was doing the same. "Kaito what if she doesn't want to be found?" I asked feeling a little down. I heard him sigh before he spoke. 

"If she didn't want to be found she wouldn't have left her sword behind." 

That was true, I wouldn't leave my boomerang behind if I wanted to leave everything that had happened behind me. Kiara moved her head to the direction behind us "What is it Kiara?" I asked and she moved to go back the way we came, only to land on a cliff side and growl. I climbed off her back along with Kaito and strained my eyes to see what she had sensed. I felt two demonic auras in the area and had only assumed two demons were going at it for most demons are territorial. 

Then I saw it two huge dog demons clashing against each other. "Sango, There's Milena." Kaito said pointing to the white one compared to the black one she was facing. Her teeth were buried into the other shoulder as her claws dug into the black fur. I could see the wound on the back right leg and grimaced. Eventually the fight didn't last long as the black one took off, but not before the dog had inflicted a wound to Milena's shoulder as well when she had a hold of it's shoulder. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I winced at the wound Kayera had inflicted when I went back to my human form and land on my feet on a rock face. My hand went to the wound and knew her poison was work. "Stupid bitch" I muttered as I heard Sango and Kaito running towards me. 

"Milena! There you are! We've been looking for you!" Sango said sounding relieved. I sighed as I graciously took my sword from Kaito. 

"I needed time away, I'm sorry I had the two of you worried." I said now leaning on Kaito, he placed an arm around my waist to support me. They quickly moved to the back of Kiara and took off away from the area and didn't stop til we were back with the others. By that time I had slumped forward resting my head on Sango's back and when Kiara landed, Kaito gently got me down and carried me to where the others had made camp. 

"What happened?" Miroku asked as Kagome went to patch me up. 

"She ended up getting into a fight with another Inu demon. Fight didn't last long considering the other ran off." Kaito said as he sat down. 

Kaito's P.O.V

The wounds she had sustained from Inuyasha were mostly healed from what I could see. I could also tell the poison the other Inu had inflicted was going away, but the wound around it needed to heal. I watched as Sango aided Kagome with anything and I pulled Miroku away so he wouldn't peek at anything he wasn't suppose to see. 

"How did you guys find her?" Miroku asked me and I sighed. 

"We almost didn't, if it hadn't been Kiara we probably wouldn't have." I said sitting my back facing the girls. 

"Well I'm glad you did. Inuyasha was wondering about her before he left." Miroku said and I nodded, that much was clear.  A loud growl was heard and I turned back to were the girls were, Milena had sat up and growled at Kagome for applying medicinal herbs to her shoulder. 

"That stings! I don't need the medicinal herbs!" she growled, but was forced back down by Sango. The look terror on Kagome face proved that Milena eyes a glowed red and teeth baring. 

"Kagome keep applying the medicine, she'll thank you later." Sango said and Kagome snapped out of it and continued applying the ointment. Soon her work was gone and Milena was asleep, the girls got up and walked to where Miroku and I stood. 

"It'll heal up in no time." Kagome said and I nodded. I looked over that way, her face was hidden, but I still saw the tear fall down her cheek. 'The events of what happened with Inuyasha is still fresh on her mind.' I thought as we all sat down to rest for a bit. 

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