What are you saying!?

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After a few days of traveling, we got caught in a heavy storm and Kouga pulled me to him and guided me over to a over hang on the side of a cliff. He sat down pulling me onto his lap since the over hang only really covered one person. I was tired from the walking and rested my head onto his shoulder as I placed a protective hand on my stomach. 

"Kouga, Thank you for doing this. I know you didn't have to." I said after a length of silence. 

"It's fine, although I still don't believe in this whole prophecy thing." he says and I chuckle dryly. "Your hair looks better in a braid then it does a ponytail." he added. 

"My father was famous for his ponytail." I remark yawning. 

"Sleep Millie I'm sure the rain will pass soon." he said and I did so, I felt him pull me closer to him and listening the falling of the ran and his racing heartbeat did I fall into a light slumber. Two hours had passed and I woke back up still in Kouga's arms, but we were in motion. I clung to him and he looked down. "Look who's awake. " he joked lightly and I puffed my cheeks at him. 

"You could have woken me when the rain stopped, could you put me down?" I asked and he did so. 

"I didn't want to bother your sleep, you looked peaceful and it looked like you needed it." he said as we walked beside each other. "So what are you going to ask the lady when we reach her?" 

"To be honest I don't know. I guess try and find more answers to her lurid words. " I say "My very first one was years ago. " he looked my way then. 

"What she say then?" he asked. 

"I don't remember all of it, just that I would fall in love with a human and a wolf and that an evil will take one away." I said " Like I said it was long ago, so that might not be the right wording." 

"What confuses me is the one who will understand the meaning. What does that mean?" Kouga asked. I shrugged not knowing myself. 

"I'm assuming it's Kaito " I reply and I heard him move grabbing me and jumping away from the trail right when a lizard demon striked there. "Thanks" 

"Like I said I'm always going to be there to protect you." he said landing on his feet and placing me down. " I'm going to take care of that real quick stay right here." I nodded and Kouga quickly went to work on getting rid of the lizard. 

As soon as he did we were back to walking. After some time we had arrived to the cave Mukasha resided in and I walked in careful of where I stepped. "Mukasha! I need to speak....." I started, but she had shown up right in front me and placed her hand onto my forehead and I lost consciousness. The last words I heard was Kouga yelling at the old bag before blackness claimed me. 

(What Milena is seeing)   

I saw a tall man standing under a cherry blossom tree with a small 3 year old girl in his hands. A huge grin on both of their faces as I heard the splash of water dropping onto someone and a squeal of surprise. I widen my eyes as I recognized the squeak. It was my voice and the man standing under the tree was Joushiro. 

'Jou was never the one who was to die!' I thought coming to that realization. I watched on as my older self stomped over to the two, intending to scowl at them, but started grinning herself as she came and embraced Joushiro lovingly. I couldn't see why they were standing under that tree til I did and I gasped. 

There stood a small shrine dedicated to Kaito. I covered my mouth to block out my tearful gasp and shaking my head in disbelief. I heard Joushiro speak to the little girl in his arms. "Alright Kaiya you can place your flowers down now." and I watched as Jou put the girl down and she wobbled on her little legs to the shrine. 

As she placed the flowers and formed her hands into a prayer I could hear the words she spoke. "Uncle Kaito, Even though I do not know you, Thank you for always having my mommy's back and keep faithful watch over us."  This couldn't be true! This wasn't what happened! I watched in dismay as I saw my older self and Jou smile gently at the girl before she left to go play. 

I watched as the two of them said their words of gratitude and love before turning to each other. "I miss him Jou," I heard myself say while clinging to Jou's arm. 

"I know Millie, but he hasn't left your side." he said kissing the side of her head. 

The world went black and I woke from my dream and got to my feet against Kouga's wishes. Snarling I grabbed Mukasha by the neck and lifted her up off the ground. " You're telling me that Kaito was the one that suppose to die! Not Joushiro!" I growled my eyes turning red and my aura boiling under the surface. 

"You...were.....never.....destined....to........be.....with.....the ......human...." she choked out and I dropped her. 

"Why! Why must you be so cruel!" I said the tears falling down my cheeks through the anger I was feeling. 

" I am not, Selira was the one who was suppose fall for the human Mistress, not you. Joushiro by fate was your soul mate. " she said. 

"Well you got it wrong old hag!" Kouga said snarling. 

"she isn't wrong, it just went on a different route." I say my heart breaking. ' I love Kaito more then anything, but why does my heart race at the thought of both of them? ' I thought. 

"Your heart beats for two loves my lady. Both for Kaito and for Lord Joushiro. Fate will play a twisted turn and you will have to be prepared for it. The fourth shall strike and you will not like it." she says and with that she says no more. 

"What will Naraku do that I will not like!?" I shout and she turned back to me. 

"Whatever thinks it's Naraku?" she says and with that she was gone. We left the caved and traveled a fair distance away from it before I collapsed into Kouga's chest in exhaustion. He walked us to the shade of a tree and sat down allowing me to rest my head against him. 

"Don't let the words of the old hag to get to you." he said. 

"It doesn't matter either way Kouga. She's never been wrong, but she has never really told me how it would unfold. What scares me is the thought that Jou and Kaito's roles where supposed to be reversed and I honestly don't think I could handle another death. " I said

"Are you saying that there's a chance Kaito will still die for you?" he asked. I nodded telling him Mukasha's vision where never wrong regardless of the route it took. I gently placed a hand on my stomach and smiled fate might've handed me a different hand in life, but I wouldn't take it back for the world. 

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