The journey continues

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A week had passed since Sesshomaru had unexpectedly shown up and during that time Sango and Kira had caught up with each other, Sango telling her what had happened. Telling her that it was all the doing of Naraku. Kira was upset with this, they didn't blame for that. She had also went with Kagome to her time for a couple of days to see her mother and family again after being gone for so long. I could assume everything was going well with that as I sat on the hill overlooking a river. 

I turned my head when I caught the scent of Kaito sitting down beside me. " is the strange behavior of bear Daiyokai still bothering you?" he asked. 

"yes Telkade was normally passive when it came to humans, he couldn't say that for his kin, but he normally left the humans alone. I said letting go of a strand of grass I had been messing with. I looked at him starring down at his right hand and I raised a brow. "Is your wind tunnel bothering you?" 

" Not really......I....I just want it gone, in order to do so I have to get rid of Naraku." he said "If I don't it will eventually kill me by sucking me into it. " 

"That is cruel of him to do, why do that what grievance did you do?" I asked the only thing I was going to do was sink my teeth in for poisoning me. 

"It cursed onto my grandfather long ago, the curse moves onto his firstborn and so on. At least that was to Miroku and I's understanding. " I heard him answer. "As for what my grandfather did, that story is still unclear." 

"So Naraku did that for no apparent reason? He is foolish if he thinks he'll get away with it." I said standing and patting the loose grass off my pants. "Let us go, Inuyasha and company will catch up in due time." I offered him a hand up and he took it as I got him to his feet. 

"What will you tell them?" he asked and I simply told him I was going to look into Teldake strange behavior by talking with bears mate Sayora. As we found Inuyasha I told him what Kaito and I where going to do and he huffed, but understood. We were off and as we traveled the route to get to the den of Teldake and Sayora Kaito spoke up. 

"You're a lot stronger then you let on." he said and I chuckled.

"Not really, but I guess so, I mean I had the training from my father and later my brother after father had died. I'll never get to the point where I'm equal to Sesshomaru." I said as I matched my pace with Kaito's. 

"Why compete with your brother?" he said and I looked at him as we walked. 

"Compete? I'm not......" I started and then thought about it. 'am I jealous that Sesshomaru is stronger than me? I can't be, I know my limits. Father had told me I would always be strong, but you have to know how far you can go and know what those limitations are.' "I'm not competing Kaito, I just know my limits." I finished 

"Ah, I just thought..." he started, but I only smiled. 

"I know, it's fine it's okay to ask come on let's get this done, grab hold " I said bringing up the fluff and he took hold of it and I leaped into the air. After five minutes in the air and with Kaito silent as a mouse and I turned my head slightly. "something wrong?" 

"No, I just didn't know you could fly." he said. I only chuckled. 

" I can for a period of time in this form. No worries we're almost there." I said "Although you need to stay close to me at all times and don't say a word, Telkade might be gone, but his mate is no push over." I saw him nod and the next few minutes had gone by with silence. I landed and waited for Kaito to situate his feet back on solid ground. The air smelled heavy with bear and it bothered my nose. As we got closer to the den I saw Sayora walk out, she looked annoyed and angry, but did not react to what she was feeling. 

"Well if it isn't Lady Milena of the Western lands." she said her head held high. "Here to take my cubs?" 

"No, I just came to talk about Teldake, it was unfortunate that his death was done by me, but he left me no choice. " I said solemly "What I came to ask is why was he acting so strangely?" 

"I have no idea what you mean by strangely Inu, but he was just fine when he left here." she said growling " He left here to find you actually, said that you would know what to do with our unexpected guest." 

"Unexpected guest? I don't understand......" I started to say til a shadow of figure approached from the cave that was her den. I hardened my eyes to try and look passed Sayora only to notice that it was male and his hair was pulled back. I sniffed the air and caught hint of Inu, but nothing else. 'is it one of my people?' I thought as I heard Kaito move from behind me. 

"We are extremely sorry for your loss." he said bowing and I growled lightly, I had told him not to speak. 

"you brought a human here!" Sayora roared and as she moved forward to attack Kaito, I got in her way tossing her back onto her backside. 

"You touch him, I will kill you were you stand!" I growled baring my fangs at the female bear. "We came to apologize and ask about Telkade and we have, I am sorry, but I can not help your refugee, I must be going. Come Kaito we are done here." I got Kaito on his feet and leaped into the air quickly. 

Toga's P.O.V 

I leaned onto the wall of the cave holding my side, smiling when I saw my daughter. She had taken notice of me, but hadn't recalled my scent clearly to know it was me, through all the scent of bear in the area. What really warmed my heart was her quick reaction to protect the human she had been traveling with. "you shouldn't be up from your sick bed." I heard Sayora say gruffly. I could tell she wasn't happy that Milena had tossed her on her backside. 

"I'm well enough to walk for a bit. Sayora I'm sorry about Teldake, I have no idea how I am here, but we were good friends, I only hope my children can find out why he acted the way he did." I said seriously. 

"save it." she said sitting down " If you want to leave, I won't stop you Toga. Know this your spirit will go back to the other world once you finish whatever it is you wanted to finish." 

"Very well, I can tell, I over used my welcome. I hope in time you can forgive my child." I said giving her a quick bow. I left the den and took to the air quickly going to grave site of Izayoi. 'I'll be back to you momentarily....there is something I must help Milena with.'

Kaito's P.O.V 

Milena had landed after a bit and put me down. Something was bothering her, but I dared not ask not til I knew it was okay. She paced and growled, not at me more so what was assaulting her mind. I had seen the silhouette at the cave entrance myself, but did not know who it was. I waited ten minutes til I spoke. " Is the silhouette in cave entrance is what bothering you?" 

She turned to me. " No...and yes, I do not know!" she said growling once more and then sitting down in a huff. Teldake was a good friend of my fathers, he must set out to find one of us. Sayora says it was because the refugee she had been taking care of, but I'm not sure." 

"I'm sure we can figure it out." I said giving her a kind smile as I sat down beside her. She only hummed as she looked up to the sky. Few minutes went by and she got back to her feet and I knew we needed to catch up with Miroku and the others, but I didn't know how we could quickly, til Milena had transformed and motioned for me to get on. I did so and she took off and I held on for dear life. 

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