Kaito,Love me, Love me for me

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(Three days later)

I had left the hut after seeing to Joushiro and saw that no one was around. I took in Kaito's scent and followed it. I found him at the lake and I raised brow. I walked towards him only for him to turn his head and give me a cold glare. I gasped at the coldness there and took a step back. "Kaito...." I started, but he stopped me. 

"Why! He didn't deserve your kindness. The duel could have been stopped if he had acted." he said his voice unusually cold. "Why did you treat him? Why show kindness to a man whose brother almost killed you! You say he isn't like his siblings, but he's the worse kind. He comes to apologize on his brother expense and you accept it freely!" 

"Kaito, this isn't fair.....It's in the past. I....." I say stopping myself when Kaito kicked a rock. 

"It's in the past? what about right now!" he said and I bowed my head. I didn't want to tell him Joushiro and I had history, that he was my first in a moment of weakness when Father had died and that Joushiro came back when Selira had passed away. 

"He......" I started, but turned my head when I heard something to my left and looked that way. " You two go bark up a different tree!" I add snarling at Inuyasha and Miroku, my aura spiking dangerously at them. They scrambled to their feet and darted off. 

Once they were gone Kaito turned to me fully. "He what Milena?" he asked 

"There is a lot you don't understand Kai, I've been around for a lot of years. A lot that I don't have to answer to, but if it makes you understand. Joushiro and I have history together! " I shout " It was during a time of weakness for me! He was my first and at the time I probably shouldn't have done it, but there it is. Selira was my best friend growing up and a few years after Joushiro and I did that, she fell in love with Joushiro and I kept clear. The two mated and had a wonderful relationship, but it fell apart when she died suddenly due to complications of the birth of their Daughter Hana. " 

"He came to me in his moment of weakness and I gave it to him. I shouldn't have, knowing we had talked about never doing it again. Afterwards he admitted to falling for both Selira and I and I told him I couldn't be the one to heal that hurt he was feeling. We argued for hours after that and he left blaming me. I knew he didn't really blame me, but he was grieving and so I took it. I helped Joushiro with Hana until he didn't show up and I never seen him again after that til the duel." I explained sobbing as I fell to my knees. "I was never in love with him Kaito, I'm in love with quick- witted monk who is starring at me with cold eyes because I decided to treat a man who needed it. "

Kaito's P.O.V 

My whole body was in shock after she told me and I knew I had no right to be that cold towards her. Sure she knew I had my  reasons, but I had no right to take it out on her. I took a tentative step towards her and she snarled at me. She got up and walked away and I stood there not knowing what to do. After a bit of time I took the path back to the village and saw her walk into the hut. 

I looked down at my right hand and sighed with frustration. "First fight huh?" Miroku says coming to stand in front of me. 

"shut up Miroku." I seethed. 

"You have been giving her the cold shoulder for the last three days." he said and I turned to him. " She hasn't done anything that anyone here would've done ourselves. We're not perfect and she isn't either. Sure they might've had a fling, but that was a LONG time ago. Sure it also doesn't excuse the fact he didn't do anything to help her on that day, but she isn't holding it against him. You are." 

"You would have done the same." I said glaring at him. 

"Sure, but I wouldn't have taken it out on her. Not unless she was also at fault." He responded. " I suggest doing something, Milena might be forgiving, but she isn't one to hold out hope for too long." After that he walked away. I turned to look at the hut in question, but couldn't think for too long because Joushiro had stumbled out of the hut with protective anger on his face. 

Joushiro's P.O.V 

(Thirty minutes earlier)

Milena had came into the hut in tears, I could smell the saltiness of them before she had stormed in. "Millie? What..." I started as she silently checked on my healing wound. I sat up and stopped her. "What is wrong?" I said more sternly as I cupped her cheek. She took hold of the hand there and pulled it away gently. 

"I don't want to discuss it." she whispers. She finished her work and went to sit in a corner, pulling her knees up to her chest. 

"Milena....I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I was for blaming you all those years ago. " I said. She looked over at me in surprise, but waved it off as nothing. "It's not nothing Millie, I let that fester for far too long. I shouldn't have and I regret it. I know you don't feel the same, but I promised Selira to watch over Hana and you and I've done a terrible job at both. I want to make it up to you, in any way possible. I owe you that much. " 

"You owe me nothing Jou." she said at last. "I just got into an argument with someone. I ended up telling him everything." She broke down and told me and I growled getting to my feet much to her protesting. I stormed out of the hut and saw the one person I wanted to see. I heard Melina behind me scrambling trying to stop me. 

I was getting closer til I felt her hand wrap around my long hair and she pulled yanking back back and falling on my ass. "He isn't worth your anger." she said starring down at me while I stared up. Chest heaving I got to my feet and dusted the dirt off. 

"I'll let you handle it then." I said and walked back to the hut. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I sighed as I plopped onto the ground, not knowing Kaito had came up to me. "Milena....I'm sorry." he said I looked up and saw the sincerity on his face. 

"Kaito? Love me, love me for me!" I say and I got up and embraced him tightly to me burying my face into his robes taking in his scent. I heard him drop his staff and return the hug. " I love you Kai, I don't have a doubt about it. My heart races every time I see you and it hurts when you turn me away." I add as I pull away. 

"Milena, I'm sorry, I am only human." he said and I gave him a stern look. 

"A human who carries this Inu's heart " I say cupping his cheeks with my hands. I didn't let him speak for I capture his lips with mine. 

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