"Don't! She's......"

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Sesshomaru P.O.V 

I had wanted to return home for a short moment to gather some supplies for Kira and Rin. When I heard a low key demon whispering to another about duel with the south Inu clan being defeated by a member of the west. I moved along quickly and asked Ah-un to do the same and we reached the western lands and I smelled the faint scent of blood at the palace, mother lived. "Stay here " I say and hurried to the palace only to see mother was fine and was having her servants clean the floor in front of her. 

"Oh Sesshomaru! You are home! " she said joyfully and I growled as Milena scent entered my nose. 

"What have you done?" I asked and she raised a brow in confusion. 

"I've done nothing my sweet boy." she replied and I only growled again and turned around to follow Milena scent. I motioned for Ah-un and it followed silently. I had only came home because Kira needed a place to stay for her ever growing condition. I stopped at the house Milena was in and realized it was grandfather old place. I walked up the steps and opened the door and to my surprise Inuyasha and his companions were there. 

"Milena....Where..."I started to demand, but just walked passed them to the room she was in. I laid eyes on the human in the room and growled. 

He turned his head to me. "She needs to rest, not be bothered by your hot temper." the human said. 

" Leave...." I said "I need a moment" he nodded and left the room. Tossing my chest armor aside, walking to the other side of the bed. I sat the the edge of her bed and stared down at her. My eyes hard, why would she accept a duel to the death was beyond me. I knew I was exhausted trying to get here, but my worry for my sister had overturned that. I laid down beside her and pulled her to me as I got comfortable. 

She was clammy and her brows were knitted together. I could tell she was fighting off the poison of the other Inu and trying to stay alive. I growled lightly before brushing her hair away from her face again. I laid my head down and the exhaustion I felt finally took hold of me and I closed my eyes to sleep. 

Kaito's P.O.V

 I watched as Kagome was excitedly jumping up and down at the prospect of becoming an Aunt and I could only chuckle. It was short lived as her eyes landed down the hall to the room Milena was in. "She should be celebrating this with me." Kagome mentions. 

"Kagome she will. " Kira said placing a sisterly hand on Kagome's shoulder. "I've been meaning to head back to Kaede's village for the remainder of my pregnancy, but Sesshomaru had heard of a duel between two clans and came straight here." 

"There is another room you can sleep in if you need to rest." I say and she nodded. 

"Not before I eat first." she states thanking Kagome for the already cooked instant Ramen she handed to her. I watched as Inuyasha went down the hall to check on Milena and my guess to see what Sesshomaru was up to. Only for him to stand stock still in the doorway of the room. 

Inuyasha's P.O.V 

I had stood still when I came upon the doorway to the room to see that Sesshomaru had climbed into the bed with Milena and had fallen asleep. I walked into the room and sat down on the stool by the bed. I was slightly surprised that he was asleep. With as little movements as I could I took the cloth that had been Milena's forehead and and dipped it into the water ringing it out and putting it back on her forehead and sat back down. 

I growled and got up from the stool and walked out of the room. As I walked past Kaito and the others heading for the front door. "Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted at me walking out the door too to stop me. "SIT!!!" 

I hit face first into the ground and I growled in irritation.  I lifted my head only to see a pair of feet that wasn't there before standing in front of me. "I apologize did I come at a wrong time?" the male voice asked and I growled even more menacingly once I figured it was one of those brats from earlier. 

"You have some nerve showing your face here!" I seethed finally getting to my feet. 

Joushiro raised a brow, but sighed. "I have tried to talk Tatsuki out of this! Mother and Kayera only made it worse by encouraging it. " he said his voice calm. 

"You think I give a rats ass about you trying to talk them out of it! You claim to be good friends! Yet you allowed your stupid brother to fight her regardless!!" I shouted dragging the company outside to see what the issue was about. 

"I know you're angry and I get it! I only came to apologize to Milena!" he said his voice slightly raised.  

"He does have a right......So do I!" Sesshomaru growled and I turned my head to see Sesshomaru at the front door his face livid. Kira must've went and got him. 

"Look I'm not here to start anything. Tatsuki should have never challenged her, I told him this." Joushiro said getting irritated. 

"You're the older brother, you could have easily subdued him and none of this would have happened." I heard Kaito say. I looked back a bit surprised. " What's worse is you claimed to be her friend! " 

"What part of my mother and Kayera urged it on do you humans not get!" he growled. 

"Tatsuki is afraid of you Joushiro...." I turned to the house once more to see Milena leaning against the frame against Kira's wishes. "you are..." She took in a deep breath before speaking once more. "You've battled many enemies in your lifetime then he has and he knows you can destroy him." 

Milena's P.O.V 

I stepped away from the door frame and down the few steps onto the dirt path. Sesshomaru hand went to my shoulder, but I batted it away. I walked til I stood in front of Joushiro. "You need to get back inside Milena!" Inuyasha said and I turned and snarled at him. 

"I will not be babied!" I growled. 

"Milena I'm so sorry for the stupidity of my brother." Joushiro said his face soft. I was going to speak, but had fallen forward and Joushiro caught me. "You need to get back inside. You've reopened your wounds." he added. 

I could only growl lightly at him as I felt Sesshomaru behind me and lifting me up into his one arm. "You need to leave Joushiro." he said and he nodded and left. He had turned around to take me back to the house only for his hold to slip slightly and I felt myself fall from his grasp. Only I didn't hit the ground below me and two arms were wrapped around me protectively. 

"I got you" Kaito said as he carried me back to the house. I didn't say anything as I rested my head onto his shoulder. I didn't even hear Sesshomaru saying a word praise to Inuyasha for sticking up for me as I passed out once more. 

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