Let me explain.

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Kaito's P.O.V

After we pulled away for air I took hold of her hand and we went somewhere to talk. I sat down and she followed my action by sitting beside me. "Milena I'm sorry again, I took it out on you when I shouldn't have. " I started she looked at me and I raised a hand. "Let me explain. Part of it is yes because of the duel, but that isn't all. I'm more angry at myself, that I didn't notice the parasite sooner. Angry that I couldn't do much while you laid there fighting for your life."

"I couldn't do anything to help, I felt defeated and I'm pissed at Naraku and it isn't fair and I took it out on you." I explained her eyes read understanding and they were not fill with anger or disappointment. She understood and climbed onto my lap. "I feel like my right hand is cursing me." 

She laughed then as her forehead touched mine. "Your wind tunnel isn't cursing you. You're human and no one is perfect. " She says placing a kiss onto my cheek. "Let me show you." she whispers into my ear and tugging on it with her teeth lightly. A blush graced my face as her tongue brushed against the skin under my ear. She raked her fangs lightly down my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine. 

I gripped her hips to steady myself and she stopped and pulled away to give me a raised brow. "Do you not want me to go any further?" she implied. 

"It's not that Milena, It's my wind tunnel. I...." I start to say and she sighs. 

"That wind tunnel does not define who you are as a person. Stop letting it run things." she said getting up off my lap. " If I'm not who you're looking for in a mate, just tell me." she added. 

"Milena I do, I just don't want our kids to suffer what I've had to suffer." I comment. 

"Oh Kaito they won't cause by the time we have them, Naraku will be long gone. " she said " I'll let you stew over things." and she left. Not before dragging Miroku with her by the collar of his robes. 

(Some time later) 

After thinking a few things over I found Milena in the hut where Joushiro resided in and stopped at the doorway when I heard them talking. "He'll come around Millie. I just glad you found someone for loves you for you. " I heard Joushiro say. 

"Thanks Jou, you know your wound is healed you can leave any time you want." I heard Milena reply and Joushiro laughed. 

"I planned on it, but not before I knew you were gonna be alright." he said and I could tell his voice showed concern. I heard her hit him playfully for she was laughing. 

"On a serious note, Why did you not stop the duel?" she asked. 

"I wanted to, but then thoughts of Hana and the threat. I wasn't even home when Mother told Tatsuki to do it. I had gotten word of it through the gossip vine as it were and by the time I knew of it they were already heading to the west. When Father told me what was going on I had Tatsuki slammed onto the ground. He was scared, yes, but adamant about doing it." Joushiro says. 

"Oh Jou, I wished you had better siblings." I said and he chuckled. 

"I'm not worried about it. Those two had too big of egos to let anything slide. I guess a part of me is to blame, I was too wrapped up with Hana and Selira and at a time; you." He remarked " Mother had those two wrapped around her agenda and I couldn't see passed the tales and the lies to see her true colors." 

"Jou don't." Milena said and that was when the talking ceased, next thing I knew was hearing a splash and thud of a bucket and I went in there to investigate. Milena had just dropped the bucket onto Joushiro head as his rag that had been nursing his wound was stuck to Milena face. Both Taiyoukai's looked up at me with raised brows. 

"She started it." he said pointing a clawed finger at Milena. She scoffed and pointed at him. The two gasped at each other before breaking into laughter. 

"You okay there Kaito?" she asked taking the rag off her face and throwing it at Joushiro which hit him in the chest. Joushiro then took the so called bucket off his head. 

"Uhhh Yea everything is fine." I said walking back out of the hut, or was about it if his voice hadn't stopped me. 

"I want to talk to you." he said and Milena silently got up and left walking passed me as she did. I went back inside and sat down across from him. " I know you don't like me, not one bit. It's evident on your face. " he added at least he knew that much. 

"I don't have to explain to myself to you." I said and I watched him nod his head. 

" I know you don't, but I'm sure you've heard enough outside the door there to know nothing was going on between us." he said. I give him that for catching me red handed at eavesdropping. "Besides I wasn't about to ask you to explain yourself. I'm about to leave and I'm asking for a favor for Milena from friend to Lover. Watch over her, she might be playful and full of teasing remarks, but she cares a lot and shoulders that. Protect her when you know she can't do it herself. Love her like she's never been loved before. Most of all cherish her." he finished. 

"You say that like you love her." I said trying not to sound jealous. 

"I do love her, but I know it will never be and so I'm letting her go. Her heart isn't mine to take and I'm not about to take it from someone more deserving." he said getting to his feet. I couldn't say anything else to that as he left the hut and as I followed him Milena was waiting outside. I walked over to Inuyasha who was glaring daggers at Joushiro. 

"Inuyasha he's leaving." I said leaning on my staff. I watched as Milena told him goodbye and give him a hug. Saw him whisper something into her ear and her blush while shoving him away and shooing him off. Watched him turn and turn his head back in our direction and howl.

He then left and Milena walked over to me and smiled lovingly at me

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He then left and Milena walked over to me and smiled lovingly at me. "So tell me you still what a human as your mate?" I asked and she looked at me in disbelief. 

"Joushiro was howling for our best wishes." she said and now I felt dumb. 

"Sorry I don't understand the language." I said and she chuckled as she kissed my cheek. 

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