Rumors? What rumors?

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Kouga turned to me with a down cast look on his face. I crossed my arms as I glared at the wolf. "As far I'm concern right now that slap you got, you deserve." I say. "Besides save it, you can't..."

"Do not tell me to keep my promise Milena! I gave that promise to little girl who was scared, I care about her sure, but she of my kin. I PICKED you didn't I?!" he shouted. The others minus Ayame back away to give us some space.  

"YOU made a promise to little girl who adored you after you saved HER!" I said snarling at him. "If I had someone who made a promise like that when I was a little girl, I would want somebody to uphold it." I added losing my fire. 

"Milena, I know how important promises are, but I never expected to fall in love with stubborn woman like you. You're my mate Milena, I can't break that!" he said. 

"I.....She clearly loves you Kouga.....I don't want to be the reason for her heart to be broken." I said. 

A voice to my right spoke and it was Ayame. " Do you love him?" I nodded trying to hide my face. My heart was breaking, but a promise was a promise and I wasn't going to cause of heartbreak or jealousy. 

" The reason I ask is yes he did promise me, but I can forgive that feelings change and yes it hurts, but I can live with that. Don't be mad at Kouga because of a promise a little girl asked of him." she said. "Besides I can see how much he loves you.  Kouga there's another reason I'm here. I was sent out to find you, the elder had deemed you worthy of becoming head of the tribe." 

"What?! No I can't, You're more worthy of it. You're his granddaughter." he said. I walked away to let them talk since we were at an understanding. I went to the others and sighed as I sat down. Watched as the two talked and saw Kouga head flash back this way with surprise on his face. I raised a brow, but didn't say on anything that they were saying. 

'Although I'm going to love teasing about this in the future.' I thought 

Kouga's P.O.V 

"You got to be kidding me! Why bring up the promise if your feelings had changed as well!" I asked perplexed. 

She giggled. " Cause I wanted to see your reaction and to see if you had remember. Yes I trained hard for you to notice me, but during that time with him, my feelings started to shift and I've been in denial over it for quite some time. That is until I saw him again just now." 

"You are insane sometimes you know that? At the same time though I'm glad things are going your way." I said scratching the back of my neck with a hand. 

"Kouga, answer me this." she asked and I hummed for her to continue. " Milena? That name she couldn't happen to be Lady Milena of the western lands?" I blinked my eyes as I turn my head back to were she was, she waved a clawed hand my way boredly and I turn back to Ayame. 

"I don't know, I know she's the sister to the mutt over there." I say thumbing behind me at Inuyasha. 

"Well, I ask because I've heard that she was betrothed to someone? " Ayame said. 

"WHAT! WHO!" I shout intentionally, she punched me in the shoulder with a look of annoyance. 

" I don't know! It was just a rumor I heard! The elder told me that!" she claims hotly. "Oh! Also heard it was done by proxy. All rumor though no found proof." 

"That...She's my mate! no one else's! " I stated angrily. I heard a growl from behind and turn to see Milena was gone, With Inuyasha shouting her name. 

"Well let's go follow her so she doesn't have to be alone!" Ayame states going forward. " Besides I owe her!"   

Sango's P.O.V

We eventually caught up with Milena, her mind was her own that I could see. where the rumors true? She didn't know, I didn't know. "Milena? " I asked showing concern for my friend. 

" I can't believe that woman! " She says as she stopped. I saw Kouga go up to her and wrap his arms around her neck from behind as she leaned onto him. "Rumor or not, she's trying to have me come home. " 

"Then don't go." I say. 

"Ayame, I'm glad you said something, I appreciate it." Milena told the girl. 

"Well I thought you should have known of them. " she says. "Although we should....." she started, but I saw Milena pull away from Kouga with a look on her face. A look of exhaustion and sadness, before it flashed to anger. She didn't say anything and nobody dared to say anything. 

"Milena! " I say getting off of Kiara back and going to Milena. " Your mother isn't here to torment you. She isn't here to demand anything from you. You're not caged, you're free to do what you want. Do not over think it." I add and she looked to me with love in her eyes and turned to the others who had all agreed. 

"Your home is with us Sister." Inuyasha states coming up and taking her hand and pulling her in the direction we had came from. "Hey can you guys give us a bit. " he asked and we nodded. 

Milena's P.O.V 

Inuyasha took me pretty far from the others and plopped down onto the ground taking me with him. I laid my head onto his chest and cried, I felt him wrap his arms around me as a way to soothe me. "My mother is cruel, no account to my feelings. I wish she had an understanding of that. " I choked out. 

"Your Mom is still your Mom, no matter how bad you wish she was different." He said. I knew he was right. I pulled away slightly and his hand moved to wipe the tears away. "My Mother would have liked you." I smiled at that as I got to my feet and helped him up. 

"Thank you Brother I needed this. I love you" I say hugging him to me. 

" okay well don't get used to it." he said and I only laughed as we got to the others. I went over to Kouga and kissed his cheek, before turning to the others and thanking them. So we got back to where we left the carcass of the Boar and I realized there was no way we could salvaged the ruin meat inside. 

I turned my head when I heard Miroku talking to Kaito about something and as they got closer I could hear what Miroku was saying. " Next village over what about we try and find ingredients to make supper?" 

"We could do that, but I get the feeling Milena wanted to cook something for us." Kaito remarked. 

"I was planning to, but I could just tell you the recipe for it Kaito." I said and I saw his eyes light up at a new recipe. "It doesn't require a certain meat, you can use any, but their is certain vegetables and such for it. You can alter if you wish, but I've been wanting it since Father left. " I added. 

"Oh? Okay we can do it." Kaito said as the nine of us walked on the path. I told him of the recipe and his mouth looked like it was drooling. "That sounds divine, I should really give it a try." he said grinning. I laughed, but with a smile on my face. Night had fallen and we were forced to make camp and I went and tackled us some fish since we were near the river. 

I made it back and handed them off to Kaito and Miroku to cook as I went over to Kouga and sat down beside him. Only for the wolf to scoop me onto his lap. "How about after we eat we go have some alone time?" he said and I only nodded we needed it. My attention went back to the fire and my eyes caught Ayame looking over to Kaito and wondered if the girl liked him and giggled lightly to myself. 

Kouga caught it and I couldn't help the smirk that played on my lips. "Don't worry about it sweet wolf " I say, which earned me a lick to the back of my ear, making squeal with delight. I jumped to my feet pulling Kouga to his roughly and dragging him into the forest. 

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