Well he's my choice

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When Kaito asked that I blushed and looked down at my hands which had been clenched together tightly from the incident earlier. "Kouga was the first person I met when I left home.  Something had pulled me to him although I never acted on it. I like that wolf, but I knew he had a thing for Kagome so I let it be. Now he only asks because he cares, but not as obsessed as he was. " I said "As for that Inu.......My mother's choice, she wanted to match me with a good family and sure the young Inu was from a good family, but he was conceited and it had to be about him all the time." 

" Possessive and rude to the people who served his family I couldn't stand it so I never saw him again after that. Confronted my mother over it and left it at that. Kaito......you're a sweet man with a lot of heart, I know we're close, but don't forget that I will always be there to have your back when you need it. " I finished 

"I know and I think the same, at first I thought there was something, but I realized my feelings were of friendship and that's okay, I just don't want to see you get hurt over Kouga. He does get a bit cocky." Kaito said and I smiled. 

"I know, but I can handle that. " I said getting to my feet. " I need to find Kagome and find out why she lied." I saw him nod his head and I walked away, I found Kagome with ease heading back towards the well with Kira at her side. "Kagome!" I shout getting her attention. 

She turned and smiled "Hey Milena" 

"Why'd you lie to me?" I say tilting my head to the side. 

she sighed " I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just thought I'd try and ease your worries. I saw your eyes looking at each of us and knew someone had seen the two of you." she said. So she had taken notice of my questionable looks the other day I chuckled and hugged Kagome to me. 

"I'm not mad, but don't lie to me again." I said and she nodded smiling. I watched as the sisters went down the well and I sighed I saw  Kagome as family as well as the others and as I walked back into the village I saw Sesshomaru starring at me. "What?" I said. 

"Your haori is loose." he said coming to me and pulling my haori to cover what was underneath. 

"Thanks......How have you been?" I asked taking his hand and pulling him for a walk. 

" I am fine." he said, his grip on my hand tightened and I gave it squeeze. I leaned onto him as we walked gripping his arm with my other hand. 

"I've missed you actually, I was recalling a memory some days back and I just wanted to relive them again." I say as we walked passed Kaito and Miroku. Sesshomaru didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. I knew he missed my presence as well by the grip on my hand. 

"What memory did you recall?" he asked his voice curious. 

"The time I pushed you in the lake." I said grinning, looking up at his face there was annoyance, but I saw the curve of a smirk and I raised a brow as I came to a stop. "What are you scheming?" Before I had time to react he hoisted me over his shoulder and took off at a run to the lake not far from here. He threw me into the water as I squealed. I broke the surface to glare at him. 

"Father threw you into the lake that day, and I've had always wanted my revenge." he said his laughter echoing. I splashed him and I heard him growl, the next thing I knew he was stomping into the water as I had gotten to the shallow end, brought his hand to the water and tossed water up at me. We were at this for at least in hour and I had finally tackled him into the deeper end of the lake. We both broke the surface of the water and stare at each other and I watched as he cracked a smile and the start laughing, making me laugh as well. 

The laughter died down and he stared at me as we got to shore. "That wolf....you choose him?" he asked and I knew that was the question he had been wanting to ask. 

"Yes, he's my choice." I answered. 

"very well, I will accept it." he said I grinned as I ran to him and hugged him to me. I felt his arm go around me lightly. I didn't care if his face went back to that indifferent attitude, I got the time I wanted from my older brother. I pulled away and we walked back to the village, seeing Kira had made it back and waiting patiently. 

"Sesshomaru....it's okay to have feelings for her, if you truly love her don't hide it." I say only loud enough for him to hear. He didn't express anything, but it was in his eyes. I watched him walk up to Kira and the two of them walked away. 

 Still dripping wet from our water war I went into the hut to find Kaito there. I took off my fluff and placed it down to dry. "Is there any dry clothes around?" I asked taking off my armor chest plate and putting it into a corner. 

"I'll go ask Kaede." Kaito said leaving the hut, I unbraided my hair and ran a hand through it. shrugging out of my haori while doing and letting my hair over the front of my shoulders as Inuyasha and Miroku walk in. 

"Milena! " Inuyasha shouted turning around with a huff. "put your Haori back on!!" 

"It's soaked! Waiting on Kaito to bring fresh clothes to wear." I said. "Don't worry you can't see anything." 

"That's not what I meant!" he said turning around and boinking Miroku over the head and shoving him out of the hut. "Don't you have any modesty?" 

"I do! Just at the moment I just don't care!" I retort. "Why are you so hot and bothered?" 

"Cause that stupid mangy wolf is back. " he said leaving the hut quickly. 

Kaito walked in with some dry clothes and handed them to me without looking at me and left the hut quickly. and I only laughed at innocence with the boys. I quickly changed and walked out of the hut to lay eyes on Kouga who was bickering with Inuyasha once more. "Out of my way mutt!" I heard Kouga say. 

"Kagome isn't here wolf so go home!" Inuyasha growled. Kouga had ignored him as his eyes bore into mine. 

"Hey there Milena. Are you doing okay?" he asked I nodded. 

"Now that you're here. " I say wanting to tear away his armor and fur. I walked back into the hut and grabbed my still drenched fluff and clothes and brought it outside.  Went to go hang them, but Kouga got a hold of my waist and pulled me to him. 

"I'm not hide this anymore, I only want you" he said claiming my lips with his, making me drop my things and clasping his shoulders with my hands. I returned the kiss biting down on his lip causing him to growl and lift me into his arms and jumping away with me in his arms. I didn't care if Inuyasha or Miroku had seen us. 

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