Don't! Please!

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It had been a few days on the road and I listened as Miroku talked with Sango over the fact that Naraku had used Kohaku as a trap for them. Sango had retorted that she knew that and it didn't have to be said as she moved forward away from Miroku. Coming to walk beside me, "Milena, How are you fairing with all this?" she asked. 

"Could have done more." I whispered loud enough for her to hear. 

"you did plenty Milena" she said and I smiled as she linked her arm through mine, I then felt someone link there other arm with mine and I turned my head to see Kagome smiling up at me. 

"You're important to me. " I say as we walked, the girls only giggled. 

"Kouga is more important than us." They said and I only blushed. We had talked for some time not caring if the boys had found it annoying, not that we were paying attention if it was. We were brought out of it when a boy came yelling up to us for help. Inuyasha had taken off in a instant and I only blinked my eyes as we followed. The boy wanted help because his grandfather had fallen and couldn't get back up. I giggled at the annoyed look Inuyasha's face.

Inuyasha helped the old man and placed him on his back and we got them back to their village. The boy had given Inuyasha his prized treasure, which had ended up a snake skin that he gave to Shippo. We had gotten a distance away from the village when I turned back around with a growl. The boy had came running back with a arrow stuck to his arm. Kagome went to him and Inuyasha frowned and told us girls to stay while they went to check it out. 

Of course I didn't like the idea, but I knew why. It was so if any bandits came this way to take care of them. I waited for few minutes and grew agitated when I felt an aura and I growled once more. I didn't wait to say anything I took off. I get there and as soon as I did I saw that the boys were caught up in the cocoon. The bandits turned towards me as my demonic aura raised. 

"uhhh chief you forgot one." said one of the bandits. 

"Well take care of her." I saw the moth demon say and so one of them charged at me I took one swipe of my poison claws killed him instantly. The girls had caught up and Sango took out two with ease. 

I could tell Inuyasha was transforming into his full demon side

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I could tell Inuyasha was transforming into his full demon side. ' he must be injured inside the cocoon. I just hope that Miroku and Kaito know what to do.' I thought as I rushed torwards the leader of the bandits jumping over his goons with ease. He spat at me with his poison and I smirked using poison whip to deflect it. "Your poison has nothing on my own." I say landing a hit to his face and sending him backwards. 

"You honestly think a taiyokai as myself will fall for that." I added as I punched a goon in the face when he came at me. I pulled out my blade and went to the women who where huddle together in fright and planted it in the ground in front of them. "Your safe inside." I returned my attention back to the moth and went for him, only for the coccon that Inuyasha and the monks were stuck to break and I gasped as I saw the demon face of my younger brother. 

He went after the moth and killed him after the moth had transformed to his true self and later went after the living bandits. I stood there in shock as he jumped and prevented the remaining ones to flee. I forced myself to move and using my own claws and brought them down onto his chest as he backed away and growled. 

He came at me then and I fought back using my whip and making him growl some more. "Inuyasha! Please it's ME! Your sister!" I yelled as I ran to get away from the others, he followed me. I heard him jump and I waited for him to get closer, before moving and landing a kick to his abdomen as his claws dug into my leg. I growled as I eyed the wound he got me. 

Kaito's P.O.V 

I watched as Inuyasha fought Milena. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt Inuyasha too terribly. Knew she wouldn't normally go for a kick considering most demons don't normally do that. I watched as she reacted as Inuyasha came at her again quickly recovering. Her claws had reached out grabbed his wrist and threw him on the ground, but not before his clawed hand swiped across her face. 

"If Inuyasha isn't careful he'll end up dead. She's close to losing it." Miroku mentioned. 

All I could tell was her close to tears as she struggled to keep Inuyasha pinned underneath her. "Miroku she's close to tears, I don't know how much longer she's going to want to keep up with fighting him. " I said seeing Inuyasha throw her off him. The two siblings faced each other and I saw she was in tears, and as Inuyasha ran forward she went limp and his claws slashed across her chest as it made her step backwards and slump to her knees. 

I then saw Sesshomaru and the new pressence grabbed Inuyasha attention. 

Sesshomaru P.O.V 

I reached the clearing and saw what Inuyasha had done to the bandits, but then I smelled Milena's blood on the hanyou. My eyes found Milena on her knees clenching her chest as tears were cascading down her face. 'she faced our little brother knowing she wouldn't really hurt him.' I thought and turned my head to Inuyasha fiercely. The wounds Milena had suffered from the hanyou were deep and I was angry. 

I pulled Tokijin from my obi as Inuyasha ran forward and pushed him back, and continued this for some time. Even though I wanted to drive my sword into him, I didn't cause that would mean Milena never speaking to me again. Eventually Tokijin had done it's job and Inuyasha was knocked out due to the pressure of the blade. As I walked forward the two monks and demon slayer got in the way. 

"Give him Tetsusaiga and he should be back to normal." I said and then went to Milena laying a hand on her shoulder. 

"I'm fine, You need to go before he wakes up." she said not looking up and with a growl to her voice. 

"Please rest when you get the chance." I said bending down slightly and kissing the top of her head brotherly. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I watched as Sesshomaru left and renewed tears fell down my cheeks as I rose to my feet ignoring the pain in my right leg. The cuts on my face already slowly healing, I turned my back to them and took off, needing space and time to clear my racing thoughts. I didn't know where I was going I just needed space. Forgetting that I had left my sword behind. 

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