The wolf again!?

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We were all starting to settle down for the evening I sat and stared at Inuyasha. I quickly moved over to him and sat down right in front of him. "So what was that about earlier today?" I asked I watched as his eye twitched and I only laughed. "No worries you don't have to say, although I wonder about that ' Sit' command though." I watched him tense up and I smirked as I got back up.  As I went back to my original spot I took off my fluff and plopped down onto it getting comfortable immediately. 

Shippo had came over and climbed onto the fluff as well and his eyes widen at how comfy it felt and curled up immediately going to sleep. I giggled as I gently ran my clawed hand through his hair. "Why must you be infuriating?" Inuyasha said that annoyed look still on his face. I shrugged and laid my head down looking at him with half lidded eyes. 

"you just don't like's sad really." I mumble and I fell asleep. It was the middle of the night and I woke up to the sound of something outside and silently got up and left the room. I walked out of the Inn and look down the empty street, I used my nose and followed an unknown scent. A few minutes of following it I found the source and I raised an almost annoyed eyebrow when I saw the wolf again. 

He turned to me when he caught my scent as well and he smirked. "Well it's you again Milena." he said his smirk turning into a grin. He sat down on the rook of the building he was on. " I smelled the scent of a girl I met and thought I'd see what she was up to." 

"Oh? " I said giggling as I sat next to him. 

Kouga's P.O.V 

I chuckled "Yeah." was all I could reply to, for some reason this woman had my attention and Kagome only came to be a second thought. I blinked my eyes and shook my head in denial. 'That isn't true! Kagome is my mate and I claim that as so!' I thought my nose caught tears and I turned my head quickly to Milena.

 'That isn't true! Kagome is my mate and I claim that as so!' I thought my nose caught tears and I turned my head quickly to Milena

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"Hey.....Don't cry...." I said slightly freaking out, not knowing what to do. I draped an arm around her shoulder as a way to comfort her and she only laughed dryly. 

"Don't worry it's nothing you did Kouga......It's my brothers......" I heard her say finally. "One doesn't trust me, the other would rather keep me home where it's safe. Not only that.....they would both rather fight each other than be the brothers I know that they can be. That Father knows they can be. " she says, but stopped herself from anything more. she wiped at the tears that had where still on her cheeks. "Sorry I put you through that. " 

"It's fine. " I said as she pulled away from me. Her scent was intoxicating and I wanted to smell more of it. I shook my head once more and got to my feet. "Hey, do me a favor. If you see Kagome tell her Kouga says Hi and I'll see her soon." 

she looked up and nodded giving me a playful smirk before I took off. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I heard him leave and remained where I was sitting as the I saw the sun rise from behind the buildings in front of me. I got to my feet and looked over to the horizon, my eyes stern, I was determined to let Inuyasha trust me. I turned towards the Inn to see them walk out and his amber eyes on mine. I watched his face turn annoyed and I could only assume he caught Kouga's scent. 

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