Never it a trap?

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We had been on the road for quite sometime and ran across a boy being chased by demons and I went into action immediately with the others. Using my poison whip I got rid of the demons or at least what I saw. I landed and turned to the boy in questioned as Inuyasha and the others took care of the other demons. We soon traveled a ways from the initial attack, I later finding out that the boy was Sango's little brother Kohaku. 

Once we found the hut to stay in for the night, I stayed outside not wanting to crowd up the already small hut. The air smelled off and it made me uneasy. I kept my eyes alert as I heard the boys behind me. "I'm telling you Naraku still has a hold of Kohaku." Inuyasha said Irritated that Sango wasn't willing to listen to him. 

They talked for some time discussing over it and I then chose to ignore it. They all had valid points, but something had me on edge and I growled catching Inuyasha attention. "What? What is it?" he asked. 

"Something is off in the air, I don't know what it is, but it shrouds itself around that boy." I say not wanting to say ill of the child, but it was the truth. Ten to Twenty minutes later my fears came to the front as blades of wind came towards us. With my poison whip still at the ready I brought it out and with a swish of my wrist the whip cut through the blades of wind. 

"This is a surprise. " the voice had said coming into view. 

"I smelled you coming " I growled looking at the female demon in front of me. She smelled of the demon that everyone wanted to kill and realized she was one of his Incarnations. This whole thing felt wrong and I wanted an outlet. "Thanks for coming though I sure could use an outlet." I added and she chuckled evilly. Just then a horde of demons came hurling in behind her and I glared her way. 

"Don't mind her! We have to kill the demons behind her before they can reach the hut!" Miroku shouted. I could tell on her face she wasn't expecting a taiyokai such as myself to be here. She didn't falter, I would give her that as I twirled allowing the whip to the demons that had gotten close. It had been this way for quite some time before Miroku had said it had been a trap all along unwrapping his prayer bead around his right hand. 

"Monk don't...." I say, but it was too late as the air pulled towards his hand taking the hordes od demons with it, as well as the poisonous insects that had been flying around. Kagura went to move, but Miroku had stilled her by threat of sucking in her in. 

"Go help Inuyasha, I'll take care of my brother!" Kaito exclaimed and I took off. I found Kagome quickly and stopped and looked at her wound. 

"Inuyasha went to find Sango." she said. I knew she had told Inuyasha to go after Sango. 

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded claiming it was only a scratch. We eventually caught up with Inuyasha to see him talking with Sango. Apparently the boy had gotten away and had left Sango devastated. When we traveled away from that place and got to secluded area so that way Miroku could heal. I later found out why Sango was so devastated, she was attempting to free her brother, by means of killing him and kill herself after. I couldn't say I blamed her for thinking that, but she had to know it wasn't the right way to do it.

I laid out on the open field not far from the hut looking up at the clouds when I heard Kagome come up to me. "So Kouga swooped you into his arm did he?" she says with a light giggle trying to lighten the mood. 

" yes he did. I guess I could tell you what happened since I told Sango." I say sitting up and patting the spot beside me. She sat down and right when I was going to speak of it, I heard a loud whack come from hut Miroku and Sango had resided in. "You'd think he'd learn." I said annoyed as Kagome got up and ran quickly over there. Of course it had been a few days or more since we had camped here since he took in the poison insects. 

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