You okay?

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Kaito's P.O.V 

That morning while the other discussed on how to get Kouga's jewel shards back, I went to find Milena who had left after her very short talk with said wolf. I kept my senses up checking for her aura and I found it and followed it quickly. All the while in my mind that the aura she had released last night had me worried for her. I knew she was still furious over what had happened last night. 

She turned to me when she heard me coming the foliage, her eyes glared at me as she slumped onto the ground. I walked over there and sat down across from her. "you okay?" I asked. She didn't say anything as she tried to calm her irritation. 

"I got to leave the group for awhile, for my own sake. Not because of what happened." she says sighing the cuts she had sustained were long gone and she looked defeated through the face of irritation she wore. "Although I would like company." 

"Say no more, but I will say this. The next time you're filled with that much rage I might not be able to hold you back." I said and she gave me a dry laugh. 

"I'm not sure if there will be another show case of that. I knew what I was doing, I just couldn't stop myself from wanting to rip that incarnation in half. If Sango had reached me both of you would have been along for the ride." she said getting to feet and offering a hand to help me up. I grabbed my staff and we started walking the opposite direction from the others. 

An hour of our travel a chill in the air settled and it came with the breeze and I shivered. I felt something fluffy hit my shoulders and saw that Milena had given me her fluff to stay warm. "Thank you, but you didn't have to..." I say.

"Nonsense, you were cold." she replied. We came upon a village and she stopped at cloak vendor looking at the different color cloaks that were for sale. She found Forest green cloak and asked for it and smiled as she paid for the item. She walked over to me and handed it to me. " A gift for being a great friend to me and to my brother." 

"I....I Thank you." I say not knowing what else to say. I handed her back her fluff as I tied the cloak around my shoulders. I watched as she tied the fluff back onto her right shoulder and we continued on. I watched as she playfully imitated Sesshomaru's grumpy face and the then Inuyasha's and I laughed. 

"They're so alike when their grumpy it's not even funny! " she said "If Miroku had one I'm sure you could imitate it with no effort." I smiled, I'm pretty sure I could. It was nice seeing her playful side again hadn't seen it and quite some time. We were pretty far from the village we had stopped at when she stopped walking. 

"Is something the matter?" I asked. 

"Try and keep up " she said saying nothing, but that and took off at a run. I followed keeping up with her. We eventually came upon a house in the middle of no where and she didn't stop to see if it was safe enough to approach, meaning she knew who lived here. 

"Milena....." I started, but stopped when saw the figure walk out of the house. It had been her father who had yet not been able to return to the world of the dead. I watched as Father and Daughter embraced each other before pulling and Toga looking her over to see if she was okay. 

"I felt your aura spike from here and I was close to come aid you in whatever had pissed you off." Toga responded ushering us inside. Once inside my eyes landed on the sword by the door. 'Did he have Totosai make him a sword?' I thought. 

"I'm sorry father I had you so worried. I came because I smelled you nearby. " she said taking the offered cup of tea. I thanked Toga for the cup when he handed me one. 

"To be honest I haven't felt an aura like that since my father!" he exclaimed taking a sip of his own. "The best way to put it under control, I know you have control over it, this would just be where it doesn't hurt anyone or yourself for that matter." 

"How does she do it?" I asked and he chuckled. 

"well.....we could place some of it into your sword, but I have a feeling you want all of it without it being attached to something. hmmmm" he said. " Do you feel like you've awaken something inside?" 

"No! I'm not Inuyasha." she stated placing her cup down. "I didn't know what came over me except rage." Toga nodded his head in understanding. The two sat for hours talking and as I prepared to make dinner so that way Toga didn't have to stop his conversation with his daughter. 

"I don't even think Sesshomaru has been able to reach that level, although I could be wrong." he said sighing as he got to his feet pulling out his fluff and placing it on Milena shoulders. 

"I have my own. " she said, but stopped as I saw take in the smell that lingered. "Father I....I messed things up royally and I don't know if it can be fixed." 

"Don't fret over the small things child, whom ever this guy is I'm sure it'll get through his thick head and realize his mistakes and recklessness. Trust me I know I was one as well" Toga said taking in the stew I was preparing and drooling over the aroma. 

"You miss Izayoi don't you?" I heard her say next next, 'Milena knows of Inuyasha's mother?' I thought and watched Toga nod his head. 

"You know I told her about you one time, and she smiled and called you an angel for putting up with me. A Daughter putting up with her fathers antics when so called daughter was a trouble maker herself!" he said grinning. He turned to me then, "Did you know the one time it was just her and I bonding. I don't recall how old you were then, but she had left my line of sight." 

"Next thing I knew as I was looking for her a branch came hurling at me! Right in the face! Still attached to the damn trunk of the tree, hit me so hard I ended up on my ass!" he explained. I laughed, so did she remember the memory. After eating dinner the two Inu's went outside and I followed letting my curiosity win over. 

He sat down on the ground and motioned me to sit across from me. I blinked, "I don't understand?" I asked and he laughed. 

"I'm not going to interrogate you monk just sit across from me." he said and I did so. "Just do what I do and you'll be fine. " he added and when I felt his aura spike I allowed my to as well. He would have continued that had Milena not hit on the head. 

"We don't need a battle of the wills going on!" she seethed and he only laughed as he pulled his daughter down into a hug. 

"Man I've missed you Daughter of mine." he said as Milena climbed out of his embrace with a huff. I smirked 'so she picked up the teasing from him eh?' I thought as she pointed a clawed finger his way.

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