you can't be.

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It had been a couple of days since Kouga had shown up and I was bored out of my mind. I walked to the river to maybe find something fun to do, only to see Kaito there and I smirked as I snuck up and pushed him into the water. What I didn't expect was him grabbing my wrist and dragging me with him. I reached the surface and spat out the water from my mouth and glowered at the monk who was laughing. 

I cracked into smile and started to laugh as well splashing him with water to make my escape quickly. I got out of the water and took off my fluff and wringing it free of water the best I could. "you deserved it trying to sneak up on me." Kaito said his laughter dying down. 

I sat down the sun dry my fluff as I still dripped with water. "True I did " I said smiling as Kaito got out of the water and sat down beside me. 

"Growing up did you do that to your brother?" he asked and I giggled. 

"Yep and he glared at me for days." I said remembering the memory. "Dad had taken us on a hunting trip on one of the days he wasn't busy and me being bored and not wanting to listen, Sesshomaru being too engrossed I had pushed him into the lake that was below us. I was laughing and Dad looked a bit concerned, but when Sesshomaru surfaced and saw he was alright chuckled." I heard Kaito chuckle. "Dad then grabbed me and tossed me into the lake as repercussion for pushing Sesshomaru. I deserved it back then too." 

"I just want Sesshomaru to smile and laugh like he used to when we were younger, but now all he does is hide it behind a look of indifference." I said looking down at my hands. 

"Say how about we go pester Miroku?" Kaito suggested and I looked up at him. " I haven't done it in awhile and it should be a good laugh" 

"Alright, maybe Inuyasha nearby and we can both with one stone!" I said grinning. I got to my feet and help Kaito to his before picking up my fluff and putting it back on.  We got back to the village with smiles on our faces.

 Just when we thought of something to get at Miroku and Inuyasha a voice ringed out " WATCH OUT! " as a barrel came flying at us since we were downhill. It was aimed right at Kaito and I leaped forward and broke it into pieces with my claws. My nose smelled sake and I sweat dropped when liquid went all over Kaito. 

I landed on my feet with wide eyes. "I am so sorry!" I mutter stifling a laugh with my hands. I turned my head when I saw Miroku running up and saw Kaito standing there drenched. 

"Kaito you alright?" he asked leaning on his staff. 

"I'm fine Miroku." Kaito said finally and walking up to our level. "Although I need to bathe now." 

I would stuck by him had Kagome not found me and drag me away "I'm Sorry Kai!" I yelled the playfulness still in my eyes. I turn my head to Kagome "What's wrong? " 

"Nothing I just wanted to burrow you a moment!" she said giggling that caused me to raise a brow. 

"What are you up to Kagome?" I asked and she only giggled harder and didn't answer my question. She had taken me to a somewhat open pasture and before I could say anything she was leaving. 

"Wait! Where......" I started, my nose picked up the scent of Kouga and I turned my head again to see him standing there with his hands behind his back. A heavy blush donning his tanned cheeks. 'Kagome.......' I thought. 

"Uhhh. Hey Milena." Kouga greeted his blush going redder. I raised a brow, as remained where I stood. 

"So what brings you here?" I asked trying to stay indifferent to the situation Kagome put me in. Truth be told though it was hard to do seeing that adorable wolf blush as he was. So I decided to walk forward a bit and when I got closer I could smell the flowers behind him. 

"So I brought you something. " he said bringing the flowers out from behind him, I smiled and took the flowers from him. 

"Thank you they smell nice." I say sniffing them gently. I never really got the chance to be alone with him and as his scent whiffed into my nose, it smelled nice. 

"Your welcome! " he said then paused it took him few moments, but he spoke once more. "Look I thought I could get you out of my head since the day we met, but I can't you mesmerize me." I widen my eyes in surprise as he took hold of my hand. "I don't care if you don't return......"

I stopped him with a smile. " Kouga you sweet sweet wolf you. Truth be told I thought I could get by this by being indifferent, but now I know that isn't the case. Sure I've other things occupy my thoughts, but I haven't forgotten how we met. " I say. 

"Oh well good cause I haven't either. " he said grinning, his grin was infectious and I grinned myself. Then something hit me, was it mating season already? 

"Kouga you aren't acting this way because of mating season are you?" I asked and he widen his eyes. 

"Uhhhh no, no! I've had time to think for the last couple of days and decided to tell you how I felt." he said. "What you don't really feel the same?" 

"Oh I do Kouga, it was just a curious question." I say a blush forming on my cheeks, I felt his hand cup my cheek and I looked at him. His blue eyes held intensity and I blushed even redder. 

"You don't get a lot of suitors do you?" he asked chuckling seeing how red my face was. I only shook my head before replying that it was the cause of my older brother. Before I could anything else on the matter he pulled me to him and firmly planted his lips to mine. The flowers went flying and I wrapped my arms around his neck wanting more. 

When we let go for air he placed his forehead against mine. "For your knowledge it's not mating season right now." he said giving off his cocky grin. I heard something behind me and I broke away from Kouga my cheeks red as I looked in that direction. I felt Kouga behind me, felt his hand touch my left shoulder moving my haori off my shoulder lightly and planting a kiss to my shoulder and then collarbone nipping at the skin with his teeth. 

"I want you as mine, can I mark you?" he said his voice husky in my ear. 

"Wait wait.....Before all that, can we see where this goes?" I asked turning to him. 

"Of course, but I have to run right now. I'll see you when I can." he said leaning down and capturing my lips with his. I moaned into his kiss before he let go. "Don't be a savior I don't want to have to kill the mutt for not protecting you!" and he was gone. 

I huffed "I don't need protection! " I shouted and stomped off back to the village. Once there I saw Kagome who gave me a sheepish smile as she waved at me. "Girlie you are so getting it when it's your turn." I say and she knew she would. I would have gone back to the hut had Inuyasha not jumped down in front of me. 

"You smell of the mangy wolf! Why?" he said clearly annoyed. I boinked him on the head. 

"None of you business brother!" I said holding my head high and walking away. I found Kaito and sat down with a sigh. 

"Everything okay?" he asked eyeing my pinkish cheeks. 

"Yea fine, or I will be. You still up for pranks on the brothers of ours?" I said giving him a mischievous smirk. 

"Sadly that barrel sake ruined my mood for it." he replied sighing. 

"Ah soon we'll be back on the road to find Naraku before he can collect more shards right?" I said and he nodded. The two of us talked quite a bit and by the time night fell we eventually got back into the mood of pranking at least Miroku before we both decided on sleep and I fell asleep with a smile on my face, I knew Kaito needed a good laugh  and he got it.    

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