I'm fine big brother.

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I walked out of the hut with Kaito and Shippo following me, I knew that he saw me, he saw the smile on my lips. I kept my smile on my face as I approached him. I felt Inuyasha's hand touch my shoulder. " Milena I can handle him." he said and I turned to him. 

"The two of you will not fight in my presence!" I said the smile disappearing. I turned to Sesshomaru as well and his face showed indifference. 'Typical big brother' I thought annoyed. I took hold of Sesshomaru and and with the other I took hold Inuyashas. I saw the look of confusion on the hanyou face and caused me to smile. I glanced at Sesshomaru and saw his eye twitch. 

"Whatever are you Milena?" Sesshomaru asked his voice indifferent, but with a hint curiosity. I only smiled. 

"LORD SESSHOMARU! LADY MILENA!!" I heard the voice of Jaken say and that sent both Sesshomaru and I to growl with annoyance. 

"Jaken......." the both of us started as we glared down at the toad. He cowered and stumbled away to hide behind Sesshomaru dragons legs. I felt Inuyasha tug his hand out of mine and I turned to him blinking my eyes. 

"You......are you my brother's mate?" he said his anger rising and I only blinked a few times before I understood his meaning.

"Sesshomaru.......mate!? NO!!! Ewww! " I said as I heard Sesshomaru flex his fingers. "Inuyasha, there's something I've been needing to tell you. I'm you sister and I can only assume our big brother here came, because he sensed something was wrong." 

The air was thick and no one spoke for sometime. I watched Inuyasha expression go from anger to confuse to understanding then to anger again. " You knew and didn't tell me!" he said 

"I wanted you to trust me first before I told you. I just didn't expect overprotective big brother here to get involved!" I replied Sesshomaru moved to get involved, but I turned to him. "You need to let me make my decisions! I don't  need to protected all the time! Father created me a sword so I could protect myself!" I growled at him my eyes changing it's color. 

He growled himself, but kept his composure and turned around. "very well Milena, Little brother I bestow her care upon you. " he said and he would have left, had I not thrown my sword at his feet. 

Sesshomaru's P.O.V 

Once I heard the thud of something striking the earth I knew she had trapped me in her foolish shield once more. I turned around with a look of annoyance. " Remove your sword." I said my anger rising. The look of pure agonizing joy on her face, was pure annoyance for me. I moved my eyes to the side of me to see Kira running up to the shield and in her wonderment touched it. "Don't bother, only my sister can remove the sword from it's mark." 

I looked at her face and she looked genuinely concerned, I scoffed at the thought. ' her face has been stuck in mind's eye for the last 4 years and I hate it' I thought as she went to the sword to try in pull it out. ' I told her not to bother with it, Milena isn't going keep here for long.' I sat down placing my arm onto my leg. 

Kagome's P.O.V 

It was humorous to see the siblings talking even though Inuyasha was acting like a child about it. I smiled at the fact that Milena just wanted her brothers to get along, true I was bit shocked to hear that she was their sister and she probably had reasons for it. It made me think of the sister I lost when I was young. 'Sota vaguely remembers her.' I thought. Mom and Grandpa looked everywhere for her when she had went missing, even police, but after 4 years they had to accept that Kira was just gone. 

I saw that Milena had thrown her sword to shield Sesshomaru from leaving and that was when I saw her, she looked so much like my older sister. Tears started to form and fell down my cheeks as I continued to think about Kira, and how much that woman near Sesshomaru looked like her that I didn't see Inuyasha going up to me. 

"Hey.....Don't cry." he said his voice showed concern, I looked at him and smiled weakly at him as I embraced him and starting to sob. His arms went around me, his whole face confused and not knowing what to do. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I smelled the salt of tears hit my nose and I turned to where Kagome stood and saw that she was crying into Inuyasha and my heart went to her. "You! take your sword!" I heard the voice of the girl that stood near Sesshomaru shout. I sighed and turned to her. 

"No......" I say and saw her face, it was the slayer that accused me of attacking her village. "Why are you with my brother?" I saw her blush and not a word come out of her mouth and I wonder what Sesshomaru had on her. I only heard him scoff as I turned my curious eyes to him. I chuckled and it soon turned into laughter. 

"What is wrong with you Taiyokai, I asked you to remove your sword!" the slayer said again. 

I laughed harder til there was tears and as I brushed them away did I speak once more. "My name is Milena, use it. No I won't remove my blade." I said laughing once more. I couldn't believe it, my older brother had feelings for this human and it warmed my heart. Of course it made me laugh, but it warmed my heart. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and saw that it was Kaito and I raised a brow. 

"Don't you think your brother has had enough?" he said. 

I puffed my cheeks, "Well you're no fun." I grumbled, true he did and I went over there and removed it. I turned to the slayer. "You know it's respectful if I know your name as well." 

"Kira, Kira Higurashi." she said her glaring at me. I smiled. 

"Are you related to Kagome Higurashi by chance?" I say I watched her eyes widen and I just pointed to where Kagome stood, who was still clinging onto Inuyasha. I heard Sesshomaru get up as Kira went to where Kagome was at and I turned to him. "I'm fine really I am. You have nothing to worry about." I gave him a hug and I felt his arm go around me. 

"you are insufferable." he said as he let me go, I only grinned as he walked over to tree and sat down. I assumed he was waiting on Kira. I went back to Kaito tossing my arm around his shoulders. 

"Am I insufferable?" I asked, I heard him chuckle. 

"Haven't actually gotten the chance to see." he replied I hummed as I pulled away and pulled my fluff closer to me with joy. 'My brothers are in love!' I thought and sent a blush to my cheeks.  

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