A Dinner ruined, but a blessing

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*Flash back some centuries ago *

It had 8 years since the treaty with south clan was signed 8 years of peace between us. I hummed at the thought of seeing Joushiro again since the first time. I sat on the barrister of the balcony of my room. Looking at the people rushing about to get everything ready for the main family of the south to arrive. Granted the only reason they were rushing was because I had decided to make snack out of some the food they had prepared for them. 

Mother had sent me off to my room, until further notice. I had only scoffed, if she had her way I'd stay here. Of course she'd never tell Father she had sent me here, right now though he was out with Sesshomaru. I sighed as I got up from sitting position and walked into my room. Father and Mother had been arguing more and more lately. 

I had just pulled out the outfit I was going to wear for tonight when the door opened and Father walked in. "How you doing pup?" he asked giving me a smile as he walked into the room. 

"Fine, I thought you were with Sesshomaru." I reply going behind the dressing screen in the corner. 

"Just got back, thought I'd see what my youngest was up to." he said sitting on the edge of my bed. "Heard you made a meal out of the food for the dinner tonight." he said chuckling. 

"Well I was hungry and it was just sitting there. Mother acted like it was such a big deal she sent me to my room like a child. " I said walking out from behind the dressing screen in the kimono I was going to wear. 

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"Beautiful as always pup

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"Beautiful as always pup." he said standing. A noise sounded outside and both of us turned that way. "It seems that they're here, shall we?" he add and I laugh as I took his offered arm. As we reached the stairs leading to the front doors of the palace we lived in I felt Father place a hand over mine as we walked down. 

I scanned the room below and saw them walk in and my eyes locked with Joushiro almost immediately. I gave him a smile and he returned one in kind. As soon as stepped down from the last step Father let me go and greeted Lord Shisuke and Lady Rona with Mother at his side. I stood by Sesshomaru not knowing what else to do. 

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