I'd be a bit cautious

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Kaito's P.O.V 

We watched what Inuyasha had done and saw the fury that was the female Taiyokai grab onto his neck. I honestly was amazed by how she handle the bear demons with ease, but something was off and I think she knew that, but fought anyways. As we got closer I saw a sword near the villagers and when she collapsed what ever kept the villagers safe had disappeared. 

One of the Villagers rushed forward and had said to bring her inside one of the huts. Inuyasha still fuming over what the taiyokai had done humph'd his disagreement. I watched as my twin Miroku step forward and hoist her up with the help of Sango and the two brought her inside and made her comfortable. I walked inside the hut and moved my brother aside. "Let's see what we have going on." I say pulling the Haori aside to see the wound. 

Miroku listened to the breathing and looked up at me. "all she needs is rest." he states I nodded and asked Kagome if she could bandaged the wound with one of her items from her time. She nodded and did it for me.  Inuyasha stormed in still evident that he was pissed. 

"Why are you helping her!" he fumed. 

I sighed as I sat down and got comfortable. "Because Inuyasha she saved these people from those bears, when she didn't have to considering that she's a demon herself." I said. Even though she was resting we had kept a fair distance so if she were to wake she didn't have to feel like she had to defend herself. 

"Inuyasha she needed help." Kagome says trying to reason with the hanyou. 

he humph'd again and plopped down annoyed and angry. A couple of hours had passed and as we ate peacefully I heard rustling from the spot the female Taiyokai was resting. I put down my chopsticks and went over to her cautiously. Her eyes glared at me and sent me a warning growl not to come any closer and raised my hands as means of telling her I would bring her no harm. 

"........Why?" she muttered as everyone attention was on her. 

"You where hurt and had collapsed." I said giving her light smile. 

"I know, but why help me?" she asked again. 

"you needed it." came Miroku's voice. I heard her groan as she went to sit up, but her body refused the action. 

she growled her frustration. "Once you're well, we're leaving!" came Inuyasha voice, and I watched as the taiyokai eyes widen at the sound of his voice. 

She looked away with great sadness. 

I took in the look of her, she had the amber eyes as a dog demon and a stripe on her cheek, obviously there would another on the other side. She also had a fluffy cloak or tail that Sesshomaru wears and I wonder if she knew of him. "My name is Kaito." I say introducing myself and she turned her head back to me. 

"Milena." was her reply, her amber eyes boring into mine. 

"I do have a question if I may?" I asked and she raised a brow, but said nothing, telling me 'go on' " Do you know of a taiyokai like yourself that goes by the......" I was interrupted by Inuyasha. 

"Don't bring him up!" he said angrily. 

"Are asking if I know Sesshomaru?" I heard her say and Inuyasha head went that way with disbelief. "Yes I know of him, I was trying to look for him when I came to this village." 

"why?" Kagome piped up next a bit perplexed. 

"Why!? Because he is my......." she started, but stopped herself. "It doesn't matter why. My only concern now is tracking the demon that tried to ambushed me." 

"Well you already...." Inuyasha started to say, but I felt her aura spike and her eyes change color. 

"If you say that it was the bears you wrong!" she growled, she sighed " No it happened three days ago in the middle of the night. A demon dressed in Baboon." 

"Naraku...." I said and she looked at me knowing she had heard what I had said. "Naraku is reason you're in this state." I explained telling her how Naraku was on all of our minds and she smirked. 

"Once I'm better, I would like to join  you. " she says, her eyes spoke the truth and we all turned to Inuyasha. 

"Why looking at me! I don't want her to join!" he said putting his hands into the sleeves of his haori

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"Why looking at me! I don't want her to join!" he said putting his hands into the sleeves of his haori. I heard Milena laughing and we turned back to her. 

"You are such a pup Inuyasha. " she says smiling. Inuyasha jumped to his feet in anger and turned to her. 

"I'm not a pup!" he shouted. 

"Then stop acting like one!" Milena stated and then sigh. " I just want to help and having company would do me good." 

Inuyasha growled and sat back down with a huff " Fine, just don't get in my way!" I got up and went back to the others and grabbed some food and brought it to Milena, Kagome got up as well and help Milena sit up. 

"I'll be up and around an another hour, Thank you for the help." she states taking the bowl of food from me. We all talked for some time with Miroku telling Milena how him and I were after Naraku. "So the wind tunnel on your hands are basically a killing you?" 

"yes, like it did with our father." Miroku states. Sango then tells her of her story and I saw a hint recollection go through the taiyokai eyes. 

"I ran into a human who claimed I ambushed her village." I heard her say, and Sango's eye widen. 

"You ran into Kira!" she said her eyes shined with hope. "I didn't see her things at the village so I assumed she was out there somewhere." 

"I guess I did run into her, although she did attack me." Milena says slightly annoyed. We talked a bit a more and when  another couple of hours had passed I saw Milena get to her feet and stretch. "Well Inuyasha let's go." 

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