Kouga what?

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We had traveled back to Kaede's village and I greeted the people with a smile only for them to look at me suspiciously. I frowned and jumped away for the forest to distance myself. 'The villagers still looked at me with distrust.' I thought sadly as I stood at the edge of the forest. Inuyasha hadn't taken notice that I had left, neither did the others. The memory of Sesshomaru annoyed look on his face three days made me giggle. 

'I can't believe he....' I thought 'probably to get her out of his mind, but I doubt that would work since you slept with her.' grinning at the annoyance and anger that had come out when Sesshomaru lunged at me with Tokijin. I sighed it was rather boring being here by myself and I went back to the village towards the hut I knew my friends would be in. 

I was about to walk into the hut when a cloud of dust came at me and I closed my eyes to keep the dirt from getting in. "Hello Kouga." I greeted giving the cocky wolf a smile. 

"Hey Milena! So is Kagome around?" he said and I raised a brow, he sounded like he didn't really want to see Kagome. 

"maybe, I'm not sure." I say leaning against the hut. 

"I smell her inside the hut, excuse me" he said and opened the flap, I turned when I didn't hear him speak and looked inside. They acted like they were innocent. 

'where the listening to our conversation?' I thought, I saw Kagome's face and knew that she didn't really want to speak with Kouga, not right now at least. "Kouga.....There's something......" I started. 

"What do you want you mangy wolf!" Inuyasha snarled dropping down from the roof of the hut. and I sighed. 

"Well Mutt I came to talk to Kagome!" he said his hair bristling. I growled and walked between them to get inside the hut.

 ' stupid men and their stubborn ways!' I thought as I sat down beside Kagome. 

Kouga's P.O.V

My nose caught her scent when she walked passed with a growl of annoyance, I blinked my eyes I turned my head to look inside the hut. She had sat down beside Kagome with a air of dignity and her hands in the sleeves of her haori. Was she jealous? No she had been tempting to go into playful banter before the mutt interrupted. 

To be honest her scent had my nose wanting more, but I had already sworn that Kagome was my woman! I could hear the mutt growling beside me and it caused my eye to twitch. "Yea yea whatever..... Hey Kagome the mutt been treating you well hasn't he?" I asked walking into the hut ignoring the snarls of Inuyasha behind me. 

"No body asked you!" Inuyasha barked. 

"I'm fine Kouga." Kagome said kindly. My nose picked up Milena scent since she was sitting next to Kagome. 

"How are you Milena?" I asked sitting down across from them. 

"...........fine." she said running her clawed hand through her hair, trying to get the tangles out. The expression on her face ran shivers down my spine. 

'where have I seen that expression before?' I thought. I watched her give up trying to untangle her hair get to her feet and walk out, my eyes following her. "Maybe you should go see if she's okay?" came Kagome voice. I didn't make a reply as I got to my feet and follow the Inu-taiyokai. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I growled as I ran my hand through my hair again trying to get the tangles free. "Urgh! " I say putting my hands down at my sides. I heard someone behind and knew it was Kouga again. " Shouldn't you be talking with...." I stopped talking when I felt his fingers in my hair untangling the strands gently. 

"I was, but something else was on my mind." he said as he moved to another strand of hair and untangling it. "You know if you don't like your hair being tangle why don't you braid it." 

"I would, but I don't have anything to keep it that way." I said relaxing into his touch as he continued to run his fingers through my hair. 

"maybe you can get Kagome to braid it for you." he commented when he removed his hands from my hair when he was done. 

"Thank you for untangling my mess of hair." I say giving him a smile as I turned around to face him. I saw him blush and scratch his cheek. His way of saying 'your welcome' without actually saying it. 

"Well I'm going back to Kagome, you going to be okay?" he asked and I nodded and watched him head back to the hut. I jumped into the tree above me and ran my hands through my now untangled hair loving the feel of it. Twenty minutes later I saw him leave in cloud of dust and I leaned against the trunk of the tree I was sitting with a smile. 

"Hey! You hungry!" I heard Inuyasha shout up to me and I look down and grinned at the still annoyed face he wore. I jumped down and followed him back to the hut. After we ate I went to Kagome who was brushing her hair. 

"Kagome? " I asked and she looked up with a hum. "I was wondering if you could braid my hair?" I waited for her to finished brushing her hair and then watched as she patted the spot in front of her. I sat down in front of her taking off my fluff so it would be easier for her to do so. 

"Would it be okay if I brushed it before I start?" she asked and I nodded. Miroku and Kaito had left the hut to let us girls talk. She ran the brush through my hair and I sighed as I liked the feel of it. As she brushing my hair she asked a question. "Milena, Do you like Kaito?" she asked getting Sango's attention as well and looking at me curiously. 

"No, he's sweet and I will always have his back, but I don't not have those types of feelings for him." I answered kindly. 

"What about Kouga?" Sango piped up. I closed my eyes and hummed when Kagome started to braid my hair. 

"Me, with the wolf, I don't know. " I say leaving it as that. 

"I can tell he's fighting his feelings for Kagome, he claims he loves Kagome, but his attention was you today." Sango said. 

"So? That doesn't mean anything." I commented. I heard Kagome giggle before she spoke. 

"Of course it does! It means he's found someone he truly likes! " she stated finishing braiding my hair.  I turned to the girls who had started giggling. 

"Are you guys giggling over Kouga weird behavior or giggling over the fact I don't know the difference?" I asked raising a brow. 

" Maybe, just maybe, you like Kouga as well" Kagome said. 

" I could say same for the two of you with Inuyasha and Miroku." I pointed out and both girls turned a shade a red. 

Kouga's P.O.V

I had left to clear my head, Milena smiling face staring at me had my heart beating and I wanted to see more of it. On the other hand I wanted Kagome who I claimed as mine, but as I thought of Milena more of Kagome's face disappeared from my mind. I stood there a few miles from the Village where both women stayed and growled. 

Milena was intoxicating and rightfully so not just in her appearance, but her scent as well. A scent that separated from the Inu smell of her race. ' I'm falling for Milena!' I thought as the realization hit me full force.  "Damn it! I'll come back later!" I muttered to myself and running off passing Ginta and Hakkaku along the way. 

"Wait up Kouga!" they shouted out of breath. 

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