Who the hell are you?

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We were back on the road in the hunt for Naraku, running into Kouga along the way. I stopped when my ears caught the noises of horses. The others stopped with me. "How strange, is there a war we don't know about?" Miroku asked. I raised a brow and wondered about that. I didn't stick around for the whole story or what not and bounded forward. 

After they got what they wanted we were off again only for me to stop and turn to Inuyasha. "I need to go deal with something." I say and he gave me this incredulous look and I groaned. " I'll come back I promise." 

"Just.....be careful." he said and I smiled and nodded and took off. I came upon a temple and walked in. Of course it wasn't the same the temple Renkotsu had taken over. 

"Demon you best turn around where you came from." A priest demanded and I raised brow as he raised his prayer beads. 

"I'm not here to destroy your sacred place Priest. I'm wondering if you have prayer beads of good fortune around?" I say kindly. My eyes didn't miss the fact that the others were doing the same as the priest. Of course they would not believe the words of a demon like myself. 

"Be gone demon! Or be purified!" the priest said once more and I growled. 

"you priests are the worst kind of humans!" I snarled and left. I headed off towards a direction not caring if it was the right one back to the others. I stopped onto a tree branch when I saw the castle and blood reached my nose, as well as gunpowder and smoke. I watched from where as I was not wanting to get involved, but the tormented screams of the people inside tore at me. I jumped from the tree and left the area not wanting to be guilty of not helping. As soon as I got away I smelled Kouga coming and he stopped. 

"Milena?! What the hell are you doing out this way without that mutt." he asked and I gave him a stern look. 

" I'm not leashed to Inuyasha orders. What are you doing out this way?" I asked 

"The smell of gunpowder and blood that's why?" he said "I'm surprised you're not seeking it out." 

"Not in the mood to deal with blood thirsty humans today." I said and he scoffed. I growled, but he didn't say what was on his mind and took off. I rolled my eyes and was going to continue my path, but growled and turned back. ' He's going to get himself killed.' I thought chasing after Kouga. 

By the time I caught back up with Kouga, he was already in battle with the band of seven. Seeing him just dodge a big sword from slicing him in two. The man lunged forward towards Kouga and was about to use his sword on Kouga once more had I not acted and used my own to deflect the mans. "Milena! Don't get involved!" Kouga growled. 

"Shut up!" I snarled my aura rising. I turn back to my opponent, "Nice sword you've got, mind if I take it for a spin." I say using my poison whip and jerking it out of his hands. By this time Inuyasha and the others had shown up. 

"Why you sly woman! I like you! " The man said going for it only for me to stop him with the whip and heading his direction. I stood next to his prized weapon a smirk playing on my lips. I was forced to move when Jakotsu snake like sword came at me. "Jakotsu let me play with her a bit, she's interesting." the man said. 

"You must be Bankotsu." I heard Inuyasha say as he gripped Tetsaiga. I watched as the two collided and I scoffed, but it was short lived as I dodged the fire Renkotsu had brought my way. I moved out of the way of Ginkotsu cannon fire and barely dodged Jakotsu sword. I threw my sword at Kagome feet as Ginkotsu fired upon her. Kouga grabbed the thing attention and I went back to Jakotsu. 

" Throwing your sword away was probably a dumb idea." he said begrudgingly. 

I only smirked. " I don't need my sword to rip you in a half!" I snarled lunging forward as Kaito grabbed Renkotsu attention.  Jakotsu used his sword and as it came at me I grabbed it and yanked. All he did was pull back and I moved away from the retracting blade. He striked at me again and I used my whip to deflect it. 

Than something stopped me as Inuyasha used his wind scar on Bankotsu. Afterwards they were gone and I growled. We didn't talk much as Kouga and Inuyasha bickered back in forth and I rolled my eyes. I took my blade from the ground at Kagome's feet and sheathed it. Walking away from the destroyed hold following the scent of the seven or rather the five mercenaries. 

They caught up to me and Kaito made me stop and he pulled my left hand to him, so he could check the cut. "It's healed Kaito." I say pulling my hand away. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

"It's nothing. Let's just track them down" I said 

Bankotsu P.O.V 

'hmm so they have a Taiyoukai with them?' I thought pondering over the fact she was able to deflect banryu with that small sword of hers. She later had used what ever power she had and caused Banryu to fall from my grasp. "Anyone here know who that Taiyoukai was?" I asked as we headed towards Mount Hakurei. I saw Jakotsu look of annoyance and anger. 

"From what I can tell, her name is Milena. I don't know if she has any connections to the group or not." Jakotsu replied "She isn't worth my time though, so if you want to switch I can gladly do it." he added looking hopeful. 

"No, was just curious." I said and I heard him groan with displeasure. "All I know of her is that she's the sister to Inuyasha." 

"Did you get that from Naraku?" Renkotsu asked and I shrugged. 

"Who cares where I got it from. " I remarked. " All I know is she's interesting to say the least." and with that they fell silent. 'she's very interesting.....hmmm' I thought smirking.

Milena's P.O.V

After Kouga failed attempt to chase after the band of seven because of the barrier surrounding the mountain. I sighed and sat down, too exhausted from being this close. I sneezed and everyone turned to me. "What?" I grumbled. 

"Someone must be talking about you." Miroku implied and I glared as I groaned at the discomfort. I got up and walked back down the trail we had came. Soon the others followed and as night fell we traveled a bit more before we made camp. No one said a word and as I jumped into a tree allowing my thoughts to lull me to sleep. 

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