They're so adorable.

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It had been two days since Kira had left to go do something and I had weaned the girls to regular food. The four of us sat under the shade of a tree enjoying the outside air and them enjoying their fruit slices. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was worn out, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. "Hello Sango what's going on?" I say as she sat down. 

"Kaito and you have been busy with them." she states handing over a bowl of grapes that was just harvested. 

"Mostly I, but yea they're angels." I say taking a grape and popping it into my mouth. It was my first time tasting one and I widen my eyes at the taste. "These are good." 

"Well they're for the girls. " Sango implies lightly slapping my hand away from the grapes. I whined, but stayed away. "By the by, you could have your own running around here you know." 

"Now's not the right time." I say. 

"Why not? It's obvious you've gone a step further in your relationship with Kaito then Inuyasha has with Kagome." She says. "Or is because you don't want to scare Kaito away with....." she couldn't finish. 

I raised a curious brow as she turned pink. "Can't finish your train of thought there Sango?" I teased and she lightly hit my arm. I grabbed the collar of Irisa and placed her back in my line of sight as I waited for Sango make a reply. 

"Well....I....." she stammered and I laughed. 

"You see....I started, but stopped when Miroku and Kaito came over. "Hello, Care to join us?" I greeted leaning against the tree. 

"Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are at the well." Miroku said I laughed, "Probably waiting for them to get back from their time." he added. I nodded. 

The girls were getting sleepy and I went to pick them up, only for Miroku to pick one up into his arms. I grabbed the other two and we walked back to the hut that Kaede had given to Kira. I placed Kayome and Milara down as Miroku gently place Irisa down next to her siblings. I tucked them in, as well as removing my fluff and gently placing it over them for extra warmth. "Sleep well my princesses." I say giving each a kiss on the forehead. 

We walked out of the hut and I stretched. "You're good with them." Miroku said and I turned my head to him. 

"Well I am their Aunt." I say yawning "You know what a nap sounds good to me too" I add walking back into the hut and curling up by the bed and slept. Thirty minutes into my nap a noise woke me up and I opened my eyes and took in the scent around me. The girls were behind me and I leaped to my feet and walked out of the hut. My eyes landed on one of the villagers he had accidently dropped some firewood onto the ground. 

"I'm sorry I just lost my grip." he apologized and I only smiled.

"No need for the apology, here let me help." I said going to him. I walked with him to where he needed them at and placed them down. 

"I hope I didn't wake those sweet girls." he said and I only shook my head.

"No they're fast asleep, no worries." I say patting his back lightly and wishing him a good day before I left. I then saw Sesshomaru walked into the village with Kira at his side and I smiled once more. 

"Where they good for you? I'm sorry it took longer then I thought." she said. 

"They were angels Kira no worries." I said giving her a hug after we pulled her and Sesshomaru went into the hut the girls were in. I followed and I heard Sesshomaru chuckle. 

"Milena they don't need the fluff here." he says handing me my fluff back. I took it gently and smiled as I walked away to let them be with their girls. I walked into the other hut and plopped down on the fluffs I left behind and sighed with content. 

I needed a nap. 

I groaned when Miroku started talking. " I would mind having a little niece or nephew running around some day." he says. "Kaito and you should start." 

"I say you should consider that yourself Monk." I said I watched as he blushed lightly and I knew I'd shut him up. I closed my eyes only long enough for Sango to come in and give me a look. I got up attached my fluff back on and followed her out of the hut and we walked down back to the lake. 

"Milena......I....." she started and I giggled. 

"If you want make a move on Miroku it's real easy. " I said. Her face was beet red and as she sat down so did I. "It just depends if you like gentle and loving or rough and filled with passion." 

"Well...How...." she stammered. 

"I like it rough, although I've never had it done gentle. Demons don't know how." I said. "If you really want to experience it without getting pregnant, tell him to pull out right before he releases. Although I think he will because he doesn't want to risk his child getting the wind tunnel. " 

"It... it has always been something I wanted to wait for when I'm married." Sango said. " But I can't get what I almost said aloud out of my head." I laughed. 

"Your the one who thought it not me, Alright it's clear it's bothering you and...... " I say and I picked up a rock and threw it hitting Miroku on the head. "I do really get tired of you eavesdropping!" I add growling at the monk in question. 

"Well you....." he started, but shirked away when I snarled in return. 

"He never learns!" Sango said annoyed. I shrug " Millie, Have you made a move on Kaito?" 

I gave her a side ways smirk. " Here and there why?" I reply 

"cause the day you guys made it back Miroku wouldn't shut up about it." she says. I blinked my eyes in disbelief. 

"Well.....Let's just say Kaito's one step ahead of Miroku. " I said giggling Sango blushed. " Sango it's okay if you want to move forward, Let him be a little adventurous, but not to the point it's uncomfortable to you. Let him know you have boundaries until you're more sure of what you want." I finish. I turned my head to the side again to see Kaito and I raised a brow. 

"Miroku is giving me his look of curiosity, I had to leave." he said annoyed while leaning on his staff. "Sesshomaru is planning on taking Kira and the girls to the western lands to the palace you and him live in away from your mother. " 

"Oh well the staff there know not to cross him." I said " Besides you interrupted my girl talk. It's okay though " 

"I can tell, Sango's face is that of a tomato." he said. 

"Well she did ask." I said and that earned me a playful punch to the arm, which only ended up with me laughing.

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