Night falls

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Miroku's P.O.V 

After Kaito had stepped in between of the two siblings Milena had walked forward trying not let her foul mood get the better of her. I heard the voice of Myoga as he had said to take the sword to Totosai the demon who had made Tetsusaiga. He would have said more had the flea not tense up in fright. I saw why Milena stood above Inuyasha with a look that could kill. I heard her huff, but turn away and walk off. Clearly Myoga had done or said something to make Milena want to wring his neck. 

I watched as my brother tried to talk to her and she only ignored him. "Just let her calm down Kaito." I said and he sighed. 

"She's probably blaming herself Miroku." he said as they trekked on to get to Totosai forge. I watched as Milena walked ahead of us, her temper still on the fore front. Once we were closer we decided to make came in the open field not far from where Totosao lived. 

"I'll be right back" Inuyasha said gruffly and left. The air was crisp and both Kagome and Sango shivered as Kaito started to make a fire. There was a gruff noise and I turned my head to see that Milena and transformed and huddled behind Kagome and Sango to give them some warmth and they thanked her. 

"Thank you Milena." I said giving her a warm smile. She only exhaled some air and close her eyes, growling at Myoga to stay away. Shippo had climbed onto her and burrowed into her fur with the intent to get comfortable. A few minutes went by and Kaito had fire going and the girls smiled in joy and as Milena went back to her human form caught Shippo before the kit fell to the ground. 

"Question if I may Milena?" I asked and she looked to me. " When you transform does your scent stay the same?" 

"Yes, there is no difference in my scent. Inuyasha is a hanyou which means his scent is different from humans and demons making him unique. His scent changed when his Demon blood awaken. If it wasn't just his demon blood his scent would be the same, but it wasn't." she said her eyes starring into the flames. It made sense to me. She didn't say else at that point and turned her back facing us. 

Inuyasha returned shortly and sat down by the fire. I could tell Inuyasha was still furious over what Milena had said and the two siblings were refusing to talk to each other. " Can't the two of you get over it." I said and I heard him huff. "I know siblings argue, trust me Kaito and I have done plenty, but to hold a grudge over Inuyasha breaking Tetsusaiga...." I started, but was stopped by the coldness of Milena's voice.

"It's not the breaking of the sword that has me furious with him! It's the fact that he doesn't treat it with respect and who left him that blade!" she said. "He fights so carelessly that he doesn't give a damn to his own life, sure protecting others is grand, but you have to think of you from time to time." she had added getting to her feet. 

I slumped my shoulders, there was truth behind her words and I turned to Inuyasha, who was glaring up at her. It was clear she was about to leave and as I had just sighed in defeat til I heard Inuyasha speak. "Wait! " she stopped. "Don't go." 

"Why should I stay?" she asked turning her head slightly as the sun went down. Before Inuyasha had returned Myoga had told them why Tetsusaiga was so important and why it was left to Inuyasha and I had heard Milena growl with frustration. The Tetsusaiga keeps the demon blood in Inuyasha at bay and when it broke it could longer do the job of doing so. 

"Just stay." Inuyasha said and she turned to him her eyes flashing blue and red in anger and stomped off. "damn it!" Inuyasha muttered and got up and chased after her. I had turned to Kagome with a shrug of my shoulders. 

"I tried" I said and they sighed. I couldn't hear what the siblings were discussing, but it was apparent Milena was reeling in her temper as a flash of annoyance crossed her face. I saw that she didn't carry that fluff that was Identical to Sesshomaru's and turned my head to see Shippo laying on it. 

"She really is trying her hardest not to smack him around isn't she?" Sango commented as we watched Milena cross her arms of her chest. After few seconds she moved her arms back her side, but bring a hand up grabbed his collar and leaped back closer to us. 

"What the hell!" Inuyasha barked, but Milena didn't say anything and I soon found out why. 

Sesshomaru's P.O.V

(some time Earlier)

I followed the strange scent in the air as Kira followed silently behind me. "This place is filled with the stench of the dead." she said a feeling of unease settling over her. It had been sometime since she had started traveling with me, and it infuriated me to no end. 

"If you don't like it why did you bother?" I asked not looking at her. 

"Because something didn't feel right and I wanted to see for myself!" she said irritation evident on her voice. I turned to her with a light growl, but said nothing. The air smelled of Inuyasha and his human companions, I knew Milena had been here as well, but her scent had been faint. 

'even though it is faint, she was trembling' I thought Inuyasha scent had changed and it caught my curiosity. I went to the corpse that was slaughtered by my little brother lifted it up and could smell the Tetsusaiga and ' so this creature was able to break the Tetsusaiga?' 

"What are you going to do with head?" Came Kira's question as I started walking. she caught up with me and I slowed to keep pace with her. I didn't know what came over me in doing so, but her presence was intoxicating and I couldn't get enough of it. We arrived to were I wanted to go and talked to the demon who used to be the student to Totosai. 

He had claimed he couldn't make a sword with the creature being dead so I brought it back using tensaiga and allowed him to awe over the live head. Kira had stayed outside. Kaijinbo said to give him three days and I didn't say anything afterwards, I walked out and turned my head slightly to Kira who had kicked a rock into the swampy waters before her. 

"let's go" I said walking passed her, she didn't say anything and caught up with me easily. We made it back to where I left Rin and the others and told to her to freeze and she did. I went forward and out stepped a woman who had the stench of Naraku all over her. She had claimed she was the incarnation of Naraku as well as the demon head I had commissioned to turn into a blade. She had said few more things and took flight. 

'What is that demon up to?' I thought as Kira told Rin she could move again. I told Jaken later to go pick up the blade in three days time and he nodded. I sat down and leaned against a tree to relax slightly. My eyes staying on Kira and Rin as they talked. 

"Do you like Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin asked innocently and my eyes grew curious as I moved my eyes to Kira who had been blushing at the question. 

"Rin, We're comrades and friends.....there's....." Kira had started to say, I sighed and got to my feet. Walked over there and pulled Kira to me roughly. Her hands immediately went to my chest to brace herself from the action. "What's your deal!" she huffed and I chuckled. 

"You are.....your's.....Intoxicating." I mutter into her ear, feeling her shiver in a delicious way. I could hear Rin scrambling away with Jaken guiding her. I took hold of Kira's hand once more and guiding her into the forest. I intended to give Kira a reason why I had said those words. 

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