What does it matter to you!

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After an eventful week we were back on the road to get to Naraku and destroy him. Everyone was extra diligent in making sure I was okay and I could groan because of the overwhelming need that I was fine. The only one to really give me the space I needed was Kaito seeming as how we had talked about this precise thing before leaving Kaede's village. 

"If one more person makes a fuss over me I'm leaving and doing things my own way!" I snarled. No one said anything after that and left me pretty much alone. Two hours on the road and I caught the scent of Kouga before Inuyasha and I turned in that direction when he came to a stop. 

I saw that his expression was of surprise and slight jealousy when he caught my scent. "You're with pup? What the hell are you doing! " he barked coming to me his voice filled with protectiveness. I gave him slight growl and he only growled back. "What is wrong with you! Two weeks in and you're going to put the little one in danger!" 

"I know what I am doing Kouga!" I say. I watched him turn to Kaito with a snarl. 

"You! You're going to let her do that!" he says snarling at Kaito. "What is wrong with you! You're her mate, she's being too fucking stubborn to see the risk she's taking!" 

"Kouga....Watch yourself." I said and he turned back to me, his face wasn't angry just filled frustration and concern and that made me blink my eyes. He came to me then and placed my hands and his. 

"I only say this because you've been told this before and wouldn't listen. Naraku will use your pup against you in some way. I can feel it. If you were still mine I'd have you buried away somewhere I knew you'd be safe at." he said his voice cracking, but held firm. That was when I realized he was still in love with me and I looked away while pulling my hands out of his. 

"It doesn't matter if I'd stayed home or not, Naraku is a part of my fate and I can't run from it." I said and I heard his growl. 

"Screw what fate or destiny has told you! Put the pup first!" he said 

"I am!" I snarled my aura flashing dangerously. That was when I caught Kaito's scent get between us. 

"Kouga, Milena and I have already discussed this!" he said " I trust her to make the call when she knows to step away and I'm going to hold to that."  

Kouga growled, but said nothing, it was apparent that he was upset, his only concern was to me and my unborn pup. It had made me feel slightly guilty over the risk I was taking, hell I had been feeling guilty since I found out. I turned to look at Kouga once more and his eyes bore into mine. I knew what it meant, he wanted to speak to me alone and I placed a hand on Kaito's shoulder. 

"Kai, Kouga and I are going to go talk a minute alone. I'll be fine." I said when Kaito gave me a look. I heard him sigh and nod his head and Kouga and I walked a distance away. Once a good distance away I turned to Kouga. "Look Kouga, there are things you don't understand, things you weren't around to hear. I was told prophecy about my fate, one would die for me, one would understand the meaning, another I would save, and the last would be in shadow. " I said. 

"What does that have to do with your pup!" he said annoyed. "Screw the prophecy! If the person in shadow is Naraku, come with me. I'll protect you while they go after him!" I widen my eyes at the thought, not realizing that could have been option and no one coming up with the idea. 

"Even though...." I started, he took my hand and his eyes were soft. 

"You still hold a special spot in my heart Milena, that will never go away. I still love you you stubborn woman, but I'm respecting your wishes to be with him. It took me awhile to realize that my heart will still forever be attached to you. It hurts me to see you with him, knowing it isn't me. I didn't see what you wanted til it was too late, I'm sorry for that. I hold all that on me, just promise me you won't put that pup of yours in harms way." he explains. 

What surprised me more was the mark on his collarbone even though it was faded it was only slightly faded and I  raised a brow as I ran a hand across it. ' Mukasha prophecy back when Jou and Selira was alive was true, ' I thought thinking back on it. 'The wolfs love will forever keep you protected. ' she had said so long ago. 

I needed to have a conversation with old bag again at some point. "Kouga, I thank you for your concern....." I started, but he stopped me. 

"Don't do that to me! I'm trying to help here!" he said and I snarled at him. 

" I KNOW YOU ARE!!! " I roared at him. " I was going to say I was going to talk to the others about seeing if you would help me with something while they track down Naraku!" His face was in shock before it turned to a look of relief and we walked back to the others. "Guys, Kaito, There's something I must do, someone I must talk to and I can't do that tracking Naraku. " 

"Milena? Who is it that....." Kaito began. 

"Mukasha that old bag, I need to talk to her and I can't do that if I'm chasing down Naraku. Kaito, you better make it out of that fight alive you hear me!" I said taking his hands in mine. " I know this is last minute and by the look on Inuyasha's face he's in a foul mood, but I need to do this." 

"I'll make it out alive I promise, but promise me you'll stay safe." he said and I nodded. I heard Kouga say he was backing out on getting Naraku and told Inuyasha he was leaving it him and that surprised me. 

"Miroku, Sango. Watch Kaito's back for me?" I ask and they nodded their heads. I gave Kaito a passionate kiss and when we let go for air I spoke once more. " If you need strength in the battle to come call on the mark it'll help you." 

"I don't...." he started to say. 

"it'll come to you, all you have to do is let it in." I say and he nodded. I watched as they started to walk away both Kaito and Inuyasha looking back with concerned looks and I waved them off. 

"You ready to talk to this old bag?" Kouga remarked and I only rolled my eyes as I nodded and the two of us walked in the opposite direction. 

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