Grief and anger

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Sesshomaru's P.O.V

I stopped in my walking when I felt something was the matter with Milena. I growled and hurried off to the direction I felt it coming from. After an hour of trying to reach Milena I ran into Inuyasha and his band of humans. My nose picked up the lingering scent of Joushiro and turned to my little brother. "Where is the Daiyoukai?" I asked. 

"I don't know asked Milena!" Inuyasha barked irritated. My eyes scanned over to the human Milena treasured. 

"He died just recently, Milena took off with his corpse. Most likely to bury him and give him the burial he deserves." he said his eyes downcast. 

"Not what I had expected from the leader of the south." I remarked quietly. I turned back to my brother. "Her aura spiked dangerously." 

"Yea the dude gave her his power!" Inuyasha said. My eyes widen at the exclamation. ' he did a blood pact with her? ' 

"She had some glowing mark on her arm." Kagome said next.

"So the mating ceremony by proxy was finalized." I pondered aloud. 

"What does that mean?" Kaito spoke up and I turned to him amused. 

"It means that they are mates and took his death for her to realize how important he was to her. It will also be some time before she will openly allow you back in, if any at all. It also means the....." I was interrupted by a loud voice. 

"Where is she! Where is Milena!" the voice shouted and I caught the scent of the wolf. 

"Why would you care Mangy wolf!" Inuyasha snarled. Kouga bared his teeth at my little brother and I smirked. 

"Her mark appeared didn't it?" I say getting the wolf's attention. "Meaning you're still in love my sister." 

"It's her mark, not mine!" he said. " All I know is that she's pissed as hell and is seeking vengeance! " he growled when no one could give him an answer. "Fine! I'll find her myself! " I growled but followed after the wolf. We had arrived to the area where Milena was at she was sitting under the shade of a cherry tree. 

She had just finished burying Joushiro and was now clinging onto the fluff in her hands. She growled at Kouga when he got close. "Milena, come on don't be this way." he said and she took a swipe at him with her claws as he jumped back. 

"Leave me!" she snarled her eyes red. 

"Milena." I said and she stopped and looked up at me. The mark of Joushiro  still lingering on her arm. "He's gone and there is no way to bring him back." 

"Father came back for a time why can't he?" she says. " Bring him back Sesshomaru! Please he didn't deserve to die!" I stepped back as she reached for me, her grasping the ground beneath her. "I beg of you! Please!" She then started to sob hysterically when I gave her a stern shake of my head.  

"Milena, I......." Kouga started, but Kaito stopped him. 

"You don't know half of what happened, so do not act like you do." he said clenching his hands around his staff. 

"Monk...." Kouga growled out. 

"What she just lost a very close friend of hers that happened to be her mate by proxy! That is why your mark isn't on her! She was already mated to Joushiro when you two marked each other if you really loved her you'd give her the space she needs!" He fumed. 

Inuyasha's P.O.V

Getting tired of all this arguing back and forth I stomped up to Milena and hoisted her to her feet. She struggled, but didn't strike at me. " Get a hold of yourself! You have a perfectly good mate over there who is clearly concerned for you." I said pointing to Kaito. She shook her head and tried to move back to the grave. 

"Inuyasha, she isn't going to open herself to that, she's grieving." Sango said 

"I don't give a rats ass!" I yelled and that had Milena push me away. 

"I don't need anyone here right now!" I heard her say. "All I want is to be left alone." Sango moved passed me and placed down her sword at her feet. 

"You left that behind. I thought you'd like to have it back." she said and was going to step away had she not been pulled down into a hug by Milena. Sesshomaru walked away and stood at distance from the party. 

I walked over there and growled at him as Kaito came up as well. "It is likely, she will never open herself up again. If she does it will be quite some time. When a mate dies, it's all the other will think about. " he sighs before continuing. " Especially if the bond was special. If she does move on from his death, he will not be forgotten." 

"It that how it works?" Kaito asked and I gawked at him. 

"Yes, The marking is a bonding that is stronger then any mating ceremony, It gets stronger by the love you carry for them and it weakens if you falter in that love. My parents marks were faded meaning their love had falter or ebbed away or simply the fact that they had fallen out of love. The Mark on Kouga will disappear and fade away. " 

"The task you have monk will be a difficult one, It will test you in many ways, but you must not falter in it. Watch over her, she lost someone who was special to her and I'm worried." I heard Sesshomaru say and I turned to look at our sister who was now facing the grave again. Kouga walked passed us the mark Milena had given faded away. 

"I don't like the fact she crying, but Naraku needs to be found." he growled as he walked and then was gone. 

"Why are you so worried?" I asked and Sesshomaru glared. 

"If she does not heal from this, she'll fall into a dark part of herself and no one wants that." he said. 

Kaito's P.O.V

' a chance is all I have, she might never move on from him.' I  thought solemly as I walked away from the brothers. I walked over to Milena and sat down beside her. I placed my hand on her back only to pull it away when it seared at my skin. I got up quickly and backed away. "Milena? It's okay we'll get them for this!" I say. 

She got to her feet and strapped the fluff that Joushiro had given her next to hers. Taking her sword and putting it in it's sheathe. "I think it's time we take care of these band of seven and take out Naraku. " she says her aura rising ever higher. 

'she's a lot stronger then before now that she's got Joushiro power.' I thought I knew both her brothers felt it. 

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