She thought about you, what's wrong with that?

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Kaito's P.O.V

I had only blinked my eyes when Milena had dragged Kouga off and then I heard a slap as I turned towards Miroku and Sango. She had slapped him and I could only assume that he suggested what Milena had done with Kouga. "Do you not have any shame?!" she said her face red. I heard his usual response to it 'it was worth the ask.' and I shook my head. 

Miroku then turned to me and raised a curious brow. "So how did you meet Ayame?" he asked out right curious. 

"When I was traveling on my own for a time. " I responded although I had only stayed with her for about a week and helped her when she needed it. At that time she was trying to get stronger for Kouga of all people. I turned to look at her, even though she had let Kouga off easily, I could tell she upset. "You okay?" 

She looked to me and nodded. " I couldn't help, but notice how she was willing to let him go, it was love that was able to let her do it." she said I was a bit surprised myself. 

"Can't Demons take more then one mate?" Miroku in turn asked and Ayame glared at him. 

"We Demons aren't like that! At least I'm not and I know Kouga isn't!" she stated. " Besides that I know that the Inu demons don't do that either. I do know that the lizard demons are that way." I saw that Sango was nodding her head. 

"Not only that I saw how much he loves her and I couldn't let my childish promise get in the middle of that. " Ayame said getting to her feet. 

"Why let him go when you didn't want him to?" Inuyasha said after being silent for so long. "Your feelings couldn't have changed that instantly." 

"I'm not going to get into that argument because it isn't your business!" she says "Besides the time I spent with Kaito had me questioning it." I saw that Inuyasha didn't really hear the last part as his head turned in the direction of the forest behind us. I focused on what he was paying attention to and I couldn't sense anything, maybe it was something he heard. 

"You okay there Inuyasha?" I asked raising a brow, he turned back to us and shrugged. 

"yeah just thought I heard something is all." he replied huffing slightly. "Why she have to pick him? She could have picked anyone but him."  

"Cause she chose him Inuyasha." Kagome piped up. I watched as he jumped to his feet and I raised a brow and then sensed it myself. Milena Aura had spiked, as well as Kouga's and I only shook my head again. 

"What the hell is that Mangy wolf doing to her! Why is her aura spiking......" Inuysaha stopped mid-sentence and sat back down. 

"You don't need to be told do you?" Sango remarks and he shook his head profoundly and glared at Miroku who was giving Sango a sideways glance. "She turned her head and raised a brow at my twin brother brother. "Miroku don't you even think about it." she states going to a spot to sleep for the night. 

"Just be lucky she didn't hit you on the head." I said as he only got ready for sleep himself. I turned to Ayame then who had just gotten back with a couple of apples in her hands. "You okay?" I added, she nodded. 

"Yeah, want one?" she says offering one of the two apples and I nodded taking one as she sat down. "......Kaito, I know that we only spent time that one week when you help me with those demons and stayed to help me get stronger, I really appreciate it........I don't want Kouga mated with her, but he's adamant about it." she finished. 

"You still like him, but what is really bothering you?" I asked. 

She turned to look at him. "When you left, my thoughts were betraying me, I was thinking about you, I'm still in denial over it, but at the same time can't help, but feel what I feel." she claims 

"Than why did you let Kouga be dragged away?" I asked. 

"Because those two are deeply in love with each other! I could see it!" she says. 

"........Ayame, Milena was letting go, but when you stopped as well and Kouga ......being Kouga ......This is confusing!" I say laying back, Ayame only chuckled dryly. 

"They might be mated Kaito, but it doesn't mean their soulmates. They might've marked each other, but it doesn't mean there meant for each other. Kouga will eventually come to realize that. " she said. 

"Ayame, it isn't a fling for Milena. If it is for Kouga I......" I started, but Ayame stopped me. 

"I know it isn't for her! I saw it on her face. Kaito do you carry feelings for Milena?" she asked and I closed my eyes. 

"No, I care for her, but it's not like that." I say "Besides you're the third person who's asked me that." I heard her giggle after that. 

"Let me guess she's the one you bought that cloak?" she said and I didn't say anything. "Has she lost her cool when she's around you?" 

"No, the last time her aura spiked dangerously high was when Kouga was being reckless. Never towards me being in danger, why are you asking?" I asked sitting up. 

"Just......The elder said that most Taiyoukai's especially the Inu's are known to lose their cool completely when their loved ones are danger and sometimes it's family members, but most times it's when their mates are in terrible danger. Kouga being reckless, well that is Kouga, but at the same time Kouga relies on his instincts and that had kept him alive. There's another thing I forgot to mention, Sometimes that rage they feel isn't just there because of random it goes by how they feel. " she says " Milena is sweet and kind and playful, but there's a darker side of her and I wonder if Kouga knows that. Kaito I wish I could stay, but I have to go. Just be careful." she added and she left. 

By the next morning Milena had shown back up without Kouga and she went over to me and kicked my foot, making me stir and open an eye as I looked that at her. "Morning Kaito, Inuyasha looks ready to head out." she states and walking away without much more to say. I saw the mark on her skin and notice that it had faded some. 'Did something happen between them?' I thought sitting up and poking Miroku with my staff. 

After everyone got ready to move along, Kagome had stated she need to head back to Kaede village for something and even though Inuyasha growled his opinion of needing to continue on the journey, Kagome ended up winning in the end. I turned back to Milena to tell her we were heading off back to Kaede's village, she was no where to be seen.  

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