I get it now.

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We were back on the road and during our travels ran across a town. I noticed that it was the same town Kaito and I had went to when we left on our own. I giggled as Sango and Kagome took my hands and dragged me ahead and to the left of many vendors. We came upon a vendor who was selling fur wraps and I raised a brow. My fluff was wrapped my shoulders the back hanging loosely. "I have one...... They are pretty." I said running a clawed hand over one. 

"They are pretty, I wonder how much they are?" Kagome said. 

"Probably a little much for us to buy." Sango responded. We left that vendor and walked on down, until I stopped at one that was selling Kimonos. My eyes caught on one that stood out from the others. 

I pulled myself away from the kimono and dragged the girls away as well

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I pulled myself away from the kimono and dragged the girls away as well. We stopped at small food vendor and I bought some fruit and sat down onto a bench. "That Kimono you were looking at was gorgeous!" Kagome commented awing over the item in question. It was gorgeous, but I didn't need a kimono I had tons at home. We had just gotten up from the bench when a little girl ran by us in tears and I raised a brow as three boys ran after her. 

Before they got far I grabbed one by the collar making the other two stop. "Why are you chasing that little girl?" I said. "If you three are bullying her I suggest you stop that now and apologize. I will find your parents." I placed the boy down and they ran the other way. "boys" I mutter as we waited for the boys to show up. 

"Milena? The night before last when...." Sango tried saying, but couldn't due to the blush she had on her cheeks. 

I gave her a curious look. 

"You pretty close to Kaito." Kagome says finishing Sango thought for her. 

"Come on girls! I wasn't really that upset over it. He didn't see anything. Miroku....maybe, but he got what he deserved didn't he?" I say putting my hands into the sleeves of my haori. They thought about it and I watched them nod their heads in understanding. 

"Hey babe how about you come with us?" a male voice said and I knew it was towards Sango and Kagome. I growled and showing my fangs and he flinched and left quickly. 

"Pigs" Sango says in disgust. That was when Inuyasha, Miroku, and Kaito had found us. 

"Miroku got us holdings for the night come on." Inuyasha said. 

"Alright I'll see you guys there, I need a moment." I said. Inuyasha looked back at me with a concern eyebrow and I waved him off.  My nose had caught the scent of gunpowder being used and even though Inuyasha had caught it, didn't think anything of it. I had turned around to go to the source when a hand grabbed my arm gently. 

"is something the matter?" Kaito asked. 

"I don't know, I just want to investigate to be sure." I said and he nodded and the two of us went to the source of the smell I had picked up. we had reached the place and and I covered my nose, the stench of gunpowder was heavy. I had noticed that it was a good distance from the town, but the huts on the outer edge of it got the brute force of this attack. 

Whoever was causing this had just started. The smoke was heavy and my eyes started to water. I kept my ears alert trying to hear the offender. I didn't have to do much because Kaito had spotted him before I did. 

Kaito's P.O.V 

I could tell Milena was having a difficult time, because of the stench of gunpowder. I strained my eyes and spotted the offender before Milena had the chance to react. I went forward throwing my staff at him before the man could grab whatever was in his pouch. He cursed as he turned to me and I landed a punch to his face as I got close to him. 

We traded blows and I jumped back and grabbed my staff as he lunged forward at me and I used the momentum using my staff to hit him in the side. The guy had jumped back used whatever he was carrying taking a drink and the next thing I knew he was spitting fire. I didn't have time to move out of the way, but I didn't feel the flames touch me and I opened my eyes to see that Milena had pulled me out of harms way. 

One of her arms was wrapped protectively around me her sword in her right hand. A deep growl sounding through as her eyes changed color. Her aura had changed and I saw that the man was a bit surprised. What surprised me more was her turning to face me and handing me her blade. "Go kick his ass.....the smoke and gunpowder still has my nose crazy." she says. The man got over his surprise and did the same move like last time and Milena just moved us to a different spot. 

I studied his movements to the best of my ability and moved forward and caught him by surprise as I whacked him with my staff once more. Milena's Aura was still floating around and felt it lend me strength to land a punch to the mans face sending him to the ground. Wheezing and coughing from all the smoke, I couldn't see the man get to his feet and retreat. 

By this time the town guards had shown up and through my coughing fit told them what had happened, at the same time the others had shown up and with effort of the towns people the fire was taken care of and we got back to the inn that Miroku had gotten us a room for. 

Milena's P.O.V 

I stayed outside trying to gather fresh air into my lungs, I turned when I heard Kaito behind me. "You should be resting." I said as he sat down beside me. 

"I am resting." he said as he leaned his head onto my shoulder. "I wanted to tell you thanks for the save and that I get it. " 

"I'll always have your back. I'm sorry, I know in the beginning I had said you had nothing to worry about, but...." I started, but his hand touched mine. 

"I get it, now shush." he whispered. I heard him fall asleep and I took in his scent through the stench of smoke, ash, and gunpowder. I smelled his own. 

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