Love Galore. x Playboiuzi

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In which Symere going to a new school but is scared because his hearing is impaired.

In which Symere going to a new school but is scared because his hearing is impaired

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"Symere it's gonna be okay." Symere read his mom lips, feeling his mom touched his shoulder.

"But mom everyone is gonna make fun of me." Symere did in sign language, his eyes becoming glossy.

"It's bad enough everyone knows I'm a intersex.."

"Symere it's not your fault sweetie, my genes was like that in my family." His mother said with her small fingers.

They got to the front desk, Symere's mother taking out his documents. Symere looked at the school, seeing it was very big unlike his last school.

"Here you go, we're sending someone down to walk you to each class." The assistant said to Symere which made him nod shyly.

"Symere have a nice day at school okay? It's going to be fine." His mother signal him once again before leaving.

Symere lean back before a tall figure stand next to him, smiling.

"Mr.Carter, can you walk Mr.Woods
to each class?" Symere read her lips and saw Jordan nod.

Symere felt a tap on the shoulder, he turned around to see the tall figure once again.

"Hi I'm Jordan." Jordan smiled at Symere.

Symere tried to catch his fast lips but couldn't so, he left Jordan with no response.

Jordan's smiled started fading away from the small adorable boy he once saw in his eyes.

"I can't hear.." Symere said, tapping his ear. Symere never liked talking since he kinda hated his voice.

Jordan raised his eyebrow before smiling at the small boy. He signaled, "Hi, my name is Jordan."

Symere eyes widen before signaling, "My name is Symere." He smiled at Jordan.

Symere was shocked about Jordan's actions. When people came up to Symere, he would read their lips but never talk back. He would do it in sign language and they would absolutely confused. They probably walk away and never talk to him ever again.

Those two found themselves in all the classes with each other and became close. Jordan introduced Symere to his friends, Jahseh, Rakim, Tyler, Stokeley, Michael, Gazzy and Omar.

Tyler gravitated to Symere the most because both of them had their hearing taken away at a young age.

That also made Jordan learn sign language more since he was tired writing Tyler notes when they talked.

Few months have passed, Jordan and Symere started becoming close with each other. They loved each other presence when they was around, sometimes they had sleepovers because they couldn't be away from each other. That's how their bond was.

"Symere it's fine." Jordan reassured him.

On the other hand, Symere wasn't having it since he have never been on a rooftop.

"What if I fall?!?" Symere spoke out, it was very often he did.

"Imma catch you because I'm your guardian." He reached out for Symere hand so he can sit down.

Symere nodded slowly, grabbing Jordan's larger hand and sitting down. The sunset was a orangey purple, setting itself there before it turns dark.

Symere took his Polaroid out, talking some pictures before taking one of Jordan.

"Hey!" Jordan blocked his face, making Symere giggle.

"You're so photogenic, you can be a really good model." Symere said in sign language, putting his camera and the photos he took back in the bag.

"Eh, I don't know. I really wanna be one though.." Jordan signaled to him.

"Go for it. I believe in you." Symere rested his head on Jordan's shoulder.

Jordan looked down on the small figure, picking Symere up to be on his lap. Symere blushed, looking into Jordan's eyes.

Jordan's orbs was beautiful in Symere's opinion, especially you look into light. Symere wouldn't tell him that because he liked him.

Jordan analyzed Symere's whole face before leaning in. His lips landed, feeling another soft ones. Symere eyes widen, feeling something he never felt in a long time.


Symere closed his eyes, lips syncing in the mix. Symere felt Jordan's tongue come into his mouth and he let him too.

They both pulled away after sucking each other faces off for 5 minutes straight.

"I thought you were straight..." Symere put his fingers up.

Jordan shaked his head no, "I'm been bisexual, always was." He brushed Symere's dreads out the way.

Symere nodded, kissing him one more time.

"I like you Symere."

"I like you too..." Symere hugged him before looking back at the sunset.

@/playboicarti 30k

Tagged: @/liluzivert

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@/playboicarti: forever 🤞🏽❤


@/liluzivert 18k

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@/liluzivert: us vs. the world ❤.
Photography by me.

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