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No song, enjoy.

No song, enjoy

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"What do you want Travis, this is third time calling me. I told you we on a fucking break until you get yo fucking act together." Rakim, clearly annoyed said.

"Please, I just need to talk to you." Travis cried on the phone, making Rakim sit up slightly.

"Travis why are you crying now?"

"Rakim listen to me, I'm fucking sorry for getting Kylie pregnant which I didn't know until 7 months later."

"Please Rocky, My heart is aching. I missed seeing you, it's been 2 months please..." Travis cried, sniffing. "I fucking love you. I'm losing my mind without you. I'm sorry for being on the drugs too..."

"I can't do anything without you around-"

"Come to the house." Rocky added.

"Huh?" Travis replied.

"....come to the house, just come."

Travis bit his lip before sliding on his Gucci sneakers and putting a shirt on. Grabbing his keys, he quickly ran out his loft in Los Angeles, heading their home.


"Rocky?" He unlocked the door, seeing the big home Rocky nowhere in sight.

"In here Travis..." Rocky sighed, sipping on his tea. He looked out the window, seeing birds drinking out the pool.

He heard Travis off-beat steps coming in the kitchen, turning around to runny-nose, tear dried Travis.

Rocky scrunched his face up, why he didn't blow his nose.

"Before you hug me," He sighed, "Blow yo damn nose. All those fucking boogers and snot coming out."

Travis nod, blowing his nose and watching Rocky's figure.

He missed him for so long, wanting to see his lover again.

He hugged Rakim, crying on his shoulder.

"It's okay Travis, you're okay." Rakim only had nothing but sympathy for him.

After all Travis didn't know he got her pregnant before they got into their relationship.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I wouldn't never hurt you. And that's on my soul. I fucking love you." He sat next to Rocky, holding his hands.

Rocky only could do is take it in, he really didn't know what to say at this moment, he wasn't good at things like this.

He looked at Travis face, seeing it's getting skinny and he had bags coming through. He trailed down, seeing him getting skinny too.

"Travis, you've been starving yourself?" He asked him.

Travis was quiet, didn't even know what to say. He knew that was the truth.

"Travis no..." Rakim trailed off, feeling his eyes getting pool of tears in them.

"I'm going to get you something, stay right here."


Rakim quiet but confidently make Travis eat. Each bite Travis ate, the more he wanted the food.

He noticed in his distressed boyfriend that Travis needed the food. Rocky saw a ghost in him. He didn't like that.

Now they were laying on the couch, Travis being under Rocky's arms. Rocky rubbed his back, trying to make him calm.

"Travis, you know I don't hate you right? I was giving you tough love when I saw other side of you." He explained, "That was the tough love. You needed it. You need to learn a fucking lesson."

"You need to understand what I coming from."

"Yeah and I did. I know what you coming from, I going down the wrong pathway."

Rakim started unbraiding his hair, since it was all messy.

"No more cocaine?" Rakim asked seriously.

"No more, for your sakes. I got these patches. For Detox." He pulled and shown them to Rocky.

Rocky grinned, rubbing his back before going back to his braids.

"You gonna be in that babies life right?" Rocky asked.

"Yeah, I am. I always wanted to have a baby but with you."

"Silly I can't carry."

"No like someone carry one for us." He looked up.

"Oh. Maybe one day, when we get our shit together." Rocky agreed on.

Travis nodded as well, holding on his lover again.

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