Time For Court (pt 2)

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3rd person pov

"Prosecution, you may call up your second witness," The judge starts and then Susan stood up, walking to the middle of the court.

"Thank you, your Honor. I want to call to the stand, Min Sofia." Susan smirks and Yoongis eyes widened, turning to the door opening for a tiny female.

They do the whole thing with the judge and bailiff before Susan, the bitch, opens up again.

"Mrs. Min, is it true that you and your husband-".

"Ex-husband" Sofia corrected and sent a soft smile to Yoongi who hesitantly did the same.

"My apologies."

"Don't be, he was an ass and shot my youngest here. I even have a recording of what he told me when he got back from the hospitals want to see?" She asks excitedly.

"No, I-".

"Let the witness speak," Minseok growled and Susan nodded, looking to where the message was suddenly being played.

"Hyoseob why are you here I have a restraining order against you-".

"Shut up you bitch." A slap was then heard and Chaerin grabbed her brother's arm.

"G-Get o-out." Hearing the desperation in her voice as the recording continued to play sent shivers down the jury's spine. "H-Hyoseob whose b-b-blood is that?"

"Your least favorite son." Yoongi lowered his head after sucking in his breath.


"You what?" He scoffed. "You want to know what's funny? I shot your son and I'm smart enough to lie to the police. Guess the smart genes didn't pass over to them, ha!"

"W-Why would you do t-that?"

"Yoongi shouldn't have gotten involved with Exo members."


"He is also gay-".

"For Jimin yes. That kid is good to my son and you and Dean tried to hurt him!"

"No correction did hurt."

"W-Why?" Sofia started crying in her seat and Judge Minseok gave her a tissue.

"Please stop the tape." He ordered and the bailiff slowly turned the recording off.

"Sorry," she mumbled wiping the tears from under her eyes.

"Don't be, any more questions?" Susan nodded.

"Yes, Ms. Sofia do you know what Hyoseob took from your house?"

"I think he took some money and clothes?"

"Wrong, the police had found evidenced of illegal drugs in your home from the black-market-".


"Do you remember going to the hospital?" She nodded. "What did they do?"

"They took some blood, I think. and I was checked for any injures." Susan hums, putting a strain of her hair behind her ears.

"Well, I have the blood results. In this file, it states that you have cocaine and methamphetamines in your system. Now tell me, Sofia, how does that get in your body?"

"Every time my ex and I would fight, we would go to our room and he would smoke. I didn't ask because I was scared he would hurt me so I would too." Susan nodded.

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