Demon's Owner

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  Tae was with his friends when they summoned the most chaotic demon. Jungkook could be so destructive. Tae agreed to take care of him until he was able to leave and go back to his realm. Jungkook was timid when Tae grabbed his wrist and dragged him to his car.

  Tae lived alone since he was in college. He went to make dinner. Jungkook found out how to use the TV. He chose a random movie. He read 'Fifty Shades of Gray.' He watched intensely. Tae walked in as the sex scene was going. He noticed Jungkook was acting erotic. He had put away his wings, horns, and tail.

  Jungkook noticed Tae was there, but was hold back the need to ride him. He lost his battle of holding back. He got Tae over to him. He pinned him to the couch. He free Tae's cock. He then undressed himself. He forced his cock inside his ass. Jungkook collapsed at the pain he didn't know could exist. Tae wasn't having it. He slammed into his ass at inhuman speed. Jungkook felt pleasure every time he slammed in.

  Tae cleaned up the couch. Jungkook was asleep. He was cleaned up before Tae put him in his bed. He had put on a shirt of his sister's on Jungkook. She had gave it to Tae when he was moving. It was a long sweater. It hung off his shoulders. Tae ate alone. He felt lonely. He wanted Jungkook to wake up, but knew he would sleep for a while with the speed he went.

  Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi came over the next day to check in. Jungkook was in the living room, with Tae teaching him how to play Mario Kart. Jin teared up and clapped. He smiled.

  "You picked the right game, my boy!!" Jin was in tears. Namjoon hugged him to calm him down.

  Jungkook smiled. He learned about Tae having classes the next day. The first day of college. Jungkook was told he couldn't go because he wasn't use to human things, yet. Jungkook pouted. He locked himself in Tae's room. Tae got worried.

  The next day, Tae left before Jungkook woke up. Jungkook got angry when he didn't find Tae. He teleported to the closest hiding place to Tae was. It was a gym storage room. The bell rang. Jungkook wait for everyone to leave. He snuck to the office. He signed up for Art and Physical Sports. He smiled. He made sure none of his classes were with Tae. He found out Yoongi was in some of his classes.

  He smiled. None of Tae's friends knew Jungkook's voice. He giggled and pouted, but none were verbally said. Jungkook walked in to see a group of males bullying Yoongi and making fun of him because he was gay. Jungkook got angry. He ended making a hole in the wall and broke a door. He pretended he was innocent. Yoongi was surprised.

  Hoseok was in his P.E. class. Jungkook loosened up when Hobi was the goalie, but for the other's he didn't care how much they were in pain. He smiled every time. The teacher praised him at the end for it being his first time.

  Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon were picked on for the same as in Math, but by upperclassmen. Jungkook let his wings, horns, and tail slip. The bullies ran off as fast as they could. Namjoon smiled.

  "Tae was wrong when he said you weren't ready for more human things!" Namjoon smiled at him.

  Yoongi pulled him to lunch. Jungkook put his demon side away. Jin arrived with Tae. Jungkook was being fed by Jimin. It was mainly the sweets. Jungkook would gag at the bitter things. Jimin didn't care as long as Jungkook ate. He had grown attached to the male. Tae was a little mad Jungkook was even there.

  Jungkook sat on Tae's lap as Tae drove home after classes. Jungkook fell asleep. Tae cooled down by the time they got home. He put Jungkook in their bed. Jungkook cuddled Tae's heart pillow.

Tae brought Jungkook in the morning to school. Jimin and Jin hugged Jungkook. Yoongi called him to go to their first class. Jungkook ran to walk with him. Jungkook sat by Yoongi. He made the notes copy down. Jungkook was confused when he got light-headed. He didn't know what it was since he never went to school before. Yoongi noticed he looked pale. He raised his hand and asked if he could bring Jungkook to the nurse's office. The nurse was smiling when she handed Yoongi the testing result.

"Pregnant, huh?" Yoongi handed Jungkook the papers.

"I see the camera memories after school, so I know you are a demon, but as long as you are calm and don't act out for no reason, you are fine." She smiled.

Yoongi agreed to tell the principal. He took Jungkook with him. The principal told the teachers that were in his schedule to not let him get hurt. Jungkook sat out during gym. Jungkook told Yoongi to be quiet for now about the pregnancy.

For the next few months, Jungkook was able to hide his bump. He would refuse things wolf babies can't have. Tae because confused when Jungkook refused something he said he loved the first time he had it. Jungkook fell asleep on the couch. Tae went to pull down his shirt, but saw the baby bump.

The others came in. Hoseok was teasing Yoongi by touching his tail. Jin noticed the bump. He pointed it out to the others. Jungkook woke up to Tae looking angry and the others smiling. Tae sent the others out. He waited for the card to leave. He stripped Jungkook. He slammed in, but not to hard that could hurt their baby. He kept moving. He smiled.

Jungkook was tired after the fifth round of the punishment. He fell asleep before Tae got back with the blanket and heart pillow.

  Jungkook wanted to stay home the next day. He realized his mistake when a portal appeared. His father came through and dragged him in. Jungkook knew his strength was no match to his father's. He didn't try fight back. He teared up. He ran to his room. His mom came in to comfort him.

  Jungkook refused to speak to his parents. He wanted to go back to Tae. Jungkook gave birth to a boy, Gage. He gave him Kim as a last name. Gage's right side had black hair and a bright blue eye from Jungkook and the left was brown hair and a dark blue eye from Tae. Jungkook smiled. He looked more like Tae from the pictures he saw, but Jungkook's pale skin.

  Jungkook studied secretly how to open portals through the pregnancy and two months after until he got it. He opened out in his room. It was to the pool outside Tae's house. He closed the portal and ran inside. He noticed Tae had made a nursery for the baby. He wrote 'Gage's' above the 'Nursery' part. He went inside pink and blue were evenly spreaded throughout the room. He put Gage in his crib. Jungkook slept in Gage's room. He brought Gage with him to school the next day. Jin cuddled Gage. Jungkook hadn't seen Tae yet. Yoongi and Hoseok dragged Tae into the lunch room. Once Tae saw Jungkook, he clung to him.

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