Popular Boy's Mate

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Jungkook had had a crush on Taehyung for a while. Ever since their parents introduced them to each other when Kook was 4, almost 5, and Tae was 5. Tae had 5 other friends, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin. They all grew use to Jungkook being there, since his father thought he was too girlish since he had an older sister and mom. Jungkook stayed secluded from the six, though. He would watch them play violent games from a beanbag by the door.

The seven are now 17. Jungkook's crush grew a massive amount since they were 5. Jungkook was sneak about his glances. Jungkook was praised by all his teachers. He was the top three n the school. Girls knew he was the omega, so they didn't have crushes on him. The male were clueless. Jungkook was apart of the popular group. Tae and the other 5 were delinquents. Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin were the angels of their group. Jungkook had grew to fear them to a extent. Jin was like a mother.

Jungkook and his sister, Jasmine, walked in. She was the reason he was in the popular group. She was too. Jungkook was still isolating himself. He still had to go to Tae's house after school. He hadn't told his father yet. When his father called him his little alpha, Tae laughed.

"He must've not told you that he is an omega!!" Tae laughed more, continuing his game.

His father knew that Tae was the only one that didn't have a mate. Jin and Namjoon were together. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin were mates. Heat season was coming up. Jungkook eyes had gone dark. They were bright blue, but were almost black now. Tae felt his sadness. He held back the tears. Jungkook excused himself. He walked home. It wasn't that far. Jungkook laid on his bed. He felt a sudden pleasure and pain in his lower half. He wrapped himself with his blanket. His mom nor Jasmine were there.

Tae was lured by his scent. His father had went back to working with Mr. Kim. Tae had snuck out after Jin sent him to do so. Tae pinned Jungkook to his bed. Jungkook was half undressed already. Tae got down to his boxers. He managed to prep Jungkook before losing control and slamming into him. Jungkook screamed was loud. Jungkook felt pain and pleasure. Tae was inhuman with his thrusts. Jungkook had cummed three times before Tae did, Tae also marked him once his own came. Jungkook was now his.

His mom woke the two up for school the next day. Jungkook was panicking on the inside. Tae kissed him. They were both still naked. Jungkook used it to advantage and rubbed his member against Tae's. Tae stopped him. He brought him to the shower and did it there. Jungkook stopped for the day. He wore a skin-tight shirt, leather black pants, and his thigh high boots. Tae added his leather jacket. He stole one of Jungkook's other ones. They both went to Tae's house for he could get different pants. Jasmine joined them in the car.

  Jungkook wanted to be near Tae, but Tae never was inside the school, unless it was winter. Jungkook fell asleep on accident multiple times during a class. The teacher sent him home since she smelt his aria. He snuck past Tae's group. Jungkook nearly pasted out on the way home. His mom was caring and got him his pills.

  Jasmine dyed Jungkook's hair to half strawberry red and the other purple. Jungkook didn't care. He like it more. Jungkook saw a girl trying to kiss Tae. Jungkook got mad. His hood was up. Tae couldn't tell it was Jungkook until he smelted his aria. He gave into his temptations.

  Tae made them stay in their hiding spot with his dick in Jungkook still. Jungkook kissed him. Tae pulled away.

  "Do you want to join my group? Jin and Hoseok are protective of you without even knowing you personally... Yoongi cares just doesn't show it, Jimin was denying it, and Namjoon is bluntly obvious about it." Tae chuckled after say that.

  Jungkook reluctantly agreed. Tae dressed him and himself. Jin instantly called him his baby. Jungkook went to find Jasmine since his mother was coming to pick them up for an appointment. Jungkook found an alpha female trying to strip her in a room. He cleared his throat. She ran off. She smelt Tae's scent on him. Jasmine redid her shirt. Jungkook was use to her being shirtless. She stuck with him. She was equal height with him. She got her heat pills and took them.

They signed out and went to the entrance and waited. They got up once they saw their mom driving up. Jasmine took the backseat. Jungkook got in front.

The next day, demons, angels, and fall angels were aloud in the school. Jasmine stayed by Jungkook and Tae and the other 5 stayed with them. Jungkook was paired with a fall angel in Art. Jimin was paired with Jasmine. The fallen angel, Jade, was blunt. She said things that were rude, but did realize until later. Jade was force to go to the office after yelling at a angel, Angelica, was making fun of her. Jungkook got sent there, too, after defending Jade. Jade thanked him.

Jade was kind to him. Angelica hate him. The popular kids were still Jungkook's friends. They didn't believe any of Angelica's lies. Jade was accepted into the group of the popular kids and Tae's. It pissed off Angelica farther. Her reputation was below everyone else. Jungkook had to get a medicine, but the doctor gave him a Demon-Angel medicine.

Jungkook woke up with a demon wing on the left and an angel on the right. He had both a halo, demon tail, and horns. Jungkook his the wings and halo. He wrapped his tail around his waist and put on a fluffy hoodie and a hat. He made hidden holes for the wings. His mom didn't think anything of it. It was autumn time and it was cold.

Jungkook let his halves slip in Math. Angelica was in the class, but was quiet. His eyes glew their sides' color, Right: Bright Blue and Left: Red. Angelica got up and pinned him to the wall once he snapped. Jade walked in. She saw what had happened. She helped Angelica. A nurse gave him a shot to put him to sleep. Angelica and Jade carried him to the nurse's office.

Jungkook woke up at the end of the school day. He was rude. He gained abnormal strength. Tae was forced to fuck him senseless by Jungkook. He still went slow enough to not harm the baby.

  One day, a demon got mad at Jungkook and stabbed him in the stomach, arm, and leg. Angelica got him away from Jungkook. Jade called the hospital. Jungkook was stitched up and bandaged. Angelica and Jade were there the next day. Jungkook was back to normal. The pills worn off.

  Jungkook was let out a week later. Angelica and Jade stayed with him. Tae, Jasmine, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon hadn't been to school in days. They heard what happened. Jungkook was apologized to by the male demon. He had lost control of his demon side. Jungkook forgave him.

  Jungkook and the other two went to check on Jasmine first. She hugged him hard. They four went to the other five's houses before Tae's. Jungkook had thrown up blood on the way to Tae's house. Jungkook had Mrs. Kim get him. Jungkook had Angelica replace his bandages. She was in the middle of doing so when Tae got down. He had on shorts from Angelica and leggings from Jade, so they could get to his leg wound. Jungkook was in so much pain. Jin hugged him to keep him still.

Tae waited until Angelica was done with his stomach one. Mr. Jeon walked in as Tae kissed Jungkook. He smiled. Mr. Kim had known.

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