Most Dangerous Boy in School

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Jungkook had been in love with Taehyung since 4 grade. It started as an admiration, but once he found out he was an Omega, he developed a crush on him. Tae was shy about saying his father and mother were both Alphas and he was an Ultima. He made sure everyone knew. Jungkook was quiet about his position in a pack. Jin still let him in Tae's pack group. Tae didn't care that Kookie was cowardly when a fight was announced against Tae.

Jimin was the last to get in. Tae smelt four omegas' scents. He tracked it down to Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook. He was surprised he got rare wolves. Jungkook saw Tae walking away. He had a bad feeling, so he snuck up by Tae. A beta tried to attack Tae, but got Jungkook instead. Tae growled at the stupidity of the female. Jungkook hid behind him. Tae scared her off and brought him to the nurse's office. He waited for the nurse to finish.

The bell rang. Jungkook quickly ran to get his stuff for art. He smiled at Tae's worry about him. Tae was protective of him the most after that. Namjoon was set to guard Jin, Hoseok got Yoongi and Jimin. Tae had Jungkook. Rumors started that the four were sluts and got bullied for it. The alphas of Tae's pack found out. Tae was gone for a few weeks. They assigned three alphas to each omega. Jungkook was happy. Hoseok and Namjoon were still to guard the three, but had help.

Tae came back and was satisfied with the protection his pack made. Jungkook helped him. Tae scented his fear. Jungkook told him everything that helped. Tae comforted him. He glared at the ones he knew were responsible for him being scared. Tae invited the pack to his house. His parents were allowing him to invited them. Some were busy, but Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon were free. Tae said to meet him after school at the gate. The six nodded and they dispatched to class.

Jungkook was the first to arrive. Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi showed up together. Jin and Namjoon were next. Tae took longer because of the teacher assigning homework. Jungkook stuck the closest to Tae. Jungkook heard Jin giggling. He found out why by joining Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin's mind link. It was dirty thoughts about what Tae will do to Kook.

Jungkook was to stay with Tae, Namjin in a spare room, and Yoonseokmin in a separate room. Jungkook was given a outfit by Tae's mom since the others already had extras. Jungkook thanked her nervously. She was scary, but soften up when Jungkook came into her view. She babied him more than her own son. Tae pouted, but she told him to stop acting like a baby. His father told her what she was doing wrong. It made her feel bad. Tae had stormed out.

Tae went to his favorite hiding place, the roof. He was mad that Jungkook got loved by his mother more than she ever had done for him. His father took care of him most of the time. Tae found out that she wished Tae was born a girl. Tae feel asleep out on the roof. Luckily, it didn't rain. He snuck in and went to on a random mission his father set for that day. He was nearly killed, but got it done. He went to the next one. He was there in seconds. The men let him in when he said he had a meeting with the leader. He tricked the guy and killed him. Tae returned home.

His mom rushed to him because he had left without saying anything and had a shot wound on the side of his stomach. He pushed her off. She bumped into a stand. He was still mad at her. Jungkook was worried to get close to the older. He backed out of his way. Tae went to his room. He wrapped his wound in bandages. He felt sleepy. Jungkook walked in. He sat at the side of the bed. He teared up. Tae was hiding his pain like usual by sleeping. He developed his habit after his mother sent him to his room.

Jungkook cuddled up to him. He was careful of his wound. Jungkook fell asleep. Tae woke up first. He got up and nearly collapsed. He caught himself. Jungkook woke up to Tae's stumbling. He sat Tae down. He changed the bandages for Tae. Tae's naked body madeopaaaaa Jungkook nervous, but he finished. He was surprised when Tae pulled him back. Tae pulled down Jungkook's boxers. He was only wearing boxers and an oversized hoodie from the day before.

Jungkook soon found out what Tae's parents did for work. He also told Tae had was indeed pregnant. Tae wanted to know the gender as soon as they could, but Jungkook just said to get gender neutral colors. Tae pick teal and purple things. Jungkook was happy to see him cooperate with his decision. He liked the colors. Tae got the baby's room done. He made the three worry when he disappeared from the house. Jungkook sat at the window facing the front gate.

  Tae was settling a argument his father started with a gang. He was recognized quickly. He brought to the meeting room. He did the usual thing that got them to fall before him. He managed to walk away unmarked. He smiled as he had tricked another stupid alpha. He decide to talk to Yoongi and Hoseok when he saw them. Jimin soon joined the talk. Tae mentioned the pregnancy and that he was seven months. Jimin and Hoseok were excited. Tae recognized his father face entering a bar. The three agreed to go with.

  A slut started to do what she must always do because his father just smiled. Tae pulled out a gun. He approached the two. He pointed it to her head. The workers ran to stop him but were too late. Tae shot her two times in the head and his father three. He reloaded and shot who ever tried to restrain him. Yoongi heard sirens. Once the police saw Tae, they coward backwards. He walked home. His mother asked where his father was. Tae glared at the mention of him.

  "Dead! Found him cheating killed the slut and I shot him!" Tae walked off to change.

  Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin sat by Jungkook on the couch. Tae came out two hours later. His mom was cooking. Jungkook ran to hug Tae. Tae jumped away. Jungkook nearly fell. Jin caught him. Namjoon shook his head. He had told Jungkook he would make Tae jump back. Jungkook hugged Tae. Tae picked him up and sat him on the seat Tae had put cushions on. Tae sat by him. The others sat down. Jin helped Mrs. Kim serve them.

  Jungkook woke up to his water breaking. They seven rushed him to the hospital. The seven were forced to stay out in the waiting room. Jungkook was in pain for the whole day. He was relieved when it was over. He smiled when the baby was given to him. He was happy it was a girl. Tae and the others rushed in. The baby was taken to be washed. Tae kissed Jungkook's forehead. Jungkook fell asleep before they brought their baby back. Tae put Kim as the last name. Himeko is the name Tae pick as the first name.

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