Sugar Daddy

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Jungkook had had Taehyung as a Sugar Daddy for a while now. He was only going to have a Sugar Daddy throughout college only, but got addicted to when Tae came home and would reward him with gifts or sex, or punish him for keeping him from leaving. It all depended on the importance of the work he had to do. If it was just paperwork, Tae didn't care. If it was a meeting, Tae got mad and punished him once he got home. Jungkook had gotten better at deciphering when he had a meeting just the day before. He just decided to ask.

Jungkook woke up to Tae hurrying since he woke up later than he wanted. Tae liked to be at work early just so he can be ready for if anyone came in early. Jungkook noticed what he was looking for. He got up and got his briefcase. Tae was relieved that Jungkook knew where it was. Tae kissed Jungkook before rushing out. Jungkook went down stairs to get food. He had noticed his weird cravings after Tae came home once and saw him eating things no one would eat together.

Jungkook felt sick after a while after eating. He decided to use the card Tae gave him to get food and a pregnancy test. Tae could see what he took off, but not what he buys, unless it was online. Jungkook got on one of Tae's hoodie and leather skinny jeans. Jungkook was distracted when he saw a female with triplets. He saw the father walk out of the ice cream shop. The kids ran to get their ice cream. The girl of the triplets saw Jungkook and waved. Jungkook waved before going back to what he set out to do. Jungkook bought what he needed. The clerk looked at him weirdly when he got the test. Jungkook just blankly started back.

Jungkook saw a plushy building shop. He saw there was a bunny and alien. He went in and got the bunny for Tae and the alien for himself. Jungkook walked home and put away the food, then put the plushies in the walk-in-closet in his hiding spot. Jungkook went to the bathroom. He did what he had to and left it in the bathroom to go eat something. He got a text from Tae saying that three of his friends were coming over with their pets. He was nervous. He met them once before. He just was shy around others.

Jungkook remembered the test. He ran upstairs and checked on the test. It was positive. Jungkook smiled. He remembered he had to change. He got on something Tae liked, but wouldn't make him mad since company was over. Jungkook heard a knock on the front door. Jungkook pulled down his shirt. Jungkook ran cautiously to the door Tae had forgot his keys. His friends were there. Jungkook walked off to get Tae's present. Jungkook had forgot it was actually Tae's birthday before walking up stairs. Jungkook walked in. Tae was confused. Jungkook handed him the bunny. Tae smiled.

"Aww, my Kookie got me a bunny. You didn't have to get anything." Tae hugged him.

"That is a long distance for a pregnant omega..." Yoongi said bluntly. He had sensed the baby as so as he saw Jungkook.

Tae looked back at Yoongi shocked. Jungkook just nodded.

"It wasn't apart of the original plan, but Tae had forgot that I was an omega that day and didn't use protection for the punishment..." Jungkook made a pouty face.

Tae hugged him. Yoongi went back to sleeping. Jungkook went to sleep himself. He barely made it to the bed before pasting out. Jungkook woke up before Tae. Tae was surprised. Jungkook was in the shower after he woke up to throw up. Jungkook was scared when the door opened, but relaxed once Tae came in. Tae took off the only clothes he had, his boxers, and joined him. He had woke up earlier then he would usually. Jungkook just let him wash his body. Tae thought of when he first started talking to Jungkook.

  Jungkook was more nervous. He was going to a college that was overly expensive and his friend had pressured him into getting a Sugar Daddy. Tae only replying because thought Jungkook was going to be a toy, but when he found out Jungkook was an omega and his mate, he couldn't bring it to sleep with anyone else, so Jungkook got the punishment and reward. Jungkook was annoying at first, but it grew on him. He became protective when a older guy touched him. Jungkook was too weak from the night before, so he could barely fight him off. Tae almost made it so that Jungkook couldn't go out at all, but Jungkook begged him not to.

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