It Needs To Go

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Tae and Jungkook were friends, until a little lie destroyed it. Jungkook changed the most. He use to only have bright clothes, but now he had only black, grey, and white clothes. He used to be happy-go-lucky, but Tae leaving him, broke him. Tae couldn't care less. He never paid any attention to him anyway. Jungkook knew about the baby, but the lie destroyed his chance to tell Tae he was going to be a father. Jungkook skipped school for appointments. His parents were mad at first, but accepted their grandson or granddaughter. Jungkook was relieved.

Jungkook agreed to his parents' terms, and try to tell Tae. He had less time than he wanted. He got ready. The school had got tired of the students disobeying the dress code, so they had new uniforms. Jungkook had the female, since he was an omega. He hated that it showed the bump and how skinny he actually was. It was hard for him to gain weight since he was bullied for his weight. He walked downstairs. His mom smiled. Jungkook felt uncomfortable in a skirt. He had shorts under neath to hold up the stockings the school gave him. He ate what he could before leaving to not be late. He had to leave at lunch time, so he had to tell Tae before that. He knew Tae's routine.

Jungkook skipped the last class before lunch. He was throwing up. He was pale by the time Tae got there. Tae was surprised when Jungkook stumbled out. He wasn't expecting Jungkook to be wearing the female uniform. Jungkook washed off his face. Tae locked the door. Jungkook wasn't surprised. He ignored it. Tae pushed him up against the wall, but gently. He moved it so Jungkook sat on the counter. He unbuttoned the tight vest that was only on females' uniforms. Jungkook didn't bother to stop him. His baby belly was visible to Tae once he unbuttoned his button up shirt. Tae smiled. He pulled Jungkook into a kiss. He got annoyed when the bell rang. Jungkook whispered to him that he was the father. He buttoned up his shirt before leaving to go to his appointment. Tae was pissy.

The next day, Tae was waiting for him. Jungkook wasn't surprised. He walked over to his alpha. Tae was half asleep against a tree. Jungkook sat on his lap. Tae woke up, but pulled him closer Jungkook was wearing a shirt that wasn't button-up. He rubbed against Tae's length. Tae stopped his actions to bring him to a separate area of the school that is barely used. It is only used for graduation, but that isn't for a while. Jungkook was expecting something different, but Tae warned him to stay a distance away from him. He exited the building and went to P.E. Jungkook went to leave for the appointment. Jungkook's eyes darkened. His mom didn't notice. He mentioned how Tae knew, but he was still mad.

  The next day, he was get his stuff when he heard the females and males talking about the rumor they spread about him. His eyes darkened all the way. He walked past them. Jungkook just went to the rooftop. He knew he had a high chance to run into Tae, but he didn't care. Jungkook saw Tae, but he was still mad at him. Jungkook up to the side where a really bullied girl usually was. She was drawing. She was broken. Jungkook sat by her. She flinch, but she relaxed when she saw Jungkook. Jungkook was the most kind boy and person in school. He wouldn't hurt anyone. She was told the rumor, but she knew fake from real. She realized Tae wasn't by him. He usually was glue to his side. She pulled him over to Tae. She started to lecture him about Jungkook and how omegas couldn't hurt anyone physically like the rumor mentioned.

  Jungkook got distracted by a boy who was arguing with his girlfriend. He was brought back to reality when the girl snapped her fingers closer than expected. Jungkook covered his ears since he hated the sound of it. The girl was mad, but she pulled him to her hiding place. She introduced herself as Ginger. Jungkook was approached by the popular group. He was dragged out by a female. They threw him down by Tae. Tae turned to them. They went to kick his stomach, but Ginger kicked the ones trying. She was attached to her new friend. Jungkook backed up until he backed up against Tae's legs. Ginger scared the rest off. Ginger went to check on Jungkook.

  "Is the baby okay?!" She asked, not wanted to pulled up his shirt.

  Jungkook nodded. Tae picked him up. He had forgot about their personal time. He had been drunk that night, so he forgot easily. Jungkook fell asleep on his chest. Ginger sat by them. Jungkook was easy to get to fall asleep. You just had to give him to Tae. Tae could also make him behave. Jungkook knew he would have to deal with pain, since Tae was half demon. Jungkook was half angel, but he was five months and knew the kick. It mainly depends on how much he moves. Jungkook couldn't stay still to save his life. You could tell when he was trying to not move. Jungkook only stayed still when he slept. Jungkook realized the bell was about to ring. He pushed all them to their class. It was right before the bell rang that they sat down. Jungkook sat in his seat he sat in before. Ginger luckily got a seat in front of Jungkook.

  The next day, Tae didn't like that Jungkook was gone for the whole day. Jungkook called him. Tae picked up as soon as he saw it was him. Jungkook invited him to cover over and skip school. Jungkook knew Tae's mom was usually gone and didn't care. Tae went to get his stuff. Ginger wasn't there either. He realized the season. He ran to get to Jungkook. Jungkook was fine, since he was asleep. Jungkook had realized that he had developed Tae's need of cuddles. Tae crawled in his bed and cuddled up. Jungkook cuddled up to him.

  A few months later, Jungkook was glad he was able to get through the surgery. Jungkook stayed asleep for a while. Jungkook teared up when he woke up to see the baby. Tae kissed him. Jungkook was brought the baby. He smiled at the baby boy. He had Tae's hair color. He woke up to see his parents. He had Jungkook's eyes. Tae named him Hinata. He smiled when Jungkook was playing with Hinata. He had the ring on that Tae gave him to remind him that he had the omega as a mate, and Hinata reminded him now, too.

  A few years later, Jungkook was approached by Hinata who was now four. Jungkook was cleaning dishes. Hinata asked where daddy was. Jungkook said he was work. Hinata got mad and made his wings, halo, horns, and tail appear. He had black wings. Jungkook turned to comfort him, but he pulled him back and yelled him hated him as he ran to his room. Jungkook went to get changed to go to the store as soon as Tae got home. Tae got home later than he wanted. Jungkook kissed him as he went to get the food for supper. Tae went to check on Hinata. He was crying and mumbling to himself.

  "D-Daddy, I didn't mean to say that I hated Mommy!!!!" Hinata told Tae.

  Tae went to hug him. He comforted him. Jungkook got home after a hour. Tae carried Hinata downstairs and to Jungkook. He was still crying. Jungkook took Hinata. Tae took over cooking. Jungkook went to lay him down for now. Hinata begged him to stay. Jungkook laid by him. Tae came in a little while later to find them asleep. He went to wake them up. Hinata's form appeared again. Tae pulled back, but mentioned how food was done and they were eating no matter what. Jungkook woke up on his own. Tae had Hinata on his back and carried Jungkook to set down.

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