Singer's Husband

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Jungkook was still trying to gain the strength after the morning sex Taehyung gave him before going to practice. Jungkook was used to it since it happened a lot. He was still naked since Taehyung had to hurry. Jungkook finally was able to get up after a few hours. He just got enough strength to do the usual. Taehyung never did a punishment on him. Jungkook was worried what that would be like. He was already rough during normal sex. Jungkook looked in the refrigerator for food and saw they were out of most food. He got dressed and got the card Taehyung gave him. He was going to regret walk since his back hurt so much. He saw his motherly friend, Jin, while getting food.

"So, how's the baby, Jin-Hyung?" Jungkook smiled.

"He is doing fine! Namjoon is more the one to worry about! He is stressing over hurting it! So, how is Taehyung? He make you pregnant, yet! I want to see how that would turn out!" Jin was eager now.

"No. He is too worried about work to do anything that would involve taking his time away from work!" Jungkook looked sad.

"I guess I can see where he comes from in that thought. He is always away on tours. He would have to bring you to everything since he worries so much!" Jin nervously laughed.

Jungkook realized Taehyung was probably home when he looked at the time. He realized he forgot his phone on the counter. Jungkook got what he needed and hurried home. He was out of breath after run all the way home. He was soaking wet from the rain. It made it hard to see. He felt an alpha eying him. He went faster to hurry up. He was worried about Taehyung. He usually never would come home to him being gone. He was relieved when he finally arrived home. He walked in and he found Taehyung in the living room. Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were there. Jin arrived along with Jungkook since he decided to hang out with him.

"KIM JUNGKOOK, LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SAY I WANT GRANDCHILD!!!" Jin yelled in the once quiet argument.

Jungkook stood there, shocked. "YOU GOT TO GET OVER THAT IDEA, HYUNG!!!" Jungkook yelled back.

"Fine I will tell Taehyung!!" Jin went into the living room.

Jungkook continued to put away the drinks and food. Jimin came in to help. He was also pregnant, along with Yoongi. Hoseok was the cause of that. Jungkook felt left out. He was able to hide his sadness. Jungkook was on the counter when Jimin tripped. Jungkook got scared when he heard the thump. He forgot Jimin was rather clumsy. The other five rushed in. Jungkook had froze. Namjoon carried Jungkook to his room he shared with Taehyung. He splashed water on his face to get him to react. Jungkook teared up. Namjoon let him hug him to calm down. He was shaken up. He had Namjoon leave so he could change. He walked out a few minutes later. Hoseok and Taehyung had finished the putting away. Jimin and his baby were fine.

Five Months Later

Jungkook was nervous to go through with the plan Jin came up with. Jungkook hid the condoms in a place he knew Taehyung wouldn't look. Jungkook wasn't expecting Taehyung to come in a few hours later. Jungkook had forgot his heat was coming in some time soon. Taehyung was hit by the scent of his heat. He smiled and turned to Jungkook. He saw he wasn't awake. Jungkook was hit by the pain and woke up. He whimpered. Jungkook hated pain and Taehyung knew it. But, Taehyung was in a trans with the scent. He stripped as he got closer to his omega. He didn't even go for the draw with the sex items. Taehyung was glad to see Jungkook was only in on of his hoodie. Jungkook was happy to feel Taehyung enter him. Within minutes, Jungkook was a moaning mess. Taehyung didn't show any attention to the fact he was not wearing a condom.

The next day, Taehyung woke up to knocking on the front door. He put on boxers. Namjoon was there. He was late to work. Taehyung hurried and got ready. He kissed Jungkook on the forehead before leaving. Jungkook was asleep for a few hours more. He didn't really remember anything from the night before. He thought it was just normal sex they had. Jin called to ask if the plan worked. Jungkook said he didn't know. Jungkook look in the body length mirror. He saw the amount of hickeys Taehyung left. He was surprised. He usually didn't get that into it. He left to few, but they littered his body. He realized dry blood on his shoulder. He washed it off and saw the mate that linked him to his husband now. Jungkook was now sure the plan worked. He texted Jin that it must've. He said Taehyung didn't usually leave the amount of hickeys he did and he marked him.

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