Yandere Friend

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Jungkook had always been protective over Taehyung. Tae had admitted to someone that it was overwhelming at times. Jungkook had heard. He went to his hiding place, Tae didn't know where it was. Two boys ran into the place. They introduced themselves as Jin and Hoseok. Jungkook was helped up. Hoseok hugged him. Jungkook spent lunch with them that day instead of Tae. Jungkook met other boys named Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin. Jungkook realized that they were the delinquents. Jungkook had heard why they turned out this way.

Yoongi was bullied for being gay. Jimin was bullied for being a know-it-all. Jin was outcasted. Hoseok was bullied for his looks. Namjoon was bullied for having only an abusive father and that his mom committed suicide because of him. Jungkook felt bad. Jungkook was the youngest. Namjoon was the leader. Jungkook got them to go to P.E. by saying it was something they were good at.

Tae got mad when he saw Namjoon carrying Jungkook on his shoulders. He had hated the delinquents ever since they hurt his sister. Jungkook saw the shocked faces of everyone. No one had seen the delinquents go to class in years. Jungkook saw the anxiety rise in the five's faces. Jungkook dragged Yoongi and Hoseok when they tried to run. The others knew Jungkook would hunt them down if they ran, so they followed him to the locker room.

Jungkook was paired with the six since he could control them more than anybody. Jungkook saw a girl flirting with Tae. Jungkook's eyes dulled from a bright blue to a darker blue. Jungkook picked the last member for his team. He picked the girl. It was the first time Tae was on his team. Jungkook pretended like his friendship with Tae didn't exist.

The girl saw Jungkook's dull eyes. She hugged him when they won. Jungkook let it happen. He never let it happen unless it was Tae. Jungkook was hugged by everyone on his team every time they won. The teacher praised him for being able to let others touch him. Jungkook thanked him. Everyone noticed that he was quieter than usual. Jungkook was the first to leave once the bell rang. Tae was talking to the teacher.

Jungkook got the girl tricked into going to the Cherry-Blossom-Trees behind school. He signed it as Taehyung. He had the same handwriting as Tae. Jungkook got a knife from the cooking club. No one was in there since it was lunch time. Jungkook hid behind the tree. He smiled when she called out for Tae. Jungkook stabbed her multiple times. He cleaned up. Jungkook changed into normal clothes. When a teacher asked, he said he got the other one dirty. A new boy had arrived. Varian was his name.

Jungkook was in charge of showing him around since he had his homework done first and Varian was second done. The teacher gave him a pass. Jungkook listened to the boy's brag about how hot Tae was. Jungkook almost killed him then and there, but he remembered the cameras and it would be weird if the new student disappeared when he was the only one who was with him. An alpha male came out of a classroom to go to the principal's office.

The alpha made fun of Jungkook's rank as omega. Jungkook was blank faced. The principal came and found him. Jungkook was bloody. The principal dragged his son to his office. Varian took Jungkook to the nurse's office, since they finished the tour. The nurse had to bandage his head and put the bandages over a cut on his nose. They were sent to class. The teacher asked what happened. Varian told him. He apologized to Jungkook for sending him out.

Jungkook just sat down. Jungkook's parents weren't so happy either but Jungkook got them to not sue the alpha's parents. Jungkook's mom replaced the bandages since they were getting to be soaked with blood. Jungkook was calm. Jungkook had music in the morning instead of art. He forgot about heat season.

He remembered once he was in the bathroom, then he remembered the one boy was an omega and was talking to Tae when he saw him. He could smell Tae. He entered the bathroom. Jungkook was the weak to move. Jungkook was surprised when Tae locked the door. He stripped Jungkook with little effort. Jungkook's mind was blinded by lust. Tae's wolf was in control. Jungkook felt Tae enter out of nowhere.

Jungkook was happy to feel him. Jungkook moaned loudly, but Tae kissed him to quiet him down. Jungkook was so sensitive that he cummed after only a few thrust. Tae quit after the fifth time and he marked Jungkook. Jungkook's scent went away. Tae gained control. He was panicking about what he did. Jungkook was calm. Tae quickly cleaned up the mess. Jungkook was to weak to stand, so Tae did it himself. Tae dressed Jungkook and himself.

After a month, Jungkook's parents got Jungkook to break and tell them. They stormed over to Tae's house and brought Jungkook with them. Jungkook couldn't make eye contact with Tae's parents or with Tae when he came down to see why someone was yelling. Varian was close behind. Jungkook stood up and walked out. He started running. He ended up at the beach. It was in the afternoon. Jungkook remembered it was the first place he met Tae. Tae had came up to him when he saw him because his parents said to find friends. Jungkook jumped when he was touched by someone.

He turned and saw Varian. Jungkook glared at him. Jungkook walked into the water since he had take off his shoes and socks. Jungkook saw kids that were like him and Tae were as kids. Jungkook ignored Varian's apology and him saying that they were doing a project. Jungkook sat down in the water. He closed his eyes. He saw memories of him and Tae.

Tae, his parents, and Jungkook's parents found them after a few minutes. Jungkook had gone farther in than he use allowed himself to do ever. Jungkook hated something about it. Jungkook let it go to the middle of his torso. A small wave splashed him in the face. Jungkook slipped a kid helped him up. Jungkook just didn't take it he swam farther in. The kid was scared to go at first, but smiled and followed him. Jungkook came up after a while. The kid came up after. Jungkook hadn't noticed him was that far out. He swam back. The kid followed. The kid's parents were surprised and happy that their son was able to swim that far. The kid was scared of the ocean. Jungkook walked to go home. He got his stuff and walked home. Jungkook was able to get a shower done before his parents and the other four got there.

Jungkook was in middle of getting dressed when Tae walked in. Tae saw him naked so many times, that he wasn't surprised anymore. Jungkook's bump was what surprised him it was barely visible, but still noticeable. Tae let him put on underwear and shorts but carried him to his bed. Jungkook didn't fight. Jungkook knew Tae persistence. Jungkook didn't respond when Tae asked how long.


"How long have you found me too annoying to be around?" Jungkook finally spoke to him after all this time.

"What?" Tae then remembered. "You must of heard what I was saying to the alpha. I was annoyed because he was insulting you. I was repeating what he said. He had said a lot more. He was so annoying." Tae's tail was wagging like it always did when he was angered.

Jungkook was crying. Tae kissed him. Jungkook was scared when Tae's tail wagged like that. Tae had always kissed him, but on the cheek or forehead. Jungkook pulled him closer. Jungkook eventually ended on top. They pulled apart once they were called down. Jungkook quickly put on a shirt and hoodie. His hair was messy, but he ignored it. Jungkook's parents were smiling. Tae's parents weren't.

"Tae is going to stay here and take care of Jungkook. He is allowed to go to his house to get his stuff. Any other time, he has to take Jungkook along, just in case he is the clingy type." Jungkook's mom explained.

Jungkook and Tae agreed. Jungkook still went to school, just until the last three months. He was to weak to walk long amounts of time. He slept most of the time, so his parents didn't care. Jungkook was hungry once he woke up. Tae came home crying. Jungkook was asleep when he explained to Kookie's parents.

  "Varian had taken his own life. His parents had broke him up to that point. He told them about his sexuality and they abused him for it. He was sensitive about rude comments." Tae heard the back door close.

  Jungkook was outside. He obviously heard. He was mad. He was the only one who got Varian to be happy and he failed him. Jungkook felt pain in his stomach. Tae rushed out soon after. They took him to the hospital.

  Tae and Kook agreed on Tatsuki. Their son grew up to be a lot like Tae, since Kookie's parents took care of him while they went to school. He was a little different since Tae, nor Jungkook, pushed him away. Jungkook was happy to be a mom. He spoiled him. Tatsuki acted bratty sometimes, but he was still a good boy.

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