Payed To Be His Toy

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Jungkook was only 17 when he was hired by the Kim's to be their son's toy. Taehyung was nice, but he left him alone a lot. His older brothers, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi, would have to take care of him. Tae did nothing with Jungkook. He would yell at him to get out. Jin was worried for his son. Namjoon reassured his wife that he was just being a teenager, he was on 18 after all. Jungkook started to stop going to Tae for things. He went to the older brothers instead.

Jungkook was allowed to go to school for the first time in years. He had Yoongi help him. Jungkook had tighter pants that fit better than the actual school uniform. Jungkook was greeted by a lot of people. He was with the most popular guy in school, Tae. Yoongi was feared, Jimin was the angel, and Hobi was the sunshine. Jungkook was pulled to the dance room along with Jimin and Yoongi by Hobi.

Hobi taught him the dance. Jungkook was nervous. He refused to do the show, but watched them dance. Yoongi was surprisingly good. Jungkook had thought he would be the opposite. Jungkook felt sick all of a sudden. He excused himself. He found the nurse's office. The nurse said his heat was starting. Jungkook told her to call Namjoon. She was surprised to heard his name from someone who was obviously not a Kim kid since Jimin wasn't quiet about any news and he was too different looking from them.

Jin came rushing in and smelt the heat. He hurried to get him out and home. Namjoon was busy with paperwork. Jin collected some things that smelt like Tae. Jungkook put on one of Tae's hoodies. Jin sat with him. Namjoon came in with his bag. He also dropped off food. Luckily Jimin knew how to cook. Jin stayed in the room for three days.

Jin forced Tae to take care of his mate. Tae was about to snap back, but saw Jin's angry face. His friends ran out. Jin had the three others get ready to go out. Tae grabbed the one sex toy he owned. He walked in Jungkook's room. He was instantly hit by his sweet smell. Tae knew the others were gone by now. He pinned him down. He cleared the bed. He smiled as he was now consumed by his needs.

Tae had the two of them naked in seconds. Jungkook was begged for him. Tae decided on no prepping and slammed into his ass. Jungkook screamed out. Tae showed no mercy and slammed in at full speed. Jungkook was a moaning mess. He knew Tae wouldn't intentionally hurt him, but pain came with it since it was his first time. Jungkook kissed him to muffle his moans down. Tae smiled.

Jungkook was close within minutes. Tae was a little bit behind. He didn't stop after his first cumming round, he continued for three more rounds. Jungkook was tired. Tae walked out after grabbing his clothes. He left some with Jungkook for the future. Jungkook was asleep for a few hours. Jungkook was happy when it was finally his birthday the next day. Jungkook got ready for school. Tae tolerated him following him, but got mad after he was with his friends.

"WOULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE AND STOP FOLLOWING ME!?! I might've helped with your heat, but you definitely weren't my first!!!" Tae yelled at him. He made his friends move their hang out area.

Jungkook sat in his hiding place he found in the past before he started his job as Tae's toy. He just felt broken. He cried for a while. His eyes were dull. He lost his one person he was supposed to satisfy. He cleared his locker. He walked home early. He said he was quitting school as he walked up to his room. He locked the door. He found a note on his bed. It was from his parents.

"Dear Kim family, we don't want to keep this deal with you anymore. Jungkook will move back to Seoul with us. Have him pack." Jungkook read to himself. He teared up.

He heard a knock, followed by a unfamiliar woman's voice. He yelled that he wasn't going. He felt wanted there, even if his one person hates him. Tae and the other three arrived home. Jungkook was happy when the four helped him. Hobi hugged him. He sat him on the bed. Jungkook fell asleep on his lap rather quickly. Tae looked over before walking out. Jimin noticed jealousy in his expression. Jungkook was asleep for a few hours.

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