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Tae would give Jungkook a punishment after every mission. Jungkook was his stress reliever. Jungkook snuck out on a very dangerous mission. He was apart of the backup team, but Tae refused to let him go. Jungkook forced them to let him go. Jungkook was dressed as a female maid. Jungkook's eyes were cold. Jungkook was treated as a stress reliever, but Tae went easy on him. The guy tried to rape him as soon as the doors closed. Jungkook's outfit was ripped. He got the job done and shot him. Men rushed in and took him to the actual leader, that guy very second in command.

Jungkook was carried up to the bastard. The others were in cages. Jungkook was sent out to get a new outfit. Jungkook was dropped. A guy from Tae's backup had found the right room. He glared.

"Kook, you are going to get yourself hurt or raped sometime..." He was clearly mad.

Jungkook heard the guy laughed. He was excited.

"Jeon Jungkook, really?!?! The one of the most important parts to Taehyung's team! Right behind Taehyung himself!! Stupid to bring him to this place!!" The guy called for the second in command guy. He got angry at Jungkook's laughter.

"YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU!?!? HE'S DEAD!!!" Jungkook laughter increased.

The guy choked him. He hated that smile. Jungkook wasn't broken easily. The guy smashed him against the wall. His head started to bleed before the help could release the bastard's grip. The guy gave him to a female who showed up. Jungkook had passed out. She rushed to the van. Jin had teared up. Hoseok held back so much. Tae got angered. Namjoon was too shocked to react. Yoongi and Jimin had been knocked out. The cage restricted them from doing anything. The guy shot the bastard out of anger. He released a few rounds of bullets to make sure he was dead. He got the key and freed the six.

Jungkook woke up the next day. He found the five, but not Tae. They hugged him. Yoongi and Jimin had woke up not long before them. Tae was in their shared room. He was hiding his crying little usual. Jungkook had seen him cry one other time. He hugged him. Tae hugged him back. He laid them down. He was tired, since he wasn't able to sleep knowing Jungkook was hurt. Jungkook fell asleep, too. Jungkook kissed him before falling asleep.

  Jungkook woke up to throw up. Tae hadn't woke up. A maid came in to give Jungkook the papers for him to give to Tae later. Jungkook was washing his face. Once the lady left, Jungkook opened it. A missing person's poster. It had his face on it. Jungkook walked out and onto the front porch. Police pulled up and recognized him. They brought him to the police station. Jungkook refused to say anything about the six. He cared for them.

  Jungkook was given back to his parents. Jungkook refused to speak. Mr. Jeon thought he just didn't remember him since he had been gone since freshman year. Jungkook wanted Tae back. He wanted to go back to the group. He had grown attached to the gang. Jungkook didn't know the way back. His mom forced him to go shopping with her and a friend after two months. Jungkook spotted Jimin and Jin. He tried sneaking off, but his mom was a beta. She had a lot of strength. He snapped when he saw Jin tearing up. He ran to him. Jin and Jimin hugged him.

  Jungkook went with them. They were leaving anyways. Jin carries Jungkook while Jimin got the bags. Jungkook fell asleep on the ride home. Yoongi and Hoseok hugged him. Namjoon did later. Tae was in his office. Jungkook was given a mission folder to give to Tae. Jungkook walked in. He handed Tae the folder. Tae teared up and ran to kiss him. Jungkook smiled. He sat on Tae's lap while facing him. Jungkook's shirt lifted a little. Tae saw a bump.

  Jungkook explained everything. Tae kissed him again. He hugged him. Jungkook fell asleep on his shoulder. The mission was set for that day, but at night. Jungkook was woken up when the backup was running out. He wanted to go. Jungkook got into the outfit and he stole one of Tae's backup outfits. He got in. He smiled. He went in with the men, not wanting the baby to get hurt. He hid. Jungkook eyes had a slight red glow to them when he saw Tae hurt. The men laughed.

  Jungkook was protected by the alpha females. They took the beatings. A lot was done to the stomach. Jungkook got to Tae once the leader and his men were killed. Tae woke up. Jungkook was embraced by the older. Jungkook smiled. Jin got Namjoon. Yoongi and Jin had Hoseok. Tae carried Jungkook. Jungkook was approached by the police once they got home. He was told he had to go back to his parents. Jungkook refused. Tae scared them. Jungkook was carried inside.

  Jungkook planned a mission of his own. Yoongi found out. Jungkook let him tag along. Hoseok went to help. Jungkook was able to get the two inside without his parents waking up. A girl, who Jungkook never met, ran downstairs. Yoongi distracted her. Jungkook and Hoseok murdered their parents. The girl found the two and ran to Yoongi. Yoongi brought her with. She looked like Jungkook. She was three years old. Her name was Hadley.

Tae woke up to Jungkook sleep on the couch with Hadley on top of his chest and Yoongi cuddling with Hoseok on the other couch. Tae moved Hadley a little. He noticed she looked like Jungkook. Jungkook woke up. He moved away from Hadley. Tae kissed him. Jin and Namjoon walked in. They were more confused about Hadley. They questioned her as soon as she woke up. She was Jungkook's younger sister. She wasn't at the house because she went on vacation with her aunt and uncle, with their children, too. Hadley got excited hearing about her being an auntie. Jungkook went with Tae to his office.

7 months later, Jungkook was forced to stay home since the four semester. Hadley kept him company. She called the hospital when he went into labor. Jungkook knew Tae and the others were going to be gone for a couple months. He named her Taegguk. Tae told him to not go on the mission even if he gave birth. That's why it is going to take so long. Jungkook was in the hospital two weeks. He got ready to join the team. Jungkook wanted Tae back sooner. Tae was mad when he saw Jungkook was there.

  The leader was Jungkook and Hadley's cousin. They didn't remember Jungkook. Jungkook was dragged off by a guard. He was trained by the toughest alpha. Jungkook was mistaken as an alpha. Jungkook smiled when they made him lead alpha. Jungkook was allowed to join meetings. He was emotionless when he was around anyone not in the mission team. Jin found out he was captain when a female maid apologized and addressed as "Captain Jungkook."

  Jin told the other five. Namjoon was surprised. Jungkook hadn't showed any sign of strength in a lot of things. He was rather submissive. Jungkook's only roles on missions were to seduce the leaders. He only got that since Tae didn't want him hurt since he was his toy back then. The six were ordered to the throne room. The leader was over-obsessed with himself. Jungkook was there. The guards threw the six to the floor. Jungkook was mad, pretended to not care. Jungkook was wearing a mask to cover his mouth. The leader didn't know his name.

  Jungkook was zoned out. He smiled at his new plan. He told his sword. He was able to get behind him with no problems. Jungkook stabbed him in the head. The guards and others working for him ran. Jungkook had found out he had forced them to join him. Jungkook was hugged by Tae. They went to their ride home. An alpha female had watched them for the two weeks they were gone.

  The two youngest were asleep. Jungkook went to take a bath. Tae was going to join him, but spotted Taegguk. He teared up. He picked her up. She smiled. She had Tae's eyes and Jungkook's bunny smile. Her hair was dirty-blond. She looked more like Jungkook, with some aspects of Tae. Jin took her. Tae joined Jungkook. He saw the healing wound from they had to cut on his stomach. Jungkook smiled. Tae pulled him back. He kissed him before Jungkook started to wash his body. Tae smiled.

  Jimin had put Taegguk in her room. Jungkook mainly got up to calm her, but sometimes he found one of the others in there taking care of her. Tae would even wake up sometimes. Jin loved to play with her. He spoiled her the most. Jungkook didn't care at first, but got tired of rearranging things. When Yoonseok's baby, Sapphire, came, Jimin spoiled her. Hoseok woke up so Yoongi could sleep. Both of the dads were tired since they let the moms sleep.

  Yoongi and Jungkook would take care of them in the day and Hobi and Tae took care of them at night. Jin whined for a baby until Namjoon got mad enough, that he gave it to him. They named him Yukine.

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