The Priest and the Angel/Demon

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Taehyung was the most strict priest in his town. He didn't care about sexuality, just as long as you respected people's opinions and didn't make an unforgivable sin. Jungkook appeared in his church one day. He never told Taehyung about his mission and secret side. Jungkook was half angel, half demon. He lived with his mom in heaven and didn't know his father was Lucifer. His mom was now Queen. She was married to the assigned king. She lied about her falling in love with a demon as a teenager and having Jungkook. She said a demon raped her. Jungkook was treated as his biological son.

Taehyung brought Jungkook home. His wife wasn't happy about it, but let him stay in the spare bedroom. His step-son wasn't happy about him either. He did take after his mom. Jungkook got Taehyung to soften up to only him. He spoiled Jungkook. His wife was angry about this. Jungkook showed his angel form to Taehyung. Taehyung was even more excited to have him around. Jungkook grew attached to the older. Taehyung would defend Jungkook only. He even divorced his wife when he found out she was cheating and pregnant with one of their children. Jungkook saw a change in his actions. He would rarely correct Jungkook when he said something incorrect. Jungkook even was aloud to sleep in Taehyung's bed with him.

  Jungkook hid his wings when Taehyung told him to get ready to go to church with him. Jungkook never entered a church. Jungkook hid that he was in pain. He was pulled outside by the teens that wanted to not be bored anymore. Taehyung looked mad when it was over. Jungkook was weaker than the average teens. Jungkook explained to Taehyung. Taehyung said he wasn't mad at him. The teens were the one who didn't follow the rules. Taehyung said he had a funeral to direct. Jungkook agreed to set to the side and be quiet. Jungkook was approached by a female. He smiled and greeted her. She walked off without returning the gesture. Jungkook was a little mad.

  When Taehyung called Jungkook over to where he was, the female dumped holy water on him. He was shocked when demon horns, tail, and wings were in place of his angel halo and wings. Taehyung wasn't happy. The rest of the audience was making Jungkook feel dizzy. He got up from where he was and walked outside. Taehyung came out and told him he had to go to the house and pack up and leave. Jungkook teared up and ran to Taehyung's house. He used the one teleporting stone he had brought. He made it go to his father's throne room.

  Lucifer thought it was a maid and got mad after Jungkook stood there and didn't listen. He got up and hugged his son. Jungkook demanded he took him to his mother. Lucifer huffed and teleported to the castle. Jungkook was angry to see they had hid a baby from him. His mom panicked. She was pregnant, Jungkook could tell by the smell. Jungkook kicked her in the stomach. He kicked his stepdad into a wall. The young girl grabbed his hand and pulled back to stop him from hurting them. Jungkook throw her off he was made flames block the stupid angels.

  "Mother, you lied to everyone and said a demon raped you, but you fell in love with the idea of having a baby at such a young age that you didn't care who the father was. You chose Lucifer of all demons. You are the stupidest person I have ever met." Jungkook laughed at her stupidity.

  Jungkook broke her wrist when she went to slap him. He revealed her black wings by making water pour on them. Jungkook grabbed her teleporting stone and set it for earth, Taehyung's house. He put the stone his pocket. He walked through and closed it. Taehyung was crying on the couch. Jungkook ran and hugged him. He was lustful for him now. He gave in and kissed him. Taehyung kissed back. He was glad to have him back. It was quiet all by himself in a mansion. Taehyung got to undressing the two of them. Jungkook moaned into the kiss when he touched his cock. Jungkook moved away from his lips and started to suck on his cock. Taehyung groaned at the amount of pleasure. Taehyung started with stretching out his ass.

  Taehyung got impatient and turned Jungkook and pulled him up to kiss him to distract him from the pain. Jungkook screams a little at the pain. Taehyung made sure he was fine before thrusting in at a rough speed. Jungkook had cummed a few times  and Taehyung hadn't cummed at all. Jungkook didn't know how much he could take more of this. Jungkook was tired out when Taehyung finally did cum. He fell forward. Tae carried him to their room. Tae smiled as he knew Jungkook was safe as long as he was with him.

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