In Love With My Leader

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  Jungkook was in the most dangerous gang in Seoul. Taehyung is his leader. Namjoon and Hoseok are Taehyung's guards and most trusted members. Yoongi is only apart of the most trusted. Jimin and Jin are main there for their mates. Jungkook was also one of Taehyung's guards, but only if the other two are hurt or got separated from him. Jungkook never had to. He was able to hide his scent. None of the others knew his rank. It made Taehyung not trust him as much as the others.

  Jungkook was laying in his room when Hobi came in and said to get ready. Jungkook knew it was a mission that involved a bar. He had secretly got the manager to let him take over for a hurt stripper. He put on the suit and then something over it to hide his secret plan. Taehyung said the plan on the way there. He wasn't sure his own plan would work. Jungkook didn't really listen. It involved only kidnapping the guy, so Jungkook wasn't fond of the plan, but he changed his own plans. They got out. Jungkook managed to slip away without being seen. The manager led him to the room. The girls were surprised, but changed his look and made him look like a girl. He was put in a wig, too.

  After the show, Jungkook was called back to entertain the guy he was after. He gladly followed. Jungkook got the guy to trust him. He grabbed a bat and hit him over the head. He dragged his body to the back door, where the van was. He texted Taehyung, say, "Come help me get this guy in this stupid van." Taehyung ordered the five to follow him. They were surprised to see Jungkook was still in the stripper uniform. Jungkook had his clothes in the van already. The guy was on the ground. Yoongi and Jimin managed to get the guy in the back. Hobi complemented Jungkook's ability to look like an actual female. Namjoon drove off when everyone got in. Jungkook was able to drag the guy in. The others were surprised at his sudden strength bursts, they barely saw it.

  Jungkook put him in a cell. Taehyung came in when he was in the process of getting him inside. Jungkook jumped when Taehyung called him to his office. Jungkook locked the door of the cell and then followed Taehyung to his office. They were the only ones in their. The others were in their rooms. Jungkook was scared. Taehyung never even paid any time to talk to him. He did the exact opposite with the others. Taehyung circled him and smiled once he was able to smell the slightest hint of omega on him. He approached Jungkook closer up.

  "Now I know why you didn't tell us your rank. Omegas are usually rejected by our gang, but you, Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi were able to join. But, I could fire you and the others if I wanted, but I will strike a deal with you! Be my mate, and you can stay!" Taehyung smiled.

  Jungkook thought about it. "F-Fine..." Jungkook knew what kind of fire he was talking about. It wasn't one where he can leave unwounded and get an another job. He did know a lot more than most for missions.

  Taehyung pulled him to his room. He was going to make him his and only his. Jungkook was worried. Taehyung was rough in everything else he did. Taehyung stripped him faster than Jungkook expected. Taehyung got his own clothes off fast. He was getting impatient. Jungkook was able to be prepped before he lost all control of his patience. He rammed into Jungkook's hole. Jungkook screamed out in pain. Tears made Taehyung not go rough on him. He kissed Jungkook to distract him from the pain. He moved to satisfy his needs. Jungkook was moaning so loud. Taehyung smiled since that meant it wasn't in pain. Jungkook wasn't ready when Taehyung cummed inside. It was more than both of them expected. Jungkook wasn't paying attention when Taehyung marked him. Jungkook was tired and fell asleep a few minutes later. Taehyung cleaned up and made arrangements with the maids to move his stuff from his old room. They got it done by the next morning.

  Taehyung got up and carried the now awake Jungkook to the shower. Jungkook was still half asleep, so Taehyung held onto him until the water woke him up. Jungkook kissed Taehyung when he was able to. Taehyung smiled. He let Jungkook go to go get them clothes. He had a more feminine outfit for Jungkook. Jungkook was fine with it. They had no planned mission for that day. Taehyung was on his phone. Jungkook was sleep while cuddled up. The other five came into the living room and were surprised by the two. Taehyung was texted to do an assassination. Taehyung woke Jungkook up and told him the plan. He was to go in as a new student and lure the girl away from the school. Jungkook wasn't fond of the idea of leaving Taehyung.

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